The iliac crest

This is for RAFrenzy, who expressed a preference for the iliac crest, and Nietzsche, who also likes the hips. You can see just the beginning of the iliac crest here; our eyes are drawn to it by that awful scar, which seems to have healed awfully quickly.

Gerry pulls off the belt of John Porter (Richard Armitage) to prove that he knows Porter is a military operative in Strike Back 1.5. My cap.

You can see the margin of the hip here and the side of the crest, but of course also my own favorite little swell of abdominal flesh.

RAFrenzy doesn’t have a word for her reaction to this body part. Perhaps some of us can help her out. For me it’s the sound I hear when I feel my pelvic floor dropping out of my body…

~ by Servetus on August 10, 2010.

68 Responses to “The iliac crest”

  1. “THUD” ~~~~d r o o l~~~~~~


  2. supercalifragilistic makes me richardlidocious


  3. Never before this scene have I suddenly wanted so much to be a rather ugly red-haired Scotsman . . . coooo!!


  4. @Rob – fantastic! Continuing the Dibley theme, how do you spell the noise that Emma Thompson made in response to the Sense + Sensibility proposal?

    Younger Sister has an all-purpose word, deployed in response to everything from “The Prime Minister just proposed – WHAT?”, to “It’s RICHARD ARMITAGE!!” It’s “Wooof”! Obviously complimentary, to put it mildly, in the latter deployment.

    But considering that we’re talking about pelvic floors and iliac crests, obviously it must be closer to OOOF. (as in, “it appears the elevator cable has been cut”)


    • “Bwuah~Bwuah” is my closest guess. And I never noticed it in Emma.

      I would love to have been that cameraman that did that looong angled zoom-in shot from down below gliding all t h e w a y u p e v e r s o s l o w

      *fell in a swoon*


    • It’s like the sound that you make when you gulp and groan at the same time.


    • @Fitzg — totally forgot about that connection! That noise was Dawn French at her finest.


  5. ROFLOL!!….. thud. (RAFrenzy would say more, but she hit her head when she passed out; more later I’m sure).


  6. My mind is going to very, very naughty places for a respectable old married lady . . .


    • Angie, your mind has taken you and us, your readers, to similarly delightfully naughty places in relation to John Porter in your fan fic Truce :)! This screencap definitely inspires rather more than a PHWOAR! I think it calls forth a primal woman groan, along with the swooning and thudding!


  7. Um, if I had him before me tied to that cross torturing him, like Sharq intends to, is not what crosses my mind, at least not in that sense…


    • It’s so weird — when I see Gerry stripping that belt off of him — the reaction I get. I’m not sure if that’s at first i think Gerry is going to use the belt on him — or that I wish I was taking the belt out of his trousers — or that I think we’re going to see more? It’s like an odd combination of fear and arousal and jealousy …


      • Hm, I never thought Gerry would use the belt on him – he is a desperate creature, not a vicious one. Yes and yes to the latter two points!


      • Agree with Nietzche, I thought the last 2 when I first watched that scene. I’m a Guy girl, I’ve always said so but JP totally brings out, mainly, my lusty side 😛

        OML 🙂


        • Well, other than the Divinely Delicious Henchman, I can’t think of a better bloke to bring out one’s lusty side, OML!


      • I’m with Nietzche and OML, I didn’t think of Gerry using it to harm John, the poor bedeviled fellow; but the latter thoughts, oh yes. When I re-watched SB with my husband, I believe I made a point to look away from the screen at the point so he wouldn’t catch my eyes dilating and the drool forming at the corner of my mouth.


      • I think what surprises me is the swiftness and ferocity with which Gerry pulls the belt off.


        • Gerry wasn’t the most stable fellow in the world, was he?
          You were never sure what he was going to do next.


  8. Oh, and manners!! Thank you for the post 😀


  9. SB won’t be here till Nov., so one (no, I’m not the Queen) has to rely on vids and Y-Tube, as opposed to context for now. Perhaps the actual film will reveal all, but I would be somewhat more inclined to fantisize me in Gerry’s place, gently removing the belt. Somehow, torture or its threat, don’t quite appeal…


  10. Mmmmm!


  11. Believe it or not, even though I’m anonymous, I still can’t cheat on SO. I have never had an RA fantasy where I was, uh, interacting with him physically. SO’s face would probably somehow superimpose itself over RA’s face anyway. LOL!

