[spoilers] Why Berlin Station marketing feels the need to spoil their own show puzzles me


~ by Servetus on January 6, 2019.

12 Responses to “[spoilers] Why Berlin Station marketing feels the need to spoil their own show puzzles me”

  1. Looks like someone who had nice long legs. hehehe

    Liked by 2 people

  2. This show is so predictable; lack of suspense and intelligent twists should never be the norm when it comes to a genre that has mystery at its very core. Oh, and once again, what an appalling advertising department!

    Liked by 2 people

    • it’s like they don’t was us to get involved in caring about the show. But they still want us to keep watching it?


  3. How bizarre. But then again, we already knew that RI was coming back at some stage.
    The whole promo feels rather half-hearted this season. In fact, Leland Orser is making more promo (and better) than the official Twitter…

    Liked by 3 people

    • He is Guylty! I devoured his IG and Twitter stuff this summer on BS. Good for him that he is professional and promotes the series. The Armitage should do the same. Mina has been good too. Orser has a role in a Patty Jenkins Chris Pine series too coming out end of Jan
      so he serves recognition even if he doesn’t have 225,000 Twitter followers

      Liked by 1 person

    • he’s definitely doing more and he’s using Twitter the way it is supposed to be used. Now, if found Orser likable or relatable … I’ve been trying to decide if my growing aversion to his tweets is a function of me not liking him, or if it’s an effect of Twitter.


  4. These guys are unbelievable!!! Wirklich ohne Worte…


  5. Orser annoys me so much that I just can’t manage watching the show anymore. It stopped being interesting. Sort of sad, because it really had potential.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. I wonder if viewership would have any noticeable drop if Miller is indeed dead (which I hope he isn’t because ANY kind of RA screen time is better than none) or, has Leland Orser’s twitter dedication charm added enough RA fans to his ‘Legion’ to compensate any drop off?

    Liked by 1 person

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