It’s still you, Richard Armitage

vlcsnap-2011-02-09-16h46m24s149Lucas North (Richard Armitage) invites Maya Lahan (Laila Rouass) into his apartment in Spooks 9.3. My cap, edited to make Armitage’s face more visible. Don’t ask me what I’m going to do with this meme once I turn fifty …


A year ago, today.

Two years ago, today. When you appeared on that birthday, I knew I wouldn’t be able to walk away anymore.

What a splendid birthday present you are. Every single day.


PressConf-06Richard Armitage, first cast press conference for The Hobbit, February 11, 2011, Wellington, New Zealand. Source:


So I said before I wanted to get back to desire and love and flow and my birthday seems like as good of a time as any to make that move, to try to move away from constipation, which seems to have as much to do, still, with my fears about my feelings as it does about my fears about what could happen in my life. But as I learned over the last year, love casts out fear.


When I look at you, Richard Armitage, a smile I can’t hide colonizes my face and spreads down, second by second, to my heart and trunk and limbs and right out to the tips of my fingers. I look at you till I feel like my whole body is involved. My nostrils widen and my heart beats faster and my shoulders drop and I breathe more deeply and my eyes flash and I grin.

It’s a smile that takes no prisoners because everything it encounters wants to surrender to its energy and heat and sheer euphoria.

When this happens, I am reminded of how much I love. Not what I love, but how much. How much is there, if I just don’t forget it or let myself block it.

You open up all the places that light can get in. And once the light’s in, I can push it out again where other people can see it.

Watching you teaches me how to live in flow.

I see you and your work and I can remember my own emotions without danger and sometimes I can even love myself.

Looking at your work reminds me that I can love as deeply as I can breathe — expelling it all out not just in the smile you always engender, but in words and then in the way I treat the next person I see. I can remember this love when I’m exasperated or frightened. It makes feeling sad more tolerable and turns quotidian happiness into exuberance.

Loving you from afar makes me feel like a wonderwoman of love. Love that I can bathe myself in, that I can share with other people, that I can use to change the way I interact with the world.

Watching your work and reading about how you do it has taught me how to walk into anxious situations without fear.

From you I have learned to raise my sword, even when I am afraid.

Thinking about you makes me dream the most dramatic, expansive, exhilarating dreams. You remind who I am and who I could be.

~ by Servetus on February 11, 2013.

71 Responses to “It’s still you, Richard Armitage”

  1. Wow! This post brought tears to my eyes!

    You have a knack for summing up just how I feel and expressing it so well. Thanks.


  2. Happy Birthday Servetus!

    I think if you are still blogging as “Me + RA” at 50 we will have to arrange for Mr A to stand next to a door with 50 on it! That way we get to keep you at it for another 10 years… I’m sure he would – he seems like a pretty congenial guy; after all, he stands next to ‘rubbish’ signs all the time!

    Have a lovely day.

    bolly x


    • LOL. I can’t imagine I’ll still be doing this in six years. Then again, three years ago I’d have said I can’t imagine I’ll still be doing this in three years …

      Many thanks.


  3. Happy birthday, Serv! From one Aquarian to another. 🙂
    He sure makes me smile. And I feel myself sharing that smile with others. Chain reaction … 😉


  4. Happy Birthday, Servetus!


  5. Happy Birthday!


  6. Happy Birthday, Servetus! And many happy returns. This is wonderful, and I wish you lots of love-lit grins.


  7. Happy Birthday!


  8. Happy Birthday Servetus!!!


  9. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Que disfrutes tu día.


    • Thousand thanks! I spent most of it writing about Richard III, but it’s about to get better. Beers at my favorite place with 55 of them on tap … 🙂


  10. Joyeux anniversaire Servetus ! And to celebrate a link that might interest you


  11. Happy birthday Servetus! Seeing him brings a grin to my face too, he is certainly the gift that keeps on giving. 😀


  12. Happy Birthday. 🙂


  13. Happy Birthday Servetus … and many happy returns! 🙂


  14. Yes,It’s still RA .. and it’s still you,Servetus :* Thank you.
    Happy Birthday! and STO LAT ! 😀


  15. All the best to you my blogger friend! I hope you had a lovely birthday. 🙂


  16. Happy Birthday, Servetus! ArmitageWorld is a better place because of you. 😀


  17. Happy Birthday Serv. Again from one Aquarian to another. What a great month February is lol. Keep up the good work with this blog. Love It !!!!


