Urban is available to stream, but “not in my country”? #richardarmitage

Here. Let the annoyance begin.


There’s also now a button to buy a DVD that you can actually push, although it still goes nowhere.

~ by Servetus on April 6, 2018.

45 Responses to “Urban is available to stream, but “not in my country”? #richardarmitage”

  1. She said on Twitter that the film should be available worldwide but the site suffers from technical issues right now and stated the hope that this will be fixed by tomorrow…….oh my….


    • It suggests to me that I could pay to stream one of the other films they have available, but it doesn’t tell me exactly what I’m buying without me giving it my card details. Infinite opportunity to stream? 48 hours? Honestly, there are plenty of people out there with business and technical educations who could solve these problems without difficulty.


      • Yes, it still seems to be a bit nonprofessional and I wish she wouldn’t be so fast with the big announcements on Twitter

        Liked by 1 person

        • Esp when you consider how many of her donors for the last phase are o/s of the UK. I have no objection at all to the UK being first, but it seems like everything she does only generates a series of further questions. All the hassle with Digital Theatre is going to look like a picnic in comparison to what’s about to happen next here.


          • Jup, the problems with DT will be ‘Pipikram’ in comparison to this…..

            I registered to the site and they send me a mail saying:
            ‘…Thank you for registering at Blenheim Films. If you have any questions, please reply to this email and one of our team members will reply to you ASAP….’
            and now I try really hard not to write to them only to see what ‘asap’ means 😉


  2. Totally forgot: Thanks for the heads up Servetus :*

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Thanks for the info 😀 And I have a question: where did you register? On that blue button with a crown?


    • It was an option when I clicked “watch” for one of the other films — I got a screen saying “to watch you must be registered” and then thre was a link to a “register” option.


  4. When I clicked on the link in another post to the Facebook page to see the new trailer, I was very excited to see that Urban was “now available to rent” but…….nothing. I think I’ll wait to register until it’s confirmed Urban is a definite.


    • It looks like they’re streaming via a platform called muvi. On one hand, great, because that suggests they will have solid technical help. OTOH, additional party who needs to be part of every interaction. So who knows …


  5. The button has been there since at least last weekend. That’s the last time I checked before now.


    • Last time I checked, if pushed it you got a blocked screen. Now if you push it, you get a button that does nothing. So a change for me over against last weekend.


      • I’ve been off grid all day. Has anyone successfully streamed this anywhere? Even though I had an account, ( for the donation) there was no account for me and I had to re-register. Urban is not one of the films that comes up for me to purchase – no blue button, no nothing.


        • I haven’t been looking, but about 90 min after I made this post, there was no longer even a button that generated the “not available in your country” message. So: not sure.


        • You could try viewing the site via VPN, with your location set to UK. I have been grading all day, no time to fool around with anything.


  6. Just to update – using the the other link with “muvi” I did get a screen that Urban was not available to stream in my country – make that three countries.

    Liked by 1 person

    • “Blenheim Films is an Equal Opportunity Geoblocker”


      • As far as I can tell, Belnheim has full rights to the film, so there’s no reason I can think of why it should be geoblocked. I tried Mex, US and UK – no joy. Still don’t know if anyone, anywhere has accessed it.


        • Australia can’t see it. I haven’t seen anyone tweeting about it, which I think is evidence no one is watching.

          Also I just saw that Candida Brady wants to have a poll about which subtitles to have on the DVD. It’s going to be a long wait.


          • FCS! From what viewers have said, subtitles in English might be helpful.


            • Something else and I may be borrowing trouble — when I did register with the site, there’s a link that says “manage devices.” When I clicked on it, it said “no devices detected.” Now, it may not be detecting b/c I didn’t order anything to stream. But I’m bracing myself for the possibility that this will only stream to a phone. (shrugs)


              • No! I’ve had that in the past with other content, and I have almost always been able to choose my mac. I think we need to look into muvi to see what they’re capable of streaming.


