Richard Armitage lockdown birthday #49!

Happy birthday to Richard Armitage and many happy returns!

What a bizarre year. That’s pretty much all I can say. Just typing that much is tiring me out. I’m hoping for for energy after this class I’m teaching ends next week. I certainly wish all the best to Mr. Armitage — health, prosperity, interesting work, and so on.

This is my tenth post of this kind. In honor of the occasion, I will make a donation of £1 (GBP) for each person who comments on this post from now until I close comments (probably on Sunday morning, 8/23, my time). A person is someone with a unique handle, email and IP address who leaves a comment HERE at my wordpress blog. Limit one comment per person. Lurkers and first-time commentators are welcome. Your comment does not have to have any particular content. There is no limit on the donation. I will not be sending separate notice to Richard Armitage about this activity, nor do I expect any acknowledgement from him. This is just for fans, really. Because I’ve been doing it forever. My little Richard Armitage birthday hobby.

This year, the money will again be donated to LOROS in honor of Margaret Armitage.

Those in a giving mood may also want to give separately to a charity that Richard Armitage has supported.

If you need something to comment about: What would you do together if you were in a lockdown bubble with Mr. Armitage — hypothetically, of course? You don’t need to keep it clean.

~ by Servetus on August 20, 2020.

74 Responses to “Richard Armitage lockdown birthday #49!”

  1. Happy birthday Richard and all good wishes to you, Servetus.

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  2. Start with the top button?

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  3. While still in lockdown I would love diners with Richard eating only (sweet and chocolatey) deserts.


  4. I hope the rest of the year is better for you. 😇


  5. Great that you’re doing this again!
    As for what I’d do with RA – if I were single, well, I think I’d like to do the obvious… If he were in lockdown here with my family – take walks & bike rides, chat a lot, veg infront of the TV, play Rummikub and Scrabble, laugh, and drink lots and lots of pinot noir.


    • Do you play scrabble in English or Dutch? (I found it brutal to try to play Scrabble in German)

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      • Preferably English, but Dutch is fine too. I’m not sure if I’ve ever done German. I used to play it with my dad (he used to take ages finding the perfect word, we banned using dictionaries because of him) and some of my siblings a lot but no one at my house now likes Scrabble. Oh well, I don’t make them play Scrabble and they don’t make me play Monopoly. I hope Richard likes Scrabble when he comes to stay! 😊

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  6. Ooh.
    I love that I get to do this for the first time. Excited 😁.
    Late I know, as most persons would think one would be over RA by now, I’m just living it up with my little girl along for the ride.
    I do find him a wonder, and I would probably just do the normal just sitting and taking up each others space. Cooking some of my native foods since he seems to love curry and some jerk vegetables, seafood, pork just about anything. Read books and just talk and probably sitting outside in the night.

    I’m having in internal Thumper moment. Honestly, just the chance to be his friend for a day, especially his birthday is enough for me.

    No I’m crying. Aahhh.

    Thank you Servetus. Much love and hope you and your family are healthy and safe.
    I don’t miss teaching at all but I hope going into this new semester will be more refreshing for you.

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    • Aaw, don’t cry. We’re glad you’re here. And the casual hangout fantasy is so potent!

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      • 😊
        Thanks. So I watched RA in Hannibal, well most of it, and I was really wondering how this guy hasn’t received any more awards. I can I tell you I blushed so hard at his ‘ first time and cave man reaction’.
        That is the while reason I try not to think about him in other fantasies. This man with all his flaws and fineness would own my heart. Husband might become more jealous than he already is. He loves most of the shows with Armitage, but since finding out that he’s our crush (my type too), he’s been giving the stink eye and boycotting all the shows. (Laughing really hard).

        Thanks much.


        • yeah — the non-development of Armitage’s career has been a real puzzle over the years.

          I’m glad you’ve got the situation with your husband under control. Remind him that after all, Armitage is not THERE and he is!


  7. Ha!


  8. I think I’m more in need of a cuddle, with him in the fisherman’s sweater, long hair, and beard. It’s feeling pretty chilly and rainy here today. Thanks for doing this. Hope you’re doing okay. I’m sure you are looking forward to some downtime.

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  9. Hi Servetus, thank you for always being so special. Sending you energy for your activities. (◠‿◠✿)


  10. So this past week in our weekly free shopper type paper it has the weekly horoscope with celebrity birthdays and yes Richard had is listed this year. Never seen it before but what a great surprise.

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  11. What would I do with Richard in lockdown (besides the obvious 😈)? Well, since he says he’s handy around the house, we could redo my bathroom – it’s in bad need of painting. 😂
    Lazy evenings we could spend with him on one end of the sofa, me on the other, and both of us with our noses buried in books. 😏

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  12. Aujourd’hui, ma maman fête ses 90 ans. S’il était possible de le retrouver “in lockdown bubble”, un morceau de gâteau d’anniversaire, devrait être conservé pour celui qui demain fêtera ses 49 ans.
    Selon le principe de l’adage, qu’il faut toujours garder une part pour l’invité inconnu qui pourrait se présenter à table.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Love this tradition of yours, thanks for doing it again!


