Legenda 15: Stuff worth reading — this blog seems particularly small today

Every since I started writing I’ve been dealing with the weird paradox that although I created the blog to vent what was on my mind on certain subjects, it’s actually never been big enough to accomplish that task. I’ve been preempting my own writing for the last few days because of stuff I found more important. Now I’m onto my weekly “other things that are important” post and I feel like I’m preempting other important things. You see my dilemma? I want to keep the important stuff at the top. So first. Really important: IF YOU ARE IN DANGER OF HARMING YOURSELF, PLEASE SEEK OUT SOMEONE TO TALK TO.  Yes, I had someone specific in mind. I’ve had two emails in the meantime, though, that suggest that the post was helpful in other circumstances than the ones I was thinking of. So the right person for the message is whoever reads it at the right moment, which is somewhat comforting. February is a really hard month for many of us. Me, too. So let’s just take it hour by hour, day by day; let’s just concentrate on getting through this minute. If you’re reading this and don’t or can’t believe that anyone you know would understand what you’re going through, please consider trying to speak to someone anonymously. Karen offered some suggestions for finding someone anywhere in the world who doesn’t know you, won’t judge, and will listen to you talk about your situation without prejudice as to how you should deal with it. Second. Also important.


And now, on to Monday Classic FanstRAvaganza! This week, it’s a post from FanstRAvaganza 2 by Natalie of Richard Armitage Fan Blog, collecting everyone’s funniest or most embarrassing story related to their Armitage fandom. Ever called your significant other “Lucas” by accident when his name is “Steve”? You’ll fit right in here. By the middle of this week we’ll be announcing the entire list of F3 participants, and I can already tell you’re going to love this event! For regular updates on FanstRAvaganza 3, “like” our facebook page or follow @FanstRAvaganza on twitter!


And now, to Legenda! Finally. [Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]

And some stuff that’s slightly more tangential and/or off topic.

~ by Servetus on February 13, 2012.

12 Responses to “Legenda 15: Stuff worth reading — this blog seems particularly small today”

  1. Thanks for the shout-out for the my blog post about Lucy G. and all the other cool info. 😀


  2. Thanks for the shout out. 🙂


  3. I would be interested in your thoughts on how RA’s background and education influenced his career. I remember you mentioned it before. He may not be from a privileged background but did manage to get formal acting training and he and his parents managed to pay for it.

    The right to privacy and how to deal with violations may become an issue if/when finally paparazzi pics of RA in his free time turn up. Opinions vary from “any thing remotely private is taboo” to “he gave up his right to privacy by choosing to become an actor and appear in high profile projects”.


    • I don’t have anything coherent to say about this, just that I remember a lot of conversations in my last job about how British class issues were affecting our departmental life (we had a lot of British colleagues), according to people who had more exposure to the British class system than I did. The topic raises itself because of Armitage’s vocational education (as opposed to university) as a path to his career.


    • Oh, and I thought the article was relevant given what people were saying about Armitage’s appearance at the Old Vic after party. Fan opinions were divided about whether that counted as a work event — and thus not private.


  4. Servetus, what do you mean by “written for a different fandom” related to “The Gost Story”? Somehow I don’t get it….


    • Armitage hasn’t been in the Bourne films afaik.


      • Aha, haven’t seen any of the “Bourne”- films and hardly know anything about the stories. But I somehow like ” A Ghost story” a lot. Even though it’s not a familiar genre for me.


  5. Thank you for the mention and our shared admiration of the Recognize photo. I’m hoping for more of the black & white photos from the photoshoot.

    Thank you – much appreciated!


    • yeah, I hope that the apparent death of the interview means that the photogs will release all the photos. But I also really want to read that interview …


  6. Thank you for mentioning and complimenting on my spoof article!


  7. […] offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn't usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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