    Seriously, I’ve never had a sexual fantasy or dream about the guy. I guess I’m the boring one in the crowd. When the belt was taken off, oh, I thought it was intended to be fraught with all kinds of sexual innuendo. I’m not blind, but as far as putting myself in Gerry’s place? No, I never did that. But hey, you all go right ahead. Yes, I mean that. 😀 I wouldn’t keep anyone from fantasizing as if I could. LOL!

    I find it interesting that I cannot cheat even in my head, and as my blog progresses, you’ll probably find out why. Lucky you (rolls eyes).


    • Actually I’m the same but it doesn’t stop me appreciating his beautiful face and body.


    • Actually, my dreams of RA have never been sexual (well, one kind of teetered on it, but it was actually very comical. I dreamt I was in some bed chamber with Vasey (shudder) on his way to see me, and suddenly, in popped RA as the world’s tallest grammar school production angel . . . tinsel halo, homemade wings and all. He was laughing and I was laughing and we embraced and fell on the bed together . . . and that was it.)

      Then there was the time he was barbecuing burgers on my parents’ back porch, chatting away with them. He was nice enough to have his shirt off for that, bless him. And those sort of dreams have been few and far between. I generally dream of work-related stuff, chasing someone down for an interview, things like that *sigh*

      Fantasies? Yep, I do have them, but much tamer than most would expect. Snuggling with him – that shoulder begs to be leaned on – and inhaling his manly scent; holding hands and strolling with him and – interviewing him! I want to do the latter so bad I can positively taste it. I would love to talk with him.

      Well, OK, I would like to see what lies beneath the trousers, too. *hangs head*

      My dear husband is so much like RA personality-wise and falls into the tall, broad-shouldered, dark-haired, blue-eyed, hawkish-profiled category himself, I feel as if I have a bit of Richard Armitage already. And I count my blessings!


      • You crack me up, Angie. 😀

        One of these days I’ll have to introduce myself properly.

        I don’t have an RA type, but I’ve got someone who fascinates me to no end even today after several years together and several kids together. We’ve been to hell and back, but I can’t think of anyone with whom I would rather go. However, I do have eyes and ears, and I’m not immune to the appeal of RA. He is quite something else. Still wish I could get SO to really watch him.


        • What can I say, as the precocious youngest child in my family, I have been entertaining family and friends for years and years now, so I might as well take it to an international audience. *grin*

          Isn’t it good to have someone like your SO and my sweet spouse with whom you’re willing and wanting to go the distance? We celebrated our 25th anniversary this year and I can truthfully say I love him and like him more than ever, and we’ve been through some pretty rough patches with all the “in sickness and health, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer” stuff going along with it.
          That being said, my gosh, that RA is a beautiful, charismatic gentleman any red-blooded woman with a pulse could hardly be immune to IMHO (except for Genevieve O’Reilly, apparently).

          We watched some of “Ultimate Force” together – uh, Ross Kemp *shudder*- but “Strike Back” was the first thing we watched together from start to finish. As a former military officer and fan of all things shoot-em-up, I knew it would engage him. I did keep my drooling and glassy-eyed stares to the barest minimum. Can’t imagine Spouse watching something like N&S and he didn’t particularly like Jonas A. as Robin Hood (well, neither did I . . .) I need to spring VoD on him, I would think he’d enjoy the comedy. I’ve tried to get him into Spooks; I may succeed yet. Only GOR’s accent would make his ears bleed, so maybe not . . .


    • I don’t have sex fantasies about Mr. Armitage — but about the characters he plays ??!? oh YEAH.


  12. Yah, kap,I konw. Can’t stand to see a grown man cry.


  13. And how do you spell gulp and groan? A rumbling “gggwhauwoar – huh”?


  14. Has the scar healed remarkably quickly? We don’t actually know how much time has passed between the end of episode 4 and the start of episode 5 do we?


    • Excellent point, kaprekar.

      I think I’m going to photoshop the scar; can’t stand looking at it.


    • Indeed. Though it’s the same color as his other much older shoulder scare — I feel like a scar that bad would be an angry color for a year at least.


      • Oh, man!!! 🙂 [drools]


      • My forehead scars from my car accident took a good year to fade from that angry red, and I had only crashed my head into a windshield, not gotten shot. So it does seem to have faded very quickly.


