Armitage silliness in three movements

You guessed it, I’m avoiding writing down all the gushy feelings I have after yesterday’s many photo revelations, taking refuge in the zoo of other stuff that’s happening here. I *will* catch up, I vow, with comments and everything. But meanwhile, some nonsense.

I. Football

Well, you get back and you get a chance to watch the whole game, and what do you get? Dreck. Packers, where were you? Congratulations, NovemberBride.

Faceinhole: I only do this for American football. Today, it’s the Kansas City Chiefs that deserve to have Richard Armitage playing for them.

(I think the body belongs to Jared Allen, who no longer plays for KC, but this was the pic I had. As you can see, Allen outweights Armitage by a good bit.)

I wonder if Armitage could be persuaded to transfer his allegiance in couch potato moments from rugby on the sofa with friends and beer to American football on the sofa with Servetus and beer? It’s not *that* different, right? I’d be oh so happy to explain all the rules.

II. Mass transit

Probably some enterprising fan from Chicago has already sent him one: a Chicago Transit Authority t-shirt!

Several readers wrote to mention that “Armitage” is not only an exit on the Dan Ryan, it’s also a CTA stop. I’ve never been in that one. Pretty much when I go to Chicago I go straight from ORD to downtown and then back. Or if I’m driving, I drive straight downtown, park, and then drive straight back. But it occurred to me that maybe Mr. Armitage could be persuaded to visit flyover country if he knew a whole mass transit stop is named for him! And a T-shirt! Here’s a nice picture of the exit:

III. Chanukkah

And the other piece of silliness for the day: I thought this up while driving and put it together yesterday and today. I was mainly interested in the technical problem of whether you can make a person appear to spin around realistically if you only have 50 percent of the body’s turn on video. (Answer: yes, but you also need them to be rotating fairly slowly, and on a nearly stable plane in the third dimension.) I’m unsure of the acceptability of associating Armitage with a partisan religious holiday, but this is a fairly humorous video, so I hope no one takes offense. It’s a bit early, but as far as I know there wasn’t a Richard Armitage Chanukkah video yet, and this is a sing-along one! So if you don’t know any Chanukkah songs, you will at least know this one when the holiday starts in a few days. Maybe we’ll have a “me + richard armitage” Chanukkah song sing-along!

Back to serious Armitagemania tomorrow.


I may joke about Armitagemania, but I’m not joking about our charitable impulses. It’s time for us to live them out!

It’s that time of year again: a point at which we think about the needs of others in the midst of gratitude for the gifts we have received. Here’s a link to Mr. Armitage’s recommended charities at JustGiving and a link to Act!onAid, a child sponsorship organization for which he recorded a voiceover in December 2010. In 2011, Mr. Armitage also participated in fundraising efforts for Christchurch Earthquake Appeal. You can also generate a donation by doing any or Book Depository shopping that you do for the holidays via, or or shopping via, as these fansites both donate earned commission to charities that Armitage has endorsed. Fans have also donated in honor of Armitage to Oxfam International.

~ by Servetus on December 19, 2011.

26 Responses to “Armitage silliness in three movements”

  1. I just got it downloaded with RealPlayer and watched it. I love it!!
    Chuckled all the way through. 😀 And yes, I think this might be the first video of its type. Servetus, the trailblazer.

    I would say Thornton and Guy were running the risk of getting dizzy, but since Mr. A is a trained dancer I suppose he can handle those sorts of moves. 😉

    And I think he is the world’s cutest goy AND the world’s cutest Guy.
    (The sight of Glamour Guy in all his splendour never fails to make my heart skip a beat. *sigh* All that masculine beauty . . .) Your blog–educational, stimulating AND entertaining. Who could ask for anything more?


    • I loved that pun (goy / Guy), what can I say? And it only occurred to me at the very end, when I was wondering whether it was ok to make a vid that starred a non-Jew in the celebration of a Jewish holiday …


  2. A Richard Armitage Chanukkah video…definitely a first I’d say. Sitting here grinning! Happy Chanukkah to you servetus! 🙂

    My excitement is building for TH trailer. If it’s the 20th NZ time then it’s not long to go now (9:15 pm their time)


  3. Armitage is a street in chicago. I thought it would be fun to send him an actual street sign. It is a major artery to travel through the city and I often wondered what the origin off the sign was…. Why do we have a street named armitage in chicago?


