FanstRAvaganza 3 thanks!

FanstRAvaganza is a labor of love: of Richard Armitage’s fans, by Richard Armitage’s fans, for Richard Armitage’s fans. Oops, that got unintentionally oratorical. Before I start nattering on about things that shall not perish from this earth, at the end of a whirlwind F3 week, with 130 posts published on 32 blogs, writing in my role as post coordinator I would like to thank the five necessary entities — each of which without whom along we could not get:


Without enthusiastic readers, there’d be no reason to do this at all. We hope you found some new friends and some new blogs to follow, and we thank you for every page view, every thought you had, every comment you took the time to write and post!

(And if you didn’t read everything this week, a complete index of this week’s posts can still be found here!)


Everyone who created materials for F3: guest posters, interviewees, tagteam bloggers, core bloggers! A complete list of blogging participants is found here. Without you all, there’d have been nothing to enjoy. Thanks to everyone who posted, helped create a post, was interviewed for a post, and/ or supported a blogger technically, for taking the time to play your A game this week, putting in extra work, and presenting your best stuff for everyone to ponder, drool or laugh over. It truly was a high level potluck of Armitage love.

In particular, I’d like to thank both the tagteams and the core bloggers for doing such an amazing job of posting on schedule. I was expecting a fulfillment rate of something like 75%, and instead it was over 90%. Your timeliness, along with the fact that you all took the extra time and care to make the system of interlinking blogs work, drove traffic everywhere throughout the event and ensured a minimum of dead-end links. Your willingness to do these things made the event a lot more fun for everyone!


Speaking of publicity … we would like to thank for general and specific publicity, threads, links, and tweets:

Richard Armitage Central, for the threads

C19, for the threads

Richard Armitage Board, for the threads, for the link to the Captain America-related interview

King Richard Armitage group, for links and taking over a chain

pi, for the link listing

Fabo, for jumping in to tweet on a busy day

Violet, for warning Lucas North his career will be over if he takes time to read any of this.

Inevitably, this is the section where I will have forgotten someone, just because I’m never aware of everything that’s happening in the big wide world of Armitage fans. So let me apologize in advance to anyone who isn’t mentioned here. Seriously — this event works because of publicity and because people talk about it and link and interlink. If you did that but are not listed here and would like some public love from Servetus, let me know, cuz I love you and I wanna say it. And if you did it but don’t want the public love — well, I love you anyway and you can’t stop me. Mwah! Mwah! Mwah!


… more specifically..

A lot would remain to be said here, but summarizing: without these ladies’ advice, support, and their detail orientation regarding publicity and technology, F3 would never have gotten off the ground.


Last but not least, of course, another kind of sine qua non.

Some of the individual bloggers may have some individual wrapup and acknowledgements posts, but with this message, FanstRAvaganza 3 thanks you all for your attention for the last week, and happily …

signs …


~ by Servetus on March 19, 2012.

30 Responses to “FanstRAvaganza 3 thanks!”

  1. It was a fantastic week, I have not managed to read everything, real life got in the way a bit this week but it has been fascinating. I have laughed out loud at some of the blogs and will start to read them more often. Thank you Servetus for the work you put into it too. It was all very impressive and I am sure that if Mr Armitage was aware (how could he not be!) then I think he would be very proud.


  2. Thank you for organizing this fantastic week, Servetus. – I am still laughing about Malcolm smuggling himself into Robin Hood … ;o)
    Thank you for this funny wrap-up of the event!


  3. Haven’t been able to read everything, but loved what I did catch. Great job and well done to all posters, commentators and all-round fans.


  4. it will probably take me 2 weeks to catch up with visiting but I had a great time- Thanks all- will gladly do it again!!!


  5. Thank you for a week of fabulous words, vids, poems, fanfic and everything else. I thoroughly enjoyed my 1st F3.


  6. Standing ovation for the hard work put in by everyone, and especially the committee members! You lot made it a lot easier for the rest of us and I am particularly grateful.

    Gosh, great graphics, Bateman & Robin!


  7. Yay! My first ever Fanstravaganza!! Thanks for calling attention to so many great blogs I’ve never had a chance to read before!! It’s been an exhaustive and exhausting week! Bravo to everyone and especially the committee members!!