  14. Reblogged this on The Book of Esther and commented:

    Servetus is doing her yearly charity donation thing for Richard Armitage’s birthday. This one also benefits LOROS. Have a gander and participate if you like…


  15. Thank you Servetus for this generous gesture. I hope you can have some relaxation after teaching ends. After re-watching Spooks this week, I’m punch-drunk with his beauty so if I were locked in a bubble with Richard Armitage I’d ‘snog’ the very bones of him – and hide the bubble key.

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  16. if I were on lockdown with Richard, we’d bake orange Fanta bread together and then when he spit it out b/c it’s ‘rank’, he’d clean my kitchen for me 😀

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  17. Thank you Servetus, you’re so nice 💝 Here is too warm for cuddles (36 C aka 96,8 F). Maybe some sponge bath? Stay safe ladies, I wish you all the best 💖💖💖


  18. Thanks, Serv. I rarely comment, but I always read your posts. Wishing you some renewing down time soon.


  19. Hello. Delurking to tell you that I’m glad you still make time for posting here.


  20. Thanks for this. I’d say to him? Don’t cut your hair short ever again, the beard up to you, scruff to Procter and all points in between are fine by me. Then I’d drape my arm across the back of the sofa and twist his nape curls around my fingers.

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  21. Loved “Uncle Vanya”, got tickets to one of the local theater’s version of it for May, got postponed until mid-September.

    I have tons of board games to play, so hopefully he’d enjoy them too 😀

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  22. Thank you for doing this again this year Serv, stay safe and well. 🙂

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  23. So nice to see you keeping up the tradition. 10 years – it’s a good long time, too. With many interesting (…) things happening.
    In any case, hope the grading will come to an end soon and you get some sort of holiday, too.

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    • yeah, I’ll have to think of something to do on my anniversary that will be really exciting this time. Happy Richard’s birthday!

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  24. Hi Servetus. I’ve just started rooting around your site and loving your RA-related posts.

    I think what I’d do with Richard today is drink lots of Champagne 🥂 – but I hope he’d be sharing the day with v close friends & family too. (I’d love to be in that circle!)

    I imagine as an introvert, the non-socialising, reading books, and able to work from home (audiobooks and interviews), are actually enjoyable to him, so not much ‘suffering’ there during most of lockdown? But I guess he’d want to reach out to be with family on special days, like today? I imagine it might still be bitter-sweet getting together with family, coz such a vital part of the family is now absent. 🙏🤲😪

    Best wishes and thanks for this site and your works today. 👏❤️🤑

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  25. So Richard Armitage begins his 50th year in a dark and dystopian time. May he grow and prosper despite all the obstacles he faces! I will never forget the luminous performance of Uncle Vanya that I was lucky to see before lockdown.

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  26. Servetus, one of the best things with your RA birthday ritual is, (besides collecting money) seeing a lot of “old” names popping up, and giving me (and others?) a feeling of being still at home and around in RA world (a kind of familiarity over so many years) .
    Thank’s a lot for this! Looking forward to more…
    PS. Appropriate for this strenuous year I’d love to take a long walk with RA in the woods….(sounds like a pretty good idea to me) 😉

    Liked by 1 person

    • The money is sort of incidental — it is, indeed, an opportunity to get a wave and a smile in from people who I don’t hear from all that often.

      The woods sounds great. But I think I’d like YOU to sunbathe with him in the Englischen Garten. Social distancing, of course 🙂

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      • Goodness! I’m not that a sunbathing kinda type (next to this adonis!!!??), but rest assured I will ‘schlepp’ him around the whole park which is …..enormous.
        AND I ought to tell you, it will be pretty hard to not have any wandering hands (!!!), and to observe social distancing, for the Englische Garten is quite crowded these sweltering hot days. 😛 Oh my, oh my! Now that you have me pondering….

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  27. I would indulge Richard in all sorts of activities! I’m slightly obsessed with organization, so I’d definitely go through his wardrobe and get rid of all the ill-fitting clothes, especially the t-shirts.

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  28. Had the loveliest half hour after waking up reading through. I love your tradition and it’s a reminder of great times in this mad year. But it had good bits too 😉 happy returns to Richie and to better times coming for us all so we can do repeats many hugs xx .. and i got myself emotional there 🙂 good to remember not all this year was bad 🙂 x

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  29. Oh and if like to spend the time with him somewhere autumn childish near a deserted beach in an old house having teas cooking and talking and listening …

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  30. Comments closed. Thanks everyone.

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  31. Money was donated. I topped it up a bit as I didn’t publicize this much, and my charity budget wasn’t exhausted.

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