The real question is: will Richard Armitage get one?

Was that an iPhone I saw, Mr. Armitage?

Via Armitage Army @ Richard Armitage Central on FB who got it from Heirs of Durin, here’s the link to the Thorin Oakenshield iPhone case.

~ by Servetus on October 12, 2012.

31 Responses to “The real question is: will Richard Armitage get one?”

  1. Nice! But I’d rather have Thornton or Richard himself on my iPhone 5 .


    • I suppose the more germane question for me is if this will finally get me to get an iPhone. 🙂


      • You feel the pull….:)


        • Not so much. Or rather, I hate my cell phone and occasionally wonder if having an iPhone would make me not hate my cell phone.


          • Yes it might. I hated my old phone and i adore my iphone. I do a passable impression of someone who knows what they are doing too as it’s so easy to use. I have amazed myself by joining in conversations about apps and stuff.

            I won’t be having the Thorin cover though. My iphone is white and it’s staying that way. Although i might be tempted by a black and white picture of Thornton in the snow..

            As for your original question – not in a million years will he put that on his phone!


            • Considering the man who is “NOT a movie star” avoided parking his Beemer in spots where people might think him a showoff, I can’t really see him walking around with a phone with his image on it. 😉 I think he’d be mortified at the thought, bless him.


              • I think he might be placated by the thought that Thorin doesn’t really look like him. As he said about Little Guy. 🙂 And he said that Thorin’s face doesn’t belong to him but to the people at Weta that designed it. The SB poster that did look like him may have been more disturbing than the Thorin stuff.


                • Oh, merchandising is part of the whole movie-making experience and I am sure he understands all that and he’s OK with it. After all, he did go through it with RH. What I can’t really see him doing is wearing/carrying stuff with his own character prominently emblazoned on it, even if it doesn’t look like him. He might wear a Gandalf T-shirt or drink out of a Bilbo mug or something with everyone on it. 😉


                • I suppose that’s true.

                  He could get the iPhone case and then do something to alter it in order to take emotional control of his commodification!


                • @Jane, Carrie Fisher once joked that she signed her likeness away for the Princess Leia action figures and so now as a result, every time she looks in the mirror, she has to pay George Lucas a couple dollars in image royalties. 😉


              • you kind of wonder if he’d be recognized based on the photo.


            • I’m definitely part of Apple nation. And the smartphone concept is attractive.

              Frankly what I hate about the phone is having to talk to people, though, and a smartphone won’t fix that …


  2. Oh, thank heavens I don’t have an iPhone nor plan to get one. Because I really can’t expand this madness much more. LOL

    As to Mr. A getting one–sort of hard for me to imagine our low-key, self-depreciating fella sporting a phone with his face on the cover. ;).

    Somehow I can see his mates teasing him about such things. Well, he’s going to have a lot to adjust to, isn’t he?? I hope he can continue to handle it all with his usual grace and aplomb.


  3. Oooh, I have to get me one of those! I’ve just checked, they suit an iPhone4S, which is what I have. *Mezz’s credit card runs for cover*


  4. I think Richard might find this even more cringeworthy than his face on an airplane. Imagine all those admirers being cheek-to-cheek–literally–with Thorin!


  5. Nice iphone case… but I don’t have an iphone and this article and all “The Hobbit” articles on the Warner Bros Website only sips to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the UK.

    So, I don’t need to ask myself : do I order it or not ? lol


    • whew. Saved by the Swiss customs borders!


      • Lol Servetus. 😉

        And I have already spend too much money for “The Hobbit” items, lol.

        But I very very very want to buy the Orcrist replica. The sword’s price is affordable compared to the Thorin mini-bust and the Weta figure that I have bought on Ebay, so I need to think about it. 😉


  6. I don’t think I would have that even though I have an iPhone (which I love Sev) it is my least favourite picture of him and I think that would be a step too far for DH!


  7. […] of stuff across its posts, as I tend to post stuff I find striking (some WETA stuff), amusing (cell phone covers), or embarrassing (postage stamps and coins). I’ve also been linking to […]


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