      • I have to confess the first time i saw this on screen i forgot that it was a scar from ep4 and thought i was looking at a RL scar of RA. Got all excited thinking about finding out what that was about. LOL


  15. Ohh the power of RA’s hip and iliac crest, 38 responses so far!

    OML *grin*


    • Yeah, the poor guy. I’m sure if someone would have told him as a 17 year old that we’d be looking at his body this closely he’d have chosen the architect route.


      • I can just imagine his little winces, blushes and looks of total befuddlement at all the crazy females studying him so very closely. The darling man.


  16. The Professor does rather get us going. Pause to reflect whether this is a Good Thing, or not. Pause over – resounding YES! 😀 Quite like rotating hips, myself. Back to ballet school!

    You were military, Angie? Woof, I’ve been a Navy brat, and a “wife-of” the diplomatic. Somehow, a career as librarian doesn’t seem awfully adventurous. But it’s been fun!


    • Spouse was AF for 12 years so I was a “dep-wife.” Saw a lot of the Midwest(he was a missile launch control officer). I have often thought being a librarian or working in a book store would be heaven–such close proximity to all those BOOKS!!


  17. Um, er, just revisited this thread 🙂

    And what did I notice? The narrow, barely perceptible strip of fine hairs under his navel (and that swell of lovely flesh) – the road to paradise so to speak 😀

    Makes me feel very, very naughty.


    • OK. I wasn’t going to bring that up, but since you did: BOY HOWDY. I noticed it too and had exactly the same reaction.

      Mr. Armitage is usually shaven when we’ve seen him topless, and I always assumed that that was an aesthetic issue — the current style prefers a hairless chest. I wonder, though, if the hair along the lower abdomen is seen as modesty issue by censors — it’s just too provocative to show that?

      Because yeah, it makes me feel really, really naughty as well.


  18. […] following the scene above in Spooks 7.1. Source: Richard Armitage Central Gallery. Nice view of the iliac crest here, of course, with the veins close to the surface of the skin making Lucas (Richard Armitage) […]


  19. Hi Ladies,

    The well brought up lady like side of me also wants to treat Mr. Armitage with respect and circumspection–discreetly looking away when he is partially unclothed.

    But hell’s bells’, Mr, Armitage is partially unclothed so often as Guy, Lucas, and Porter that I would have to blindfold myself to miss his bare chest. Though it may be a director’s choice in requiring “bareness” for scenes, Mr. Armitage went along with being shirtless, etc. So, I find it a bit disingenuous of he or his directors to expect us not to look. They wanted us to look. And if Mr. Armitage gets objectified, then he’s partially participating in it. I realize that this may not be a”popular” viewpoint as we’re all striving to rein in our RA fangurling. But, I had this “revelation” while reading this post here and its comments.

    That said, I would rather directors not always resort to putting their actors in nude or mock humping kinds of scenes. I always feel embarrassed for the actors. Women want romance, not an instructional video. And conveying romance–as Mr. Armitage showed us with his chaste but sensuous North & South kisses–can be accomplished fully clothed. *swoon* *thud*

    Mr. Armitage is a beautiful man inside and out. And as I’ve said before, Michaelanagelo’s David statue has nothing on him. And Mr. Armitage’s professed shyness makes us love him all the more. He’s so sweet. So though we might be somewhat “objectifying” his strong commanding and sexy character portrayals of Guy, Lucas, and Porter where he doffs his shirt, in his real life he is fully clothed–at least for interviews and such. So, maybe we haven’t crossed that line afterall. I know, it’s a rationalization. But it works for me. Ha!

    Cheers! Grati ;->


    • Judi had something to say about this this week, and I’ll be responding shortly. This post is from a phase where I almost couldn’t stop myself from ogling.


  20. […] A very fine iliac crest: John Porter (Richard Armitage) being debelted by Gerry Baxter (Ewan Bremner) in Strike Back 1.6. Source: […]


  21. Could not disagree with the rest! I do think about snuggling and just enjoying his company, but being totally human, a bit naughty comes into it.


  22. i knew i’d find a post on this, currently watching this episode on my TV and had a funny 5 minutes over this exact scene-it’s just ridiculously erotic when they focus on this part of his body and the removal of the belt…..


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