It’s a big, wide wonderful Armitageworld!

[I want to preface this by saying I know it’s quite awhile since I’ve visited some of the other Armitage blogs. Spring Semester is always busier for me than Fall (in fall I teach right in the center of my research speciality, but in spring I cover the five hundred years after it), and as you will suspect, blogging comes behind other priorities. I’m also starting to get ready for Fanstravaganza in mid-March. So as maintaining this blog gets more demanding I’m just not getting to as many places as I have in the past, and I’m not getting to be as attentive to commentators here as I’d like to be. I’ll continue to do my best, but I just wanted to say to everyone that I still love you all. The world needs more Armitage blogs, so keep up the good work and be assured of my support, even if I can’t always take time to make personal comments. Also because of that, probably many of you are aware of many of these things already, so I apologize for any repetition, as I also use this blog to document my own travels in Armitageworld.]

  • I think I’ve updated my blogroll and fansites in the sidebar completely, but it’s inevitable that I’ll forget someone or something. If I forgot you or you want to be included, please just let me know. My email is in the sidebar under “About.”
  • khandy, author of the much beloved The Gruinard Project, is finally striking out into the world of writing with all of her own original characters! She’s posting chapters of her first attempt at a novel at wattpad. It has a very eerie beginning.
  • Els, who’s commented here frequently and faithfully as iz4spunk, is starting an “RA Club” on wattpad as well with other fans. Information here. I haven’t had any time to comment, but it looks like some great discussion topics are already there! Also, Els wrote a Secret Santa story (adult themes) that really creatively uses the anachronism at the heart of the series. I know it’s out of season but you’ll still love it!
  • Servetus’s other fan fic reading: “Truce” has updated and Angie promises it’s on its penultimate piece (I’ll believe it when I read it). “A Heart for Milton” has updated; seems like this might have been the end (sob!). “Grant What I Wish” has ended very satisfyingly, although (from my perspective) sadly without a description of the wedding night. Best image: Guy folding his legs behind Marian to watch her nurse their child. Gisborne continues to update at Mesmered, who I believe is planning a lot of neat stuff in that line for Fanstravaganza. I’m loving a story called “Speculation” by Leah147 that’s currently at a frightful cliffhanger! I wanted to remind everyone of “Rebel Mine,” which is a sequel of sorts to The Tempest (which I loved), but which I haven’t been able to start reading yet. I think Ann Marie’s been betaing it, and at Christmastime she published her own story, “A Christmas Gift,” with redemptive themes that are really good the year round. As long as I’m retroactively mentioning Christmastime fiction, check out khandy’s “A Christmas Gift,” a multiparter with a lovely ending that carried me right into January. Although I haven’t been able to start reading it yet, for fans of North & South fan fic, “Fate and Circumstance” looks promising. And some older stuff I love is now making its way onto wattpad: in particular, Red Rose Witch’s “A Yorkshire Lady,” a Standring story.
  • Don’t forget to check out the Armitage Movie Club.
  • This post is really cute, from a blogger whose output is more in the “achieving simplicity” genre than the Armitage fan genre, but I suppose I like it because I wish for more simplicity myself.
  • Mulubinba’s new blog specifically to record her reflections on the Thorin Oakenshield character. This is the kind of scholarship I admire!
  • A very funny, relatively new blog: Jonia’s Cut.

I’m sure I’ve missed stuff, so feel free to plug your own favorites in the comments if you like (comments with URLs in them may get hung up in moderation; I’m not sure exactly how that works).

~ by Servetus on February 20, 2011.

25 Responses to “It’s a big, wide wonderful Armitageworld!”

  1. Thanks Servetus!

    I just love Jonia, she’s hilarious!

    Re N&S fics,
    I LOVE A Heart for Milton and will really miss it when it ends. Fret not, Trudy will have one more chapter coming up and then finally, the epilogue. 😉

    Leah clearly knows how to keep us on our toes with Speculation, I’m loving it! Looking forward to see her take on our beloved John and Margaret.

    I can guarantee you’ll love Jane’s Fate and Circumstance. I’m shocked that I’ve only recently discovered it myself. Another very well written and intense fic.

