You owe me 5.5 hours of my LIFE back, Mr. Armitage!

Honestly. It’s really lucky that I finished those papers last night, because I just finally got some focus back.

tumblr_mm0omjL3L61r2u9elo8_1280Richard Armitage, Sydney, yesterday, taken by a photographer. Edit by vilgerb on tumblr — will attribute correctly in a bit, once I actually do some work.

~ by Servetus on April 29, 2013.

16 Responses to “You owe me 5.5 hours of my LIFE back, Mr. Armitage!”

  1. No kidding, now multiply your 5.5 by the rest of us! I’ve been reduced to simply alphabetizing things to be recorded at this point.


  2. Uhhhh…I just now got to see these – Mondays are usually an inundation, plus trying to set up an interview for a new job…I just want to curl up with my laptop and take time to peruse, but I have another class at 4, plus my own sprogs have archery this evening! Maybe later after grading before I collapse.


  3. I haven’t read a book in four months. Used to devourer at least two books a week. Now if it’s not Richard related, I’m not interested, Hope I can get back to reading someday. Is there hope? Do I need an intervention?


    • if you’re asking in jest: no. abandon hope all ye who enter here.

      if you’re asking seriously: my inability to read books in the way that I had in the past preceded Armitagemania by something like nine months, so was probably a symptom of worsening depression and thus I may not be the best comparative index for you, but it lasted about 2.5 years total. Just lately I’ve noticed that I’ve had the urge to read a lot more again — and have been doing it. I really do think it comes back …


  4. Just gorgeous!


  5. How am I suppose to sleep now?!


  6. I just noticed the watermark makes his lips look all chapped like my kids’ lips in the winter!


  7. Simply gorgeous… Thanks. 🙂


  8. […] Ther: The ones after Monday– […]


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