  18. Happy Birthday! Hope everything looks brighter than it did last week and the week before.


  19. Happy Birthday, Feliz Aniversário!
    To you all you like!


  20. Happy Birthday !!!
    Alles Gute zum Geburtstag, Glück, Freude, Zufriedenheit, Gesundheit, Erfolg, viel RA und immer genug RA-Medizin in Deiner Nähe wenn Du sie brauchst! Liebe Grüße ;o)


  21. ♥♥♥ ¡Feliz Cumpleaños! lots of love to you! ♥♥♥


  22. Liebe ServetA 😉 – Alles Gute zum Geburtstag. Auf dass dich (und uns) Herr Armitage auch im kommenden Jahr weiterhin mit seiner Kunst, seiner Stimme und seiner Präsenz erfreut. Alles Liebe! S. xxx


    • Thanks for coming on the journey, Guylty. Und ja, wir wollen Herrn Armitage bestimmt auch weiter bei uns behalten … als guter Geist 🙂


  23. Happy Birthday, Servetus! May all your wishes and dreams come true, and STO LAT! :*


  24. Herzliche Gleuckwuensche zum Geburtstag Servetus! 😘


  25. Happy Birthday, Servetus! What a beautiful post. May your day be filled with lots of love, laughter, and happiness!


  26. Best wishes for you, Servetus!
    I visit your blog really gladly, but it’s the first time I leave a note here. I think I’m writing to you, because I’ve read about your problems and anxieties. It’s your birthday, so I shouldn’t remind you about those, but support you even more! It’s so beautiful, that your friends give you that kind of support. It’s such a beautiful present right from their hearts – not only for your birthday. I can really understand, how much it costs, when you have to last and overcome such problem. When you cannot let yourself to give up physically and mentally. That’s why I wish you strength and toughness in your life, health and RApassion that I enthusiastically share with you. You know, in polish literature, the number 44 has symbolic and beautiful meaning. It’s an original name from Adam’s Mickiewicz drama, great polish author and poet. It meant someone specially noble and brave, who announced the end of suffering. 44 today is a good sign for a good future for you. Greetings and best wishes from Poland!
    Niech Ci gwiazdka pomyślności nigdy nie zagaśnie!


    • Thanks for the support, and the tip about Mickiewicz is great — he’s been on my list for years so maybe it’s time to read “44”! And welcome to the blog. I’ve really appreciate the people who’ve come here to read and commiserate (!) and drool along with me and glad you decided to delurk.


  27. Happy birthday ! What a lovely post


  28. Happy birthday, Servetus! What a wonderful post.


  29. Alles Liebe und Gute zu Deinem Geburtstag, liebe Servetus. Dies ist schon der dritte Geburtstag den ich (wir) mit Dir feiern kann (können) und ich hoffe es werden noch viele mehr….. Viel Kraft für die nächsten Herausforderungen (das muss ich mir selber auch wünschen. 😉 ) und das es für Dich im kommenden Jahr auch viele Anlässe zur Freude und zum Lachen gibt!
    RA will be there for us in his matchless way!! What a pleasure to know and to be able to rely on.


    • I know — three years?

      Thanks for being here that whole time, and I am wishing you lots of energy and strength right back for your challenges.

      Love how you put that, RA will be there for us.


  30. You know, I think the man himself would be awed and humbled, not to mention touched at what his work has brought to your life. You said it so eloquently and beautifully…Happy Birthday! I hope you have a have a really love day. 🙂


  31. Happy birthday Servetus, and thanks for all you do for our community. The number of comments you are getting here bears witness to how many people’s lives you touch, in giving voice to what you feel and think and to the admiration we all hold for Mr Armitage. Thank you and many happy returns.


  32. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you enjoyed your evening!


  33. Belated Birthday wishes, I know I posted something but it does not seem to be there. I hope you had a lovely day. I really enjoy your blog and hope you will keep going for a bit longer! xxx


  34. Happy Belated Birthday! I hope you had a great day. Birthdays can be seen kind of like a new year and a renewal of ones self. Take one day at a time . Keep writing whatever gives you joy.


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