  8. I haven’t been able to read everything too.

    Thank you to all participating blog for their wonderful work, it was great ! 🙂


  9. Hi Servetues,
    FanstRAvaganza 3 was a fabulous week! I enjoyed every minute of it! Thanks again for you and the planning team for all of your hard work and organizing. You’re the best!
    Cheers! Grati ;->


  10. A hearty loving thanks for everyone’s fantastic efforts over the past week for FanstRAvanganza 3. You know it is a great thing when you leave something wanting more and that is exactly what you have all provided so I will be checking out these blogs now on a regular basis.


  11. The thought and effort required to organise this event is beyond belief and to all of those who put in the hard work, Thank You!
    Without you we’d be a bunch of Armitage loving headless chickens 😉
    And a huge thanks to all the bloggers who brought their A-game! It’s been a real pleasure participating!


  12. Thank you for all the hard work that went into organizing this event. It was so amazing to see how well the timing and links all worked in accordance with the plan! Thanks also to the bloggers who participated! I’ve had a blast reading everyone’s posts (although I’m still catching up).


  13. Thank you all for this fantastic week!!! LOVED it!!!


  14. I had no idea how many people had come under Richards spell as I have – or am I just madly in love with Mr.Thornton ? It has been so good to read all about him everyday. Thanks so much for all your hard work. When are we going to see Strikeback on normal TV? When are we going to see The Hobbit?


  15. Congratulations to everyone who made this wonderful week such a RoAring success for all of us on the sidelines ooohing and awwwwwwwing at all the cool and fun stuff. You guys rock!


  16. Ya’ll do a great job! Thanks to everyone!


  17. Thanks to all the readers and participants for their kind comments!


  18. A big thank you to all participants of this year’s FanstRAvaganza. I’ve had a great time visiting all the blogs! So many interesting articles (and of a great diversity), wonderful games, fanfic and all sorts of other fun – and so little time! I’ve tried to read them all, but miserably failed. Luckily I can revisit on my own leisure in the coming days.
    Reading the comments of the visitors has been half the fun. It shows what a great community this is! I’m sorry I have not done my part in that, but it does not mean I have not enjoyed wholeheartedly all that was offered in the past week. I loved it! Thanks again.


  19. Thank you, Servetus, organizers and bloggers, for an unforgettable week. You all are wonderful! 😀


  20. Big thank you’s to all involved in making this FanstRAvaganza event possible. ♥ Looking forward to next years, no pressure Servetus! LOL. And a new character and movie to discuss and swoon over too, very exciting ♥


  21. Thank you Servetus and all the other participants beforehand, as I’m going on board now in point of fact after the party. Being NOT able to partake in F3 (only a couple of minutes were left daily during most of the last 2 weeks for reading anything RA-wise) and therefore missing the whole rally somehow was TRULY VERY frustrating!!. As the festival and guest performance season started in the theatre we had 12-16 hour days to survive and at the moment it’s a little time to feel worn out, sapped and totally woozy in the head. Hoping there is the slightest chance to catch up with all this seemingly endless contributions and that in a few days with renewed strenght I’m up to find my way through the growing wild of RA creativity and the flights of fancy.
    For sure there are some crackerjacks waiting for me…? 😉


  22. It was the seven days of bliss,my reward system was flooded with dopamine(if I remember it well) 😉 Thank you for everything,Servetus! 🙂


  23. Servetus, Thanks for everything… It was a really interesting week. I really enjoy all the interviews, wonderful work….


  24. Thank YOU, Servetus! And all involved!


  25. Thanks for your work Servetus. I still have so much catching up (and evenings are too short *sigh*). All this is very inspiring!


  26. Thank you Servetus and of course all the other participants as well! It has been my 2nd fanstRA. Twitter, facebook and the links between your posts as well as made it easier to follow this time round. I’m still catching up with everybody’s post but luckily they don’t just disappear now that fanstRA 2012 is over 🙂


  27. A bit late leaving my thanks here – still catching up! Thank you to everyone involved in this fab event it has been great fun and like The Magic Pudding (an Aussie kids story) it keeps replenishing. I have lots of new blogs to visit 🙂


  28. Thanks to everyone for all the kind comments!


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