    • Kind of dangerous and illegal to send him an actual street sign, no? Although a fun prank.

      Why DO you have a street named Armitage in Chicago?


  4. Ahh thanks, Serv. All over FB last night, friends were jubilating the win…”Can you believe it?!” or “Wow…the Chiefs would be the ones to beat the undefeated Packers….oh my miracles do happen!” The kicker is, I had 6 grands here (4 had left at lunch) so we were climbing trees, chasing each other, building domino towers and playing w/Little People. A football-less day here at the farm. Who would believe that?!

    So…I’m thinking about all I can do in honor of RA is name a calf “Armitage”. Very dignified, don’t you think?!! =0)

    Excellent vid, Sev!!! To think you’ve just been coming up with these jewels for a a few months?!! I particularly identified w/the first music…I sat thru 2 hrs of the just that last Monday at our grade school Christmas program. Too cute!!


    • It was not that impressive of a game on either side, frankly. The Packers were lame, and the Chiefs’ offense was not impressive, although Orton got 299 offensive yards or something. But I am happy for y’all! Honestly 🙂

      A calf named “Armitage”? You should send him a pic.

      Indeed, I DLed a youtube vid of sixth graders playing a brass quintet to get that stuff. All I can say about the vidding is: iMovie makes it easy.


  5. Phew! I hate to say it (sort of), but I was looking for the Packers to be taken down. Couldn’t happen to a better team than the Chiefs to do it. Well, except for that team south of them. : D


    • no hard feelings. For many years during the 70s and 80s the Packers were the loser team that occasionally got a win off of a real team. Turnabout is fair play.


  6. RAD!


  7. Love the video! Indeed, first of its kind and utterly delicious!
    Heavens, if Richard did an ad for the transit authority, he’d have all of us taking the train. (I wonder if the transit authority guesses why this particular shirt is so popular.)


  8. Team south of them…also a fav around here but Denver and Tebow are THE favs right now. Can you believe that? Even IF they lost yesterday. There’s just so much you can do if your defense is having problems. And howbout them Cowboys, speaking of south teams….

    Trying to picture RA in a Cowboy uniform. Bet the cheerleader apllications would double if that happened!!


    • Dude, the Steelers are gonna do it again. *sigh* Okay, but hope springs eternal. *Goes off swinging Terrible Towel*


    • Jerry needs to pull a rabbit out of his hat (which he’s done before) and get Tebow before he’s an old man.


      • Ahh, hubs loves the Steelers inspite of their, shall we say, weaknesses this year! LOL at your Terrible Towel. And yep, Jerry could do it but gee, I don’t know….Wow, would Tebow be a great addition? Wonder if Jerry had even considered snaffling him?


  9. Best. Chanukah. Video. EVER!

    Have a sufganiya on me, Servetus.

    Did you know that in Yiddish the letters on the dreidel explain the rules of the game?


    • Thanks Sidney. Glad you liked it!

      I knew about the letters / rules relationship, and I had even cut some video to go with the letters, but I couldn’t figure out something to say about Armitage that I could coordinate with vid, the letters, and their meanings in Hebrew and/ or Yiddish. I had a year of Yiddish in college but my Hebrew is rudimentary. Leaves room for next year …


  10. Great job Servetus! An Armitage video for every holiday – that is the way it should be!


    • Thanks, Phylly! I figure I can only do holidays I actually celebrate. Happy Armitage Diwali is going to have to wait for another vidder …


  11. I loved that vid ! RA a man for all holidays * sigh *

    And with Yule almost us I can say that he certainly brings back the
    sun for me in the depths of Winter.


  12. Love the video. Such a tasty holiday treat. 😛


  13. […] case you didn’t know, there are an Armitage Avenue and an Armitage CTA stop in Chicago, and in case you didn’t know, I spend a lot of my writing time in the stores of a […]


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