New recurring Armitage dream

I’ve had this one four times now, so I think it might have replaced the earlier dream.

In the new dream, I’m standing at a door with Mr. Armitage. The first time he was dressed like this:

Richard Armitage in CBeebies. Source:

and the second time like this:

Richard Armitage after the Old Vic’s 24-hour plays, November 2010. Source:

and the third and fourth times like this:

Richard Armitage outside the Radio One studies, London, England, September 17, 2010. Source:

It’s always a Motel 6 room somewhere on I-35 in Texas. I’m fumbling with the door card and Armitage is holding my suitcase. As I get the door open, I look over my right shoulder to him and see that he’s grinning at me, and that he’s opened the suitcase. A big wind comes up and he shakes the suitcase and all the stuff in the case flies away in the wind.

~ by Servetus on July 28, 2011.

25 Responses to “New recurring Armitage dream”

  1. Now we need to figure out what it all means. 🙂

    It’s weird, because I dreamt about him last night, Servetus. The first time in a while. There was some sort of theatrical production and apparently we were both in it and were rehearsing part of the time alone. It appeared to be Richard and not one of his characters.

    He was wearing his trademark blue shirt and his Lucas jeans, and had his Lucas/Porter hair. Before there has never been any actual intimacy in these dreams, a bit of teasing and a bit of flirting at most, and quite comical but this time–well, it got pretty steamy.
    I guess you would say the heavy petting stage?

    I suddenly woke up at 2:30 feeling alternately aroused and guilty (spouse was right next to me, after all) and couldn’t get back to sleep for hours. (My knee was bothering me, too-I’d hit it and the rainy weather coming in didn’t help).

    Do you think your change of scenery and being in a happier place is affecting your dreams? Not sure what is affecting mine.

    And I am glad to know Motel 6 also leaves the light on for Mr. A. 😉


    • Can’t imagine Mr. Armitage needs to stay in a Motel 6. He can probably afford the holiday inn.

      What do you think the theatrical production means?


      • You don’t think he’s a Best Western guy? He seems rather square sometimes…


        • yes, but also frugal.

          What an interesting poll question: What cut-rate American highway side motel chain would Richard Armitage be most likely to patronize?


  2. Maybe even Claridge’s. 🙂

    I am not sure . . . now, I did write a story the other day about the upcoming production of Steel Magnolias . . . ran on the front page of today’s paper.
    And of course, I did audition for that . . . so could that be the connection buried in my subconscious? We also have our push for season tickets and memberships in the arts council getting underway . . . and I have been looking at Mr. A quite a lot of late. The short clip of him from the Project shoot pulling the black coat from over his head and looking at the camera . . . *guh* watched that about 10 times today.


    • Claridge’s is really expensive — I look at some point what the rack rate was for a simple room and it blew me away. Gave me new respect for Nightingale’s financial basis.

      Where is that clip? I haven’t seen it, I guess.

      All the interpretations I can think of of that dream have to do with unfulfilled wishes.


  3. Fascinating dream! I can’t help bit be reminded of John/Lucas with his suitcase. I wonder if dream RA is no longer mad at you for blogging about him? He doesn’t seem to mind about what’s in the suitcase. Perhaps the dream is suggesting its okay to let any lingering anxieties about this blog go – let em blow in the wind!


    • *but* be, not bit be!


    • yeah, I think the fact that he’s no longer yelling is definitely a positive sign about the blog. Needed it this week as I got two more negative emails about how I am damaging him by writing it. At the same time the dream feels like there’s an edge to it — like there’s something dangerous about tossing all the stuff in the suitcase into the air.


  4. Angie and servetus, I’ve had fragments of dreams of RA himself. And the lingering sense has been of a sensory sensual experience, though the fragments have not brought any sense of an actual act. Shoot – woke up too soon 😦 For me, I just think that this is simply a natural reaction to a person whom I find highly attractive, and whose reality exits only in an over-active imagination.

