Kudos, Mr. Armitage, in Toronto. You are always a class act.

Screen shot 2012-12-03 at 12.02.36 PM This is a cap from the Marilyn show. I was just going to leave this cap here to show how (a) perfectly this ensemble fits together (look at the trouser leg) and also how well developed his calf obviously is.

But then in the interview he got asked about the Armitage Army. What a guy. Listen to what he says. They’re the most supportive fan base. They’ve been there for eight years.

Those who wanted Mr. Armitage to look back: you got it.

Here’s the full interview, via RichardArmitageNet.com:

~ by Servetus on December 3, 2012.

48 Responses to “Kudos, Mr. Armitage, in Toronto. You are always a class act.”

  1. And Will and Kate are pregnant. Apropos of nothing.


  2. What did the guy at immigration tell him? I couldn’t catch that bit.
    Is it just me or does she look a bit like J.K. Rowling? 🙂


  3. I think he said that he smiled at him and treated him like a human being.

    So Canada. They have such friendly manners there.

    Also noted: fans with a sign that says “not a rubbish sign”. Yay!


    • I’m thinking I’m going to take a sign with me to the Royal Premiere…A “United Nations of Armitage” sign. After all, I’m going with Linda&Guylty who’re German, Agzy who’s Polish&June who’s English!


  4. he looked at him like he was human!

    I love this interview, I am coming back to watch it again, supper will have to wait a bit!


  5. *gurgles quietly, ogling fervently* Thanks… If he dipped me like that, I’m not sure that I would be coherent.


    • It was especially sweet of him to acknowledge all the work that goes into the sites, i.e. when he doesn’t know his schedule, he just pulls up the website and the info is there.


      • That joke is a recasting of something similar he’s said at least twice in the past — early in his career, he made a joke (like this one) about how if he needed information about something he was doing he could to a fan site and they would have researched it already. Then, during the Spooks 9 publicity, he had a conversation on a radio interview where it didn’t come across quite so positively — they were talking about pictures of his career and the host noted that if was there, Armitage fans would find it out, and he agreed.


        • And I thought he was trying to be complimentary.


          • I think he was.

            Maybe I should post about this. In writing my biography series, I reread every single piece of press I could find about Armitage in the last several weeks. In all the stuff he’s said about fans, he was negative once — (the “Chrissake”) comment, which I think I’ve talked about before, and there was another interview in which the quotation attributed to him was put in the middle of a bunch of negativity from the interviewer. But apart from that, I could not find one single negative remark about his fans. The most you could say is that sometimes he wasn’t crazily positive.

            So to me: he was complimentary, because he has *always* been complimentary.


        • He said the fans who liked him as “bad boy” (“kebab boy”) Gisborne did not see him as a dancing banana in a Fay Weldon (sp?) play at the BIrmingham Rep (?). To which the reporter lady said jokingly that Armitage Army would have a picture of his banana costume on their website. To me he didn’t sound negative about the fans at all. He was self-deprecating as usual.


  6. So cute, the way he “dipped” her! Great interview.
    Side note: Wargs! How will I ever last until Dec. 14th?


  7. Don’t have sound on my work computer so can’t hear it!!!! Would this be his first chat show? Looks like he’s been doing it all his life (even if I can’t hear what he’s actually saying)
    btw, that’s never a cardi he’s wearing…..


  8. *giggle*.. is this Richie?:D our Richie? 😀 .True wonders! 😉


  9. That was a hilarious comment, about not knowing his schedule and looking at fan sites and ‘they tell me where I’m supposed to be’. Now that he said that, he can end up in really strange places this way 😀


    • yes, since I originally wrote that he was in Montréal today and not Toronto … LOL. Glad he ended up in the right place. Somehow I suspect there’s a person in charge of getting him from place to place at the moment, though.


  10. Lovely! The poise is amazing, and so fresh-looking after those flights! (Where’s pocket watch? 🙂 )


  11. I watched it, what a great interview, short but brilliant!


  12. I watch and I still smile 🙂 What an amazing man * sigh *


  13. What a lovely interview. Happy and relaxed and clearly on a high. Such a step forward from the interviews last week with Andy and Martin when we were proud he didn’t stammer and giggle. And the the answer to the Army question was perfect and came across as heartfelt (even if some clever PR person came up with it). Makes me a bit teary. No, I just got something in my eye.


