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RAworld Secret Valentine 2014

RAValentine 1

The Goddess of Coincidence has spoken. The Valentines are assigned. I called on the help of Mr. Thornton for the determining the Secret Valentines . He was too shy to appear in any daguerreotype never mind an iPhone picture (such modern tools…), but he lent me his top hat, and we did it the old-fashioned way: We drew the pairings out of his hat.

You should all have received an e-mail with the subject “Here’s your RAworld Secret Valentine” from me, Guylty, at this point, giving you the name of the person you should address your Valentine’s missive to. If you have not – please get in touch with  me! I have tried to include the URLs of bloggers or identify other platforms where your Valentine might be active and can be found under their name. If you have trouble reading up on them, drop me a line and I’ll…

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~ by Servetus on February 7, 2014.