    I’ve only once been able to record a dream immediately –
    as it was vivid, and there was notepad on the bedtable. Wrote it down. And it was definitely NOT erotic. And wrote a short story the following morning. In the dream, I saw my doppleganger, which is not good. Writing a short (dumb) story was probably a sort of exorcism of the lingering horror of it. (btw, not enamoured of current manias for eroticised vamporism – don’t relate to anything there – yew, neither ghost-story shivers nor erotic.) Maybe my imagination is an atavistic memory of some (morbid, but interpreted through folk memory; some Irish/Celtic, but also residual Nothern European/English, genetically Celtic peoples, apparently) Anyway, I relish the imaginative part, while looking for “stiff-upper-lip” English? analysis – just balance in all things. Not neglecting one aspect for another.


    • These sound like beautiful fragments, fitzg. I’d like to have a beautiful dream of Mr. Armitage — but I have enough nice fantasies to make up for that, I guess. I always get the impression that you’re blown away by his talent and artistry, so your dreams seem to reflect that very much.


  5. Seems to me like the motel is a place of transition (you are certainly in that state). I am not sure if the number 6 has any further meaning for you.
    You see Mr. Armitage as you are about to enter (or make a change). (Your suitcase might symbolize your past, or what you have been holding on to — your emotions? your state of being?)
    At first he is holding it (holding you together?), then he opens it, (is he helping you to discover yourself?). It is okay because he is smiling. He shakes your posessions out and they fly out of the suitcase and scatter in the wind. (Is he helping you to get rid of all your old burdens and remake yourself?)
    My goodness, he is very helpful isn’t he?! I wish I could dream like this!
    I don’t know if this interpretation makes any sense or not but that is my 2 cents worth! 🙂


    • I vote this interpretation.


      • Mee too. Wish I could dream about RA 🙂


        • Servetus, analyse the content of the suitcase! You will find you stored old ideas and beliefs. Shake up these ideas by the wind (by a revelation). If you need help (by Mr. A and what he represents, in your view) then so be it. Motel/hotel is a temporarely spiritual safe haven or can stand for a person´s restlesness. The quality of the transitional place (a motel, not a decent hotel), do you translate that as a representation of your current moment in your career? 🙂 I very much like Philly´s interpretation too.


    • I like this interpretation a lot, Phylly3, not lest because it squares well with how I actually feel about Mr. Armitage, as if he’s shaken up my life and helped me to change some stuff — even if it is unsettling at time.


  6. Sounds like a dream with some great symbols in it. Phylly3 offers some great interpretations. (I’m really rubbish at understanding and interpreting symbols. If I see a cat in a dream, I tend to take that as “well, it’s a cat” not what a cat symbolises, and so on.)

    I would add the question “What does RA symbolise for you?” as that is likely to be another factor to take into account.


    • That’s a big question.

      I tend to follow the Jungian principle that the people we meet in dreams are ourselves.

      That’s a very guarded way of answering a very large question.


      • Yeah, they tend to be aspects of ourselves … mirrors, of sorts. That’s why it’s said that if you dream of someone dying, you should think about what that person “means” to you – and just realise that that part of yourself is changing, hopefully for the better!
        Totally don’t mind your guarded answering. After all, the only person who needs to know the answer is you – not the rest of the world. Didn’t expect you to answer it either, to be honest, just wanted to add the question for when/if you mull it over yourself. 🙂


  7. Did you ever see “The Taming of the Shrew” that was part of “Shakespeare Retold”? (I can guess you’ve seen another part of that set…) There’s a scene in there that’s peculiarly resonant with your dream:


    • No, I didn’t, but thanks for this. Intriguing, and now I’m definitely going to watch that part of the production! Thanks for the comment and welcome.


  8. I agree with Phily- that’s pretty much what I came up with except the Texas part- After all there are motel 6’s in Wisc. maybe Texas means you are looking for some kind of adventure but not to far from home- Or mayne you’re wishing he would do a film in the US or you just miss seeing him on a horse- most americans associate horses with Texas.

    Jennie- I’ve seen that version of TOTS – with Rufus- love it !!! it is so hysterical.–
    yes it definately fit the dream- “What is most important to you and did you really need all that in the first place?


    • I think I may still be processing having left Texas. And, of course, I did stay in Motel 6s all along the route.


  9. Richard is helping you “let go of some baggage”. I can quite understand that might feel dangerous as well as exhilarating, because who are you once all that stuff linking you to the past is gone? Free, I hope, to soar yourself.


  10. […] Previous Armitage dreams: first ; second ; third. […]


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