    • Somehow I don’t think that a PR person came up with his answer re the Army…At least I’m glad I can still believe it was his own answer. But maybe I’m naive.


      • I’m not believing this. But I’m pretty sure someone somewhere will say this.


        • Without being cynical and without criticising him at all, quite the contrary, I guess he has discussed with a PR expert how to deal with tricky questions that he either doesn’t wish to answer or that can potentially backfire. He handled the questions about his hotness superbly and now this.


        • Jane, this is the answer he’s been giving all along, through all the press, since 2004.


          • He has always appeared grateful, but I remember a few incidents that alienated fans, like the infamous pants hitting the window. He often tried to treat the subject lightly and made fun of it, which I always took as a sign of modesty. He even once had to send a message to apologize.


            • But there’s a difference between what Armitage said in each instance and how fans took it. For example, if you listen to the interview where he made the remark about the pants (an incident which postdated the apology), he’s trying to be funny / defuse the remark. I realize that it may not have seemed that way from the way the remark was quoted in the print interview, but it would be an extremely strained reading to call that statement evidence that he was making fun of fans. He was actually making fun of the question and tangentially, of the idea that he would be someone people would throw pants at. And he then gives an accurate description of what he thinks his fans are like that is actually quite complimentary. I don’t think he can be expected to control entirely how reporters quote him, and he can do nothing about how fans understand what he has said.

              With regard to the apology, I should post about this because the article in which the questionable remark was made clearly involved the report first pushing him to say something in a particular context and then interpreting it in a tendentious way.

              Fans read things and overreact. Armitage has been kind to apologize to fans for *their* overreactions — because often our interpretations have little or nothing to do with what he has actually said.


        • You know what seemed totally choreographed&not at all spontaneous to me? The dip. I may get killed for saying this but it was SO not him. Didn’t like it at all.


          • Yes I think it was choreographed because I’m not sure she would have stayed on her feet if she hadn’t been prepared but I didn’t mind it. Not the shy RA we are used to but he was putting on a show and I thought it was brave of him to do something that bold. A lot of people watching the show wouldn’t be familiar with him and he made the interview ( and himself) memorable.


  14. Is it possible he could have already heard about the donation drive at his Just Giving page?
    Even if his answer was pre-decided, it still felt warmly sincere. If he hadn’t already done so, he’s no earned our eternal allegiance with that sweet comment.
    Love that he acknowledged the 8 years bit! That traces back to N&S, oh those not yet in the know of the Armitage spell. Wished that role would get a mention somewhere….


    • One essential principle for blogging is that you assume nothing about what Armitage knows or doesn’t know about what happens in ArmitageWeb. That said — the person who articulated that confession about Richard Armitage looking back at her, go her wish fulfilled today.


  15. Absolutely agree with you,serv. He is such a class act


  16. here is a higher quality video of the Marilyn Denis interview with RA on 12-3-12



  17. So so so happy for him. He has stepped out very much as a “star.” It has been fun to see the evolution. Glad he’s enjoying it all and taking it all in. It has been a fun ride. Too many pics and vids to keep up with!

    If he showed up at my L stop, I’d have a heart attack…


  18. The interview was on in the middle of the night here so i didn’t watch it live – the first thought that popped into my head when i woke up was that i hoped someone had uploaded it for me to watch! So thank you for pointing me in the right direction Servetus. I have watched it twice so far and i think it is my favorite interview to date. It was ‘our’ Richard but more polished and confident. Without extrovert co-stars taking centre stage, he came into his own with a performance to die for. And it was a performance – RA is a complete professional and knew what was required for that 6 minutes. He complimented us, he complimented Canadians (how clever to say how pleasant Immigration were – after all he’d only been in the country a day so how could he truthfully comment on Canadians as a whole?), he promoted the film and he literally swept the host off her feet with the dip. And still so modest – you could be forgiven for thinking the AA is a small fan group from the way he told it. No one who hadn’t heard of him would have guessed at the level of swooning he inspires! I bet there are a few people in Canada googling him today though. As for the outfit… my personal favorite so far.


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