The last mile (part two of more than two parts)

Continued from here. Honestly!

To be continued, although apparently NOT next Tuesday.

~ by Servetus on January 30, 2021.

18 Responses to “The last mile (part two of more than two parts)”

  1. Bummer. 😦


  2. Oh no! How disappointing to believe that you have an appointment and then to find out you actually don’t. That’s quite a big mistake on someone’s part


    • I really could have screamed. That I have another day like this one to look forward to fills me with dread.


      • In the UK we don’t have to book through Eventbrite but we do have huge numbers to deal with
        I am in group 5 that’s for people over 65 so I reckon around May 2021 if I’m lucky


  3. Oh ffs…. I’m so sorry!


  4. How frustrating and annoying. I hope you get an appointment soon. We’ve got a couple of big vaccination centres in my town and people are grumbling now about the parking – and it is towards saving their lives.


    • yeah, I was very frustrated with dad yesterday. He doesn’t want to “waste half a day” getting a vaccination, but if he’s at home he mostly watches tv anyway. And it’s free, although he could certainly afford to pay for it. (And they were trying to set up a situation where you wouldn’t wait in a long line, although it looks like they really messed that up.) His nose was so out of joint about it that I had contemplated doing a dry run of the trip so I would know where to park (parking is free for this event, too) and how to get into the building in order to avoid further tsuris.


  5. Même refrain ici en France!
    Qui pouvait croire qu’il y aurait assez de vaccins … nous tous les incrédules.
    Les gestes de prévention resteront, encore pour bien longtemps, nos meilleures alliées contre ce virus.

    Liked by 1 person

    • They’re saying here that you need to mask even if you’ve completed the vaccinations, so I imagine it may be a semi-permanent feature of life for a while.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Même vacciné on pourra attraper le virus (même figure qu’avec la grippe) , l’espoir est que l’immunité acquise permettra de mieux y résister et être moins contaminants.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. […] Continued from here. […]


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