Minor epiphany

Sunday was a peculiar day and all of my resentments came up at once without any opportunity for me to express them. As a result when I did finally get somewhere where I had the potential to accomplish something, I had to spend two hours moving my mood back into the realm of workability. But: during those two hours where everything boiled over non-stop, I had a series of insights about what’s been wrong with me as a writer for the last year or so. I won’t get into it all here because I think it’s more important to me than it would be to you. I came to the conclusion that I need to re-adopt some of my earlier writing strategies (I know why I abandoned them, but the reasons were not great at the time and are less great now) and I need to re-envision my relationship with my reasons for writing and with the reader / audience I have in my mind.

I am the only person I can change.

Now I am stuck in dad’s taxes and grading, but I’m feeling a new resolve and a slightly different energy. I really hope it pays off.

Thanks to Carly Q for this post and SueBC for this comment — both thought-provoking and re-orienting and eye-opening.

~ by Servetus on March 19, 2019.

24 Responses to “Minor epiphany”

  1. Good luck with maintaining your resolve Servetus. I look forward to reading
    some of the results here hopefully..( The still is from one of my favourite interviews with RA.

    Liked by 2 people

    • I think that’s the point at which he’s warning the audience to brush their teeth, no? I posted it because that is my all time favorite leather jacket of his.


      • Yes, he seems so coyly seductive in the interview, relaxed and laughing. It interests me too because he seems to have a southern twang at certain points ( English southern, not US), like when he says ‘nah’ just after the ‘allegedly’ bit . I l love it Happy birthday too Servertus. Welcome, you’ve come over to our side it’s not so bad over here ( so far .. )

        Liked by 1 person

  2. First, I loved that post (re Richard). Second, I love your writing style and your rich vocabulary. Maybe my opinion as a non English native speaker is not of a great value but I read a lot in English (as well as in other languages) and I can tell that you write way better than many (so-called) bestselling authors.


    • Thanks. I think, to be a bestseller, it helps to have a more restricted vocabulary. (I also think it helps during writing — you spend less time thinking about which word to use if you don’t have so many.)


  3. Your blog was the first I de-lurked and it was b/c you are a honest, insightful and inspiring writer far beyond what I could ever say or think. I think with the visuals over the last week esp my fav Proctor for MP and Thorin the creativity may have resurged/reborn. Sometimes life’s obstacles become blessings in disguise. I wanted to wish you a belated Happy Birthday and reaching a new milestone which I did two years ago this coming June may you continue to find new goals and new opportunities to shine.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks for your thoughts .. new energy sounds great. I’m a big fan and will probably watch one of your movies again tomorrow. Greetings wherever you are now. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

  5. 🙂 Je suis heureuse que votre inspiration créatrice revit en cette fin d’hiver. Sachez que votre regain de motivation, votre renouveau de dynamisme me donne envie de prendre la plume et l’encrier également. Merci d’en être l’inspiratrice ou l’initiatrice.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Glad to be of service! I’ve been keeping in mind what you said to me about just being present as I’ve been struggling to have the mental energy to post anything, let alone write coherently. So thank you too.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. When the next two bad hours come: fight despair with humor. You can do that.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Oh, before I forget it .. I like you

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  9. Life is constantly changes and if you feel you need to go back to your writing style then do it. Also brutal honesty can be constructive and if you can’t handle it you should look elsewhere.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I can’t believe this post was now a month ago — I’ve been wanting to write the followup that whole time and there just has not been a single moment.


  10. Brutal honesty is as difficult to give as it is to receive. I hope you get through it with minor drama from the recipients, assuming there is more than one. We are rooting for you.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. As someone once famously said: “You go girl”

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Good to hear you felt a bit of a breakthrough! Hope you can hold on to it.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. It sounds maybe strange but as I passed 30 I changed my outfit, as I passed 40 I changed my career completely. As I passed the 50 I remarked that I speak my opinion more frankly than before. So as you said you are the only person you can change. Take your time to re-orientate yourself and I am looking forward with confidence that you will find your style of writing.

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