
Saturday, September 3, 2:56 p.m. UTC. Half a million hits, 643 posts, 19,539 comments. I don’t even want to think about how many words.

Thank you, Richard Armitage, for the work you do and the many ways in which your efforts have blessed me.

Thank you, everyone who reads, comments, thinks, gives, and for all the things that you have given to me in the last year, six months, and nine days. Thanks for coming along for the ride, and for making it (most of the time!) so much fun. Thank you for everything you have taught me, and for all the friendship that you’ve extended.

The next milestone would be a million hits. It’s hard for me to believe I’ll ever get there, but I also wouldn’t have believed, on the day when I started this blog in a second of utter emotional upheaval, that I’d ever come this far, either.

~ by Servetus on September 3, 2011.

32 Responses to “500,016”

  1. Congratulations! I’d like to thank you for setting up this great blog and for giving me the opportunity to comment on some of the points you’ve made. I am fairly new to reading blogs – I discovered yours only recently.


  2. I googled Richard’s name a few months ago, just for fun (I’m 64 and had never taken the opportunity to do such a thing previously!). I first discovered richardarmitagenet and then richardarmitageonline and have gone on to discover more and more of this “fandom” thingey.

    I’ve been an ardent admirer of Richard’s work for about 9 or 10 years. In Australia, we get a lot of the British television programs from the BBC and ITV. They are shown on our ABC (Australian Broadcasting Commission), like the BBC.

    Now I’m an admirer of yours. You are obviously a busy person but sometimes just feel the need for some serious discussion as well as a bit of fun.

    Once again, thank you.




    • You’re definitely one of the elder statewomen in Armitageworld — I think the last survey that RichardArmitageNet.com did suggested that only about a fifth of fans have been following him since N&S.

      Thanks for being my fan, too. I’m obviously somewhat less talented than Mr. Armitage, but I do take this blog pretty seriously and I’m grateful for all the readers who make that a worthwhile choice for me to make.


  3. Servetus,

    Thank YOU for taking the time and effort to provide us with so much food for thought, serious and humorous, and encouraging us to be concerned for our fellow human beings along the way. And, of course, sharing all that Richard Armitage goodness. 😀 Your personal encouragement has meant the world to me, I want you to know that.


    • You’ve provided a lot of support as a commentator, Angie — even now I’m a bit surprised when you’re not the first person to weigh in.


      • Yeah, I am first a lot, aren’t I ? 😉 Sometimes I’ve been too busy to do more than read through the entry and sometimes not even time for that and I get behind.

        However, it looks like I will have plenty of time to get caught up in the coming days. (OT, you will likely be pleased to know there are a number of local people angry on my behalf, too).

        I appreciate the engaging discussions and opportunities to gain and share new insights. I think Mr. A would like knowing we all feel smarter and he’s the catalyst. 😀


        • Angie, so sorry to hear your bad news. You are in my prayers.


          • Thanks, Pam. I really appreciate it. I told my husband I think I am over most of the bawling and ready to move ahead. I have to say knowing how stressful it was with only two people in editorial, I don’t envy my former co-workers. Hoping something better is out there for me.


  4. Congratulations on your milestone and I hope you continue to give us such thought provoking and analytical posts. I always thought I had a pretty large vocabulary until I encountered all those wonderful new terms you have introduced me to! 🙂
    Thank you for sharing yourself with us, it has been a wonderful experience!


  5. Congratulations and sincere thanks for this blog. I feel that over the many months I have come here – part of my daily routine – everything you have written and shared with us about your own joys and struggles has been a kind of further education for me, if you know what I mean. The way you analyze subjects ( and not only Mr. Armitage himself , however much I love it when you do 😀 ), I have found quite fascinating. It has encouraged me to look into subjects that hitherto had been closed books for me. You have made me realize that one is never too old to learn new things and I will always be grateful. You have lifted me up many a day even though you were unaware of it. Not many are able to share their experiences with others like you do and I hope you found that cathartic when you went through tough times. I always feel very privileged to be a part of “our little community” and again I thank you for your contributions to our enjoyment.


    • I think life would be pretty awful if we didn’t have the perspective of learning something new, so I’m glad that, and anything else, has been of use to you.


  6. Hi Servet,
    I just recently started to participate in blogs as a reader and occasional commentator. I like your blog for their intelligence and humor.


  7. […] not judging myself anymore, except in jest, but half a million hits (! — who’d ever have thought that would happen ??!?) still seems like an […]


  8. Thanks for all the kind comments. More detailed responses tomorrow.


  9. Congrats Servetus. What a wonderful achievement. 😀


  10. We your readers that have to thank you for witty and thoughtful daily posts.
    Who said there is no intelligence in the fandom? This blog proves that yes, there is, as well as friendship, kindness and a lot of fun. 😉


    • Thanks, fabi. When I started it wasn’t really a concern (I was just trying to get some stuff out of my system), but I quickly realized that I couldn’t stop being me — and also that there was a place for intelligent writing about stuff that most people consider trivial. If the blog can serve as an occasion for people to be kind to each other, that’s even more important.


  11. Congratulations and thank you, that you find time to share your thoughts. In fact, reading your blog this is the first thing that I do after turning on the laptop 😉 I love your analysis of the talents of Mr. Armitage, as well as the fact that so much I learn about other aspects knowledge (I mean the history, culture, customs, and many others).This really gives me a lot of to thinking, and thanks you for this very much.


    • Wow, that’s flattering. (ducks head). More important than the news? 🙂


      • Oh news I listen to the radio and this blog is definitely a complement to them 🙂
        but seriously your posts broaden my horizons which sometimes results in slight embarrassment of the woman in my library, because she does not possess books in the range looked for by me subjects ( for ex. recently when I was looking for something about the history of England, including something about Richard III)


  12. The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention. ~Oscar Wilde

    Thank U Sev. Your blog is a welcome reprieve in the ups & downs of life.


  13. I love your blog, Servetus. When I first “stumbled ” over it last November (my first blog ever!), it took me quite a while to realise what´s all going on, what´s it all about (obviously not only RA!), trying hard to understand all (!!) of it (as my English wasn´t that good, specially with all the required nuances!!) Maybe my confusion was mainly due to the quite new and never before experienced Richard Armitage-Blitzeinschlag!! I often tried to figure out your really (for me) complicated disquisitions, all the highly ambitious and descerning (academically proofed!) topics. You know, as a very serious German I also have to learn to SQUEE :-). Ha, Ha!! LOL
    It had opened a lot of new sights upon various new subjects I had never taken into consideration. Thank you for all that. Your posts are sooo appreciated. You do help me quite often to understand my crazy infatuation, but sometimes I get even more muddled. There are questions over questions. However, I am in a constant state of alert, driven by an unknown energy, fueled by the ongoing creativity and fantasy of you and a couple of other fellow-bloggers (and of course not to forget the commentators…). I´m quite often impressed how promptly everybody is with writing or commenting.


    • I think it is difficult for Germans to SQUEE, linda60, so I comment you on your efforts. I hope as long as there are questions, there’ll be people around to discuss them.

      I think the Armitageworld blogosphere is tip-top. I don’t have anything to compare it too, but I really enjoy the cooperations with my fellow bloggers and having all the commentators to talk to. It really brightens up my day.


  14. Congratulations!!! Well done!!!


  15. Oh wow, that’s a lot! Congratulations! Well-deserved it is too. 🙂


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