Legenda 16: Stuff worth reading

Did you bid on the quilt yet? Currently priced at £530 — a great donation for Project Linus UK. And the SpReAd the Love Valentine challenge continues for all of February. A pint’s a pound the world around: donate a pint of blood or a pound of food in honor of Richard Armitage and the fellowship of his fans.


FanstRAvaganza 3’s big news: we announced the F3 tagteamers and two new core bloggers this week — a proud crowd!


Monday Classic FanstRAvaganza! Did you, like ChrisB, crack up last week while reading about attempts to record a message for Frenz during the leadup to F2?  Listen to some of Nat’s attempts here (where you can also hear Phylly of Phylly’s Faves)!

The natural followup to last week’s classic post is the entire F2 series by RAFrenzy, which focused on voices — Richard Armitage’s, but also those of fans. It’s hard to pick just one. In this classic post from F2, Frenz discusses her reaction to Armitage’s voice in North & South and Vicar of Dibley. She includes recorded reactions to his voice from several of our sister bloggers: fellow F1 and F2 blogger, the sometimes elusive mulubinba; F2 blogger Musa; and new F3 participant Jonia. I remember being particularly startled by these posts because the only fan voice I’d heard up till then was Frenz herself. OK, in retrospect I know I should have expected mulubinba to have an Australian accent — but it still kind of surprised me, beginning with the information that it’s a short “u” in the first syllable of her name (“mull,” and not “mool”).

So check out Frenz’s F2 voices — you can also hear Judi (of Confessions of a Watcher), hear iz4blue / Sinjoor / Fanny (of DistRActed Musings), hear Frenz herself (a big deal, since I gather she has a love / hate relationship with her voice), and CDoart (of CDoart). Probably there are some other people recorded in that series, too, whom I missed during my quick flip through, so if you are curious what some of our real voices sound like (yeah, she got me, too, but I’m not linking to that post and you can’t make me!), go to Frenz’s and type in “FanstRAvaganza.”

For regular updates on FanstRAvaganza 3, “like” the facebook page or follow @FanstRAvaganza on twitter! During the event, all updates will be indexed here.


[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]


What to get the man who insists he already has everything? Answer: more work for our beloved workaholic. Since watching his work gives us so much delicious fantasy fulfillment, we thought we’d turn the tables with a fantasy present: the job that he’s most repeatedly expressed interest in doing — a retelling of the Richard III story. Would you like to share the fantasy more actively? Sign the manifesto: Richard Armitage for Richard III!


~ by Servetus on February 20, 2012.

9 Responses to “Legenda 16: Stuff worth reading”

  1. I’m so happy the quilt bidding is going well but at the same time I’m kinda sorta tempted to want it because it would be nice to cozy up surrounded by RA. Too bad my financial situation would suffer greatly. What to do?

    You’re not a loser!!!!! Don’t listen to some anonymous troll. ((((Hugs)))))


    • Me too, on all of it. 530 GBP is more than a month’s rent for me, so not really sustainable at the moment even as an act of charity, but I’m sure someone will get it who treasures it. One consolation — the description says it’s not recommended to wash it. So it probably wouldn’t be suitable for cuddling up in, although that’s what I’d want to do with it, too.

      Maybe we need itsjsforme to do a quilt tutorial on her blog. 🙂

      Thanks for the kind words. It’s easier to shake those messages off now, but I’m still always a bit flabbergasted.


      • Photo quilts are fun to make…choosing the photos, selecting a layout, and putting it all together…but nothing beats seeing the final product. 🙂

        If that were one of my quilts, it would definitely be going up on the wall. A lot of work went into that quilt, and I am glad the bidding went so well.

        I’m sorry to hear you received hate mail, Serv. You are *far* from being a loser!



        • That quilt looked like it took a lot more effort than the quilted quilts I’ve made. I was impressed by the detail, but when I make a quilt it’s so I can wrap it around me or give it someone else for that purpose.

          hate mail. oh well.


  2. This is a nice compilation. Thanks for the great service. As for your distasteful message, sorry to hear it. Glad you’re coping with it. I’m afraid I’m guilty of taking them personally when I’ve received them so you set a good example.


  3. Thank you ,Servetus! So you got the hateful e-mail? How cool is that!:)
    Please sympathatize with this poor twisted soul;)


  4. […] offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn't usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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