        • I’ve see. Some reactions on tmblr from some who seem to have managed to i need to be back ho.e to try I hope for dvd as i want to have it for unlimited rewatch…


  7. I hate waiting for work that is already out, but I may stream and order the DVD if I know it will be get to NY when I do

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m thinking I’ll stream it and then buy the DVD. I can’t imagine waiting until ____? for a DVD that apparently doesn’t have subtitles? (I thought that that was part of what fans were donating for and that that had been accomplished.)


  8. I’m in a chat with Muvi. I asked the question = what devices will be available to stream on, and the answer was ” the issue has been fixed” Still trying.


  9. They say it can be streamed on a laptop, or more precisely, they said ” movies can be streamed on a laptop of phone.”

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It seems to work for Germany now, but I haven’t tried yet because there is still no information about the terms of the streaming, quality, etc….

    Liked by 1 person

  11. I’ve ordered – £9.99, reduced from……£9.99! for that you can view it twice in thirty days. Am watching now on my laptop, wish I could do so on the big screen TV but it seems I will have to wait for the DVD.


    • Hmmm, eight minutes in and the streaming is erratic (could be my internet provider) and I could do with subtitles, but I find myself not caring – I’m finally watching UATSC and Chop!

      Liked by 2 people

      • I suspect server will be under pressure with simultaneous requests. Sometimes it helps tp start and pause and let it sort of locally download esp if HD to prevent too much buffering fingets x it works for you


    • Thanks for the info Mezz!!! I still haven’t tried it because my internet is a bit unstable at the moment but I’ll give it a shot as soon as I am in the right mood


  12. Purchase went through, but all I get is the buffering circle, for 7 minutes. I stream stuff all the time, with uneven results, but this looks like a no go. I have contacted Blenheim to see what they say. How long did it take for you to get the film going, Mezz?


    • It started straight up, Perry, but the buffering happened every few seconds. I put up with it for a while then I paused it and left it for 10-15 minutes or so, then came back to it, and that seemed to help. I did that about about three times – it’s taken me three hours to watch a two hour movie. It was well worth the hassle though. I hope it works out for you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’ll keep at it thanks. I am in Mexico and sometimes my internet is not great – but most of the time I stream a lot of live stuff and other content with no, or little problem ( occasional buffering). I have rarely had a situation where something just won’t play. Maybe I’ll try another time of day. It may be that the website has a lot of traffic now. I remember watching Berlin Station live on Sling TV and it took me about 90 minutes to watch 54 minutes of the episode. Sigh. I’ll keep at it. Thanks.


        • See above try again start it and pause leave it for 1h if you can and hopefully once you press play again it will stream buffer free fingers x fir you!


  13. I have ten more papers to grade, then I’ll try it. Server load may be really heavy just now if everyone is trying to watch it.

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  14. Thanks for the advice, but I’ve been trying all day, in several locations, and now the site tells me that my access is over and I have to buy it again. I’ve emailed Blenheim and expect and answer, probably after the weekend. Right now, as of the last hour, access is not available to me – the play screen is gone.


  15. Someone tweeted that it’s not equipped for iPads OR iMacs. I have a Macbook Pro — guessing I’m included in the blackout. Maybe I’ll try to watch on dad’s computer but right now I’m too tired to even try. Honestly I am just so fatigued with the constant wrestling with technical shit and pre-anxiety about whatever precarious arrangement I will need to watch the latest thing. I knew we could expect this with Candida Brady, but I didn’t anticipate how annoyed I’d get about it. I may need a break.


    • I have a mac pro and I was told by Muvi it can stream on laptops – also, I did get to the screen for the film. I’ve sent a number of emails ( weekend, though). I imagine something will be sorted. As I indicated, the website is screwed up for other reasons, as they’ve cut off my access after 11 hours ( access to nothing, I should add)


  16. […] reclamation of the material they were told they had purchased permanently. Blenheim Films’ problems with streaming fulfillment. Your relationship with your VPN. Berlin Station and its uneven distribution across the […]


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