When Richard Armitage does geometry

Got all the papers graded and back. Sigh. I get 260 pp. more — thirteen twenty-page senior project drafts — tomorrow by 5.

Tonight a night off, and some Richard Armitage hand candy.

We already knew he was great with a protractor compass.

vlcsnap-2013-04-16-21h42m17s139vlcsnap-2013-04-16-21h42m26s236vlcsnap-2013-04-16-21h42m52s237vlcsnap-2013-04-16-21h43m02s89Lucas North (Richard Armitage) plots the possible course of the submersibles toward England in Spooks 9.1. My caps.

~ by Servetus on April 18, 2013.

17 Responses to “When Richard Armitage does geometry”

  1. Good stuff hand candy!


  2. Yay for you having a night off! Love the hands. That second one especially. Eeks. Gives me really naughty thoughts. Thanks. 😀


  3. OOOF! What a way to start my blogging evening. One of the things I will never understand is how in the world the costume designer for Robin Hood, Series 1 decided to cover his hands with those gloves. She/he must have been insane! Certifiable, I tell you. 😉 Thanks for these caps.


  4. Odd. Again and again I’m surprised how long his fingers are….. (I mean, it’s really not that I see them for the very first time!! 😀 )


  5. OMG, his hands are very beautiful, match the rest of his body, 😉


  6. Richard can come help me understand geometry any time, I will get it someday. What lovely hands.
    Enjoy your night off.


  7. Congrats on getting through the grading! Enjoy your night off. Oh, yes, lovely hands.. . Although using an engineer’s scale and a compass is almost a lost art these days, with people doing everything with a computer, Richard’s hands make it a joy to watch.


    • it’s true. I wonder if all those things we had (protractor, compass) are still around? I know that slide rules disappeared with the advent of the calculator that interpolated — that happened the semester I took trig. They reduced it to a term from a year because it took the students so much less time to do the homework …


      • I still have a set of drafting tools from when engineering drawings were done on vellum or mylar with ink. One day they might have value as antiques. They do work without electric power, which is something of a plus.


      • Yes the protractor and compass are still used in our school. Son 2 needed them this year in 8th grade. We will see what is needed for the next 4 years of high school and 5 that right 5 math classes. They now plan out there whole high school classes as 8th graders to fit the path they will take after school, they can change if they want to go down a different path. So far he is looking becoming an engineer.


  8. This reminds me when he said in an article that he had ro be instructed how to hold a pen (Spooks) and have you noticed the odd way he holds the pencil n N&S when he is overseeing the arrival of the Irish workers from the train? I’ve always assumed tiny pencil big hands.


  9. Sorry I.ve just re-read my comment I don’t mean to be rude. Sorry again.


  10. Glad you all love hand candy as much as I do!


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