
~ by Servetus on May 4, 2020.

25 Responses to “Aaaw.”

  1. Aaaaw!


  2. […] saw a Richard Armitage video clip on Servetus’s blog just now (thank you, Serv, for finding that!) that I just need to post here as well.  Richard, […]


  3. Aaaw is right! His messages lately have been leaving me a little cold, but this one is so cute! That nice bit of nostalgia and gratitude… and of course the casual, relaxed look gives me the warm fuzzies.


  4. Thank you Servetus! This certainly came at a very welcome time for many of us I’m sure. A pick-me-up sorely needed in these times of isolation and social distancing. I hope it won’t be too long before the lights do come on again and those fortunate enough to be able to attend theatres can be together once more.
    And thank you Richard. Hope you too keep well and safe. God bless!


  5. The other thing to be observed about this vid — that is the worst kind of shirt for pics / camera. Waaaay too busy. LOL.


  6. Loving it, especially the bed hair! Over the years he has often gone into hiding, busy working or just keeping to himself. He then shows up just when I need him to and it’s all the more special for being a rare appearance. I like that he’s not front and centre all the time like so many celebrities crave to be.


    • and in service of an organization he cares about — which is also really like him. My suspicion with so many of these celebs who were “doing things” these last six weeks is that it was more about their need to be seen as a performer than about us — and I have never had the feeling from Armitage that he has that need per se, or at least not very strongly.


  7. He is such a beautiful man. His message is so warm and the directness feels so intimate. I agree about the-t-shirt, it plays havoc with my eyes.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I realized while I was falling asleep — he speaks in complete sentences all the way through this. Not his usual stream of consciousness. I think he must have written the text down and then spoken what he’d learned. I have no issues with that — it definitely helps the whole thing seem warmer.


  8. Coincidentally I just finished watching Plot Against America on HBO, which features Zoe Kazan. What a talented actress! She portrays a mother of a teenage boy in the film when shortly before that she had portrayed a teenager herself in Love, Love, Love.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Weird. I left a comment on here last night, but it didn’t appear.
    Nothing too profound… just agreeing with the Aaaw sentiment and getting the warm fuzzies from the comfortable scruffy look.


  10. Love, love, love him.


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