    I’m not sure if you know about SiouxieSioux’s Bluebirds. It is set during the war, very wonderfully written.

    Kleindog’s wonderful Bring the Heart to Earth and How Far the Will Would Bend should definitely get a mention here too. 🙂


  2. Thanks for the lovely mention! I can not wait to read your blog!!!


  3. I would also like to thank iz4spunk(whatels) for persuading many talented writers to post their stories on Wattpad. 😀


    • yeah, she’s really made it a valuable source for Armitage fanfic, so much better now than, whose advertisements are getting annoying.


  4. I have one more day to write refarding the honeymoon–I actually have the ending of the Truce epilogue completed–hooray!–and then I really will be done, but I am somewhat sad, I confess. 😦 Of course, John and Layla will be quite busy without needing me around 😀

    I have someone’s Fanstravaganza interview questions to work on now . . .
    Thanks for adding IHeartArmitage to the listing of sites, too. I found some great screencaps there! And yes, thank you, Els, for gathering the faithful at Wattpad. I know I haven’t been there as much as I’d like recently, but it’s a great place.


    • If a page isn’t here, it’s usually because I (a) don’t know about it (b) don’t update all that often or (c) in rare cases, less than 50% of the coverage is Armitage-related.


  5. Thank you also for adding Robin Hood 2006. My introduction to the blog world when surfing for RA info. ayear ago. Very good it was, too. Still have all the print-out of it!


  6. Servetus thank you for the links! 🙂
    I am glad that I have a lot to read. A few weeks ago I was able to log on to the C19 (the half year was some kind of blockage) there is the incredible amount of fanfic 🙂


  7. I am compelled to give you a huge thanks for the above links! I clicked the “A Heart for Milton” and have been glued to my computer chair and screen ever since. Not sure if a thanks is what I should’ve given you tho as dishes are still in the sink, bed still unmade and I’m in my jammies even at 10:30. Yes, I have places to be, things to do, but I just can’t tear myself away from this wonderfully written N&S fanfic. I’ve sat with tears in my eyes most of the morning reading the pure sweetness of the writing. I haven’t regsitered there so I can comment, but will. For now, I must get in gear to go to the dentist. Total downer after the euphoria of the morning!!!! But the dentist’ chair will give me opportunity to savor the scenes in AHfM. Thanks again!


    • yeah, of course it’s a mixed pleasure to be held up from stuff to do, but I agree, “Heart for Milton” is written so evocatively that it’s hard to stay away.


  8. Do You know what is hilarious in this day?
    I had not so very good day and I posted this naked bum on my blog, and in this same time Servetus posted link to my blog in this post, so now people are connecting with me for the first time and they are seeing naked bum! and I don’t know if I have to be shame on me or laughing with this all coincidence.


    • well, they do get a warning from blogger, so you don’t have to worry too much! Thanks for the comment.


      • Actually blogger did warn me but I thought it also happens to me sometimes with Angie’s blog so I don’t think there’ll be problem when in a sec there’s that pic and I’m at work’ computer :S :S. Luckily no one was near 😛

        OML 🙂


  9. Thanks for the mention, Servitus. I’ve read a lot of the excellent fanfic you link here 🙂


  10. Servetus, thank you for these occassional round ups…haven’t participated in the fandom for a long while and it’s a good way to see what I’ve missed. LOVING “Heart for Milton.”


    • Glad you like them, and it’s always nice to hear from you, jazzbaby1. I’ve purchased some Julian of Norwich but not read it yet.


      • Thanks, servetus. Take it slowly with Julian, by the way. Her mysticism is even more beautiful when slowly observed.


        • Thanks for the advice. It’s nice that I don’t have to read it and have an opinion on it to discuss in a three hour seminar — so when I get to that level of the stuff on my nightstand I should be able to read slowly.


  11. Oh I missed this post thank you for mentioning my novel


  12. […] people actually blog about him? Hundreds of  posts I tell you, hundreds of posts!} saying some sweet things. So I guess now that you have to accept he is all mine, I may as well give you a little gift by […]


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