
I like this a lot.

Double whammy today with western civ reading The Wretched of the Earth and modern Germany doing Jana Hensel’s After the Wall, so no new writing today here.

But: stunner comment from Lina. This merits a post of its own as soon as I have a chance. Was thinking about this all day.

~ by Servetus on April 27, 2011.

18 Responses to “Pretty”

  1. That is indeed a lovely video which has been overlooked for some reason. (I missed it too!) Thanks for pointing it out.
    That comment from Lina was very astute. It must be a relief to have your excellent mini fan fics compared to a fairytale rather than a bondage fantasy. 😉


  2. I liked the parallel to fangrrling. 🙂 I also thought that she sort of looked right through me as writer.


  3. Lina’s comments are penetrating. The fantasy Armitage – “too good to be true”. And the allusions to de Sade/the Persepohne myth.

    As to the latter, we do not know Mr. Armitage in real life. We can only perceive from his public persona, what colleagues have said of his demeanour, and from his interviews. And make him in our desired image(s). (He does seem rather a sweetheart, but that’s irrelevant) 🙂

    As to the latter, again, the images of Porter in that situation and position will evoke a nyriad of reactions; from nurture to fantasy power to a combination. The actor and that particular photographer are superb artists.

    What is relevant is the opportunity provided by this blog, to explore our personal reactions and to analyse the effects of an unusually expressive artist. Analysis is key.

    So, when I thought I had kicked the Gisborne THING, here I am melting all over with that vid! Utter heart-breaking beauty, with both RA and Lucy. 😀


    • I’d say RA is one amazing and unusual actor to inspire creativity and envoke the sorts of discussions and analysis in the way he does.

      Ftizg, darlin’, you might as well give up trying to kick the Gizzy thing. Maddening, I know.

      He’s currently preening mightily over the fact he now has my most-watched video on YT–NTM all the views of Porter’s standalone vids (as opposed to multi-role vids) added up together don’t equal the views on that single Guy vid. I should point out Lucas’s Oh-La-La vid is not very far behind Guy . . . oh, the oneupmanship of these Characters! What’s a poor fanfic writer/vidder to do? 😉


      • *ahem* That should be “evoke” as there in no such word as “envoke” . . . well, y’all get my drift!

        And I meant to add that is a lovely vid.


  4. Only Richard can make us fall in love with the antagonist. I miss watching him!


    • So true, @rob. I never felt about “bad boys” the way I feel about the ones he plays. I find myself rationalizing their actions, making excuses for them . . . oh, Richard. I miss you, too. 😦


      • That’s a poignant vid. It pains me seeing RA unrequited love for Marian. I know it’s only a TV show but that’s the emotion evoked in me. The first time I laid eyes on Guy (when I haven’t discovered RA yet), I made a comment to my son and friends watching the episode (dunno which one), “that guy looks so mean” and turned my back. That comment haunts me…loving Guy of Gisborne now more so after seeing RHS3.


        • @tedgirl,

          I think even some Robin fans came to have a fondness for Gisborne in S3–you could so palpably experience his pain, self-loathing and loneliness–and wanted to see him redeemed, too. That’s the power of Richard’s acting.
          He broke my heart, he really did. And I cried more over his death than I have some real people I know.

          Because to me, he was (and is) real. I will always love Gisborne.

          (Didn’t hurt that Robin as a child came off as a spoiled git in the flashback ep and Guy was much more the character for whom we had empathy)


          • When I watched along with my six years old nephew the last episode RH3 we also cried. Only that my nephew because of Robin and I by Guy (and it was very sincere tears-RH was the first film with RA which I saw and didn’t realize yet the case how excellent he is)


          • @Angieklong. I always felt a bit guilty about how I reacted to Guy’s death as I also cried more over that than for some “real people”! I still have a hard time even looking at pictures of him after he had “died” and I literally feel my heart react to them. I know others have said that they have never got over his “death”. Isn’t that rather amazing when in all honesty we know in our hearts that Guy is/was a character in a TV series! But WHAT a character!! I don’t believe anyone else could have turned him into the “person” that Richard made him to be.


  5. Beautiful wid. I think RA should play more of just such characters which passes metamorphosis, as Guy in RH3 from bad boy to hero. Because he is a master of conveying emotions ( emotions that are hidden in the characters and they are not obvious at first glance) I’d like that some scriptwriter could see his possibilities and wrote the script specially for him.


    • I think your last statement, “that some scriptwriter could see his possibilities” and write a script “specially for him” is a fantastic idea Ania!! Would that someone would indeed do that. I’m sure many of our own dear fanfic writers could give them some terrific ideas!!


  6. The RH3 scriptors really did that. 3 was not Robin Hood at all; it was “Guy of Gisborne” 😀 Pity they weren’t around for Lucas. I’m more wrecked by Lucas’ end. (cold-hearted witch). Gisborne died heroically. Lucas needlessly self-immolated in a stupid, useless, unbelievable ….well, should really get over it.

    But scriptors had better not do something similar to Porter. Or the Furies will be again unleashed. With more destructive and devastating Fury.


    • I was really sad about Guy and still can’t watch the actual death scene after all this time. I thought I felt bad enough at the time. And then came the travesty of Spooks 9. Lucas—oh, Lucas, what a shoddy, cheap, rotten thing they did to you. Yes, Guy got a heroic death, feeling proud and free. Lucas? Ftttttttt. Yeah, I should get over it, too, I know.

      Well, we now know from the article linked at RAnet today the actor Karen David has the sexy scene with is NOT Richard, but Sullivan Stapleton . . . I do wonder just how much screen time Porter will get and what in the world they will do to that character . . . because frankly all this dying with RA’s characters is getting a little monotonous. NTM I adore John Porter. I mean, I pretty much wrote a book about him!


    • As redemptive endings go, The Hobbit should make up for it. 😉


    • You are so right about that fitzg. I told friends whom I have been lending my RH DVD’s that Guy really comes into his own in S3, and I just gave them that series last weekend so will be interested to find out what they think once they have seen it! I know what you mean Angie, about Guy’s death, and though it still hurts at least it was honourable which took a little bit of the sting out of it.

      I wonder why Karen David DID mention filming SB “with Richard Armitage” when it isn’t him she does that scene with?? Perhaps she was doing a little bit of name dropping?? I have to admit I had never heard of her before this although I know she is better known in the UK. Would it have had the same impact on us if she had said right from the get-go that she was doing the scene with Sullivan Stapleton? She may indeed find him “very good looking” but he is SO not RA IMHO!! I’m actually relieved now that it isn’t him doing the scene after reading her description of it in the article at RAnet!!!


  7. So Angie, whenever we think we’re over Gisborne – I mean, he is history (about 800 years out of date and 4 years behind on the screen), there he is, lurking. And smirking.

    @Teuchter – must dash to RAnet to read that little item. Gosh, we’re desparate.


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