Richard Armitage in a previous sweater configuration

Richard Armitage in Vicar of Dibley.

Our dishwasher’s heating element died today. Broke in half. My brother came over to look at it tonight, and he can fix it, but we’d have to find the part, and since the dishwasher was purchased sometime between 1991 and 1994, we’ll probably replace it and he’ll haul this one away and install a new one tomorrow. I know I should be happy we can afford to replace it, and I am, but honestly, I am starting to wonder what else can happen this week! (As you know the dishwasher is very important in our house, if I don’t want to turn into the permanent dishwasher myself.)

Oh, and I have a student who can’t turn in her final paper on time because her cousin is “in a comma” (sic). It is that time of year. I never know how to respond.

So have an early Richard Armitage. I wonder if Harry washed dishes at all. U.S. readers, do you love your dishwasher and if so, what kind is it?

~ by Servetus on December 12, 2018.

41 Responses to “Richard Armitage in a previous sweater configuration”

  1. I ADORE my dishwasher. My last home’s dishwasher didn’t work and my landlord wouldn’t replace it (because it worked just fine when I moved in 2 years before) and my first apartment had a dishwasher that wouldn’t fill with water. I used a lot of paper plates and plastic silverware.

    The landlord I have now is on the ball when it comes to fixing things. I have a faucet right now that’s spitting water and scaring the cats. I told her Monday, plumber was here 2 hours later and apparently, it’s going to be a huge brohaha because the water company has to turn off the water.

    Go figure.

    Is it pervy of me that I love young Richie???


    • This was a very charming moment of his.

      One of the big transitions for me of the last six months is living in the house like I’m the responsible owner. Dad always took care of all of this stuff. Now I have to care if the sump is running or not. I’ve always been a renter and never had any real problems.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I don’t think I”ll ever own another house. When Spawn graduates and moves out, I’ll downsize. Furniture mostly – not the books. Those will keep me company. (I hope)


  2. We have a Bosch and it’s horrible!


  3. I have a Kenmore. I only use it about once a week on Sundays. I do use it for parties it’s a lifesaver as I hate paper and plastic. Only bigger parties I will use plastic and paper, but not for birthday parties. I have had it for 2 years and seems fine. The one in the house before was the one put in when the house was build in 1979 and it was a Whirlpool I think. Only replaced with the kitchen remodel and wanted one in stainless.

    I have two boys and a husband who do the dishes. My husband hates the dishwasher and will do the holiday dishes. It works for me.


  4. I have a Kitchenaide and I think it is only OK. I feed a lot of people frequently so I use it a lot. The best thing about it, very quiet. You can turn it on and still hear the tv.


  5. literally couldn’t live without my dishwasher! i was lucky to get in on freecycle about 9 years ago-its an old Bosch that is a workhorse-only goes on once a week as there’s just the two of us but i would go insane. Which probably seems like an overreaction-but to a degree with my job i would spend part of the day ‘washing dishes’ ie cleaning dirty dental instruments and the last thing i need to come home to is more washing up! lol

    I bet Harry washes dishes -he seems like a new man and quite neat and tidy 😀


    • I’m actually grateful for the reassurance. Pre-stroke we were probably running it once a week, because we were each eating probably only one meal a day here — now it’s 2-3 times a week as we both eat 2-3 meals a day here.

      I think he does, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. FWIW .. we have a Dishlex … have just loaded it up after roast lamb dinner. Thanks so mcuh for the Harry pic. – afraid I’m living in the past a tad. Good wishes for the next few weeks … I hope all goes better than anticipated 🙂


    • I don’t think we have that brand in the U.S., but I’m glad it’s handling your lamby dishes.

      As you probably remember Harry is not my favorite, but this is a sweet moment.


  7. LOL “Previous sweater configuration”!
    Not your target group for dishwasher recommendations, but well: mine is a Bosch. More than 10 years old at this stage, and doing a great job. (I am a typical German who firmly believes in investing more in brand name products that will last for longer.)

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think German household appliances are the bomb. (Although I guess Cindy doesn’t like hers, see above). I had a Miele several times in sublets and likd them, too.

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  8. Look at the handle, I had a Zanussi, the handle snapped!
    You may not have that brand but it’s really awkward if it takes two hands to open the darn thing.


  9. Der Mann…zum Niederknutschen ! 😛 …….and I’m still my own permanent handraulic dishwasher !! Though I keep on wandering who the heck is causing all that washing-up on a daily basis with me being out of the flat for more than 12 hours every day…..


  10. I do love mine! It’s an ancient Kenmore but I don’t care, it works. It’s probably the hardest working thing in my family. And if it broke down I would move heaven and earth to replace it in a day or less. How’s that for true love?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I appreciate the reassurance. Even apart from the current situation, it is the appliance we use most constantly, and the thought of being without it for more than two days is a bit daunting. #firstworldproblems I admit

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  11. Mine get washed the old-fashioned way – by hand. Our dinky kitchen doesn’t have room for a dishwasher without me losing a cabinet. Thankfully, my 18 year old son helps 99% of the time.
    My sister has one of the drawer-type washers & loves it (but she lives by herself and has, at most, 2 cups & a plate to wash on any given day).
    My late mother-in-law had a Kenmore for years & we both loved it. My only complaint was that she’d wash the dishes in the sink before putting them in the dishwasher. Go figure.
    Anyway, that’s my two cents, for what they’re worth.
    p.s. I love Harry!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I must confess I still prewash my dishes with soap as I was never sure how well the dishwasher would work in the house we bought 14 years ago. It was 24 years old at the time. Even with the new one I still do when I use it (once a week for Sunday dinner). My husband would rather wash by hand and shares the duty with are 18 and 19 year old boys when everyone is home. All three of my boys do dishes and don’t need to be told, they just wash after meals.


  12. After having a dishwasher for 20+ years, then not having one for 5 years, I absolutely love having a dishwasher! Who wants to spend their time washing dishes?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks for the comment and welcome. I’m sure there are some Zen monks somewhere who want to wash dishes … but not me.


  13. Ich habe eine Spülmaschine von Bosch, die bei uns in der Familie oft im Einsatz ist. Sie arbeitet größtenteils zuverlässig, hat aber im letzten Jahr ausgerechnet an Heilig Abend den Geist aufgegeben, was mit all den Gästen äußerst ungünstig war. Glücklicherweise konnte der Schatz sie nach einigen Tagen und mit dem passenden Ersatzteil wieder reparieren. Danach weiß man das Gerät dann ganz besonders zu schätzen.
    Ich wünsche dir ein glückliches Händchen beim Neuerwerb und hoffe, dass du keine “Montagsmaschine” erwischst.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I was so happy to fill the machine again, I can’t tell you.

      Wasn’t there a German writer, who wrote a column where he spoke with his dishwasher, Bosch? In the 90s maybe? in the FAZ or something?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ich freue mich für dich und hoffe, dass sie in Zukunft zuverlässig funktioniert.
        Wahrscheinlich meinst du Axel Hacke. Er schreibt für das Magazin der SZ. Dort spricht er gerne mit seinem Kühlschrank, den er Bosch nennt (aus verständlichen Gründen) und mit dem er teilweise sehr tiefgründige Fragen erörtert, meist spät in der Nacht. Ich persönlich mag seinen Humor und seine Texte sehr. Er hat zum Beispiel eine Schwäche für Missverständnisse, die beim Hören von Liedtexten entstehen. Er sammelt solche Hörfehler und sein Buch darüber ist amüsant, auch wenn es einen politisch unkorrekten Titel trägt (manchmal verhört man sich halt politisch unkorrekt).


  14. No dishwater here ^^


  15. I would simply die without my dishwasher. And it has been making alarming noises lately…..i’m worried that the problem could be contagious.
    I wonder what it is like to be “in a comma.” Perhaps more comfortable than being in a permanent question mark? 😉


    • The person in the comma turned in a plagiarized paper. Sigh. I love my job, I love my job.

      There better not be a dishwasher illness contagion.


  16. Since I live alone I am my own dishwasher after all how many dishes can one person have. I have one in the apt but I never use it. I really never noticed the make. Amazing your dishwasher lasted that long! Don’t blame you for not wanting to be the ‘dishwasher when I was married and cooked larger meals, yes, I loved mine and use it. lol Enjoy the new one.


    • I do feel like if I didn’t run it at least once a week I’d wash by hand. Or I’d like to think that anyway. Something in me rebels against running a half empty one.


  17. Happy dishwasher hunting and good luck!


  18. Nur wunderschöne deutsche Technologie, “deutsche Qualität “: Miele W844 novotronic. Zwanzig Jahre alt, es funktioniert auch noch, unzerstörbar!


  19. Like you I NEED a dishwasher in my house! Hope yours has been replaced by now!


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