*ooof*: Armitage in Context

Second week in a row that I am posting on a Wednesday. The weekly *ooof* has not moved its regular slot, dear readers. However, in the light of the new Hobbit trailer that had been announced for yesterday, I decided to postpone my *ooof*ing to today in order to let you untwist your knickers before I hit you with another *ooof*. Well, of course I hadn’t reckoned with l’Armitage again – who made a memorable appearance in a small, little online magazine that has probably seen a sharp rise in page impressions over the last 72 hours. A clever move, Click! Pleas suggestions for an emergency *ooof* appeared in my notifications. So back into the archive again, old, regular *ooof*, and out with a semi-emergency *ooof*.


Armitage answers in riddles
at Pre-Hobbit press event
Image by clickonline.com

What have we got here? Is it a bird, is it a plane? No, it’s a dog, judging by the language. Eh. No. Wrong. But you see, the photo leaves me confused. Not least because of the slightly dishevelled subject in it. Overgrown stubble? Tousled mane? Eyes slightly too bright? Oh yes, all the signs of… I leave that up to your very private imagination, ladies. But let’s look at it. Mr Armitage is being photographed in a bland, generic room. Terracotta curtains and a wide expanse of windows are pictured behind him. Cushions of a sofa are visible to his left and right. The photograph has been very nicely composed, placing the subject in the middle and picturing him in a aesthetically pleasing symmetrical pose.

Because the photographer is shooting against the light, the fill flash has been activated, illuminating the face of the subject. If you compare this image with the other existing photo from the same occasion (“meow”), you can see that the photographer did not fire the the flash there – subsequently the face of the subject is left much too dark. The flash is probably responsible for the stark contrast between the stubble and the skin, although thankfully there is no backdrop that unsightly shadows would harshly stand out from. However, this picture has a nicely spontaneous feel to it which makes it appear documentary in style: It is not polished, it is not overly posed and cleaned-up, it feels really momentous, literally. Was Mr Armitage prepared for it, though? And how the hell can it be that the photographer focussed on a mere piece of paper and ignores the gorgeousness that lurks behind, leaving Armitage slightly fuzzy and out-of-focus? Hm? Seriously. This is confusing.

Luckily we have a bit of context to fall back on (Yes, Barthes, Sontag, Lacan and Benjamin are calling, but relax, ladies, I won’t hit you with them today… Let’s just enjoy the pure titillation of this image, and not disect its meaning to death. Damn those spoil-sports theorists ;-)). And thus we know that the picture is meant as a graphic representation of a question that Mr A was asked by an interviewer at a promo event. And hence we also know that the location for this shoot was a generic hotel room, the occasion was not a photo op, but a visually unrecorded event, and the photographer was one of the journalists present at the interview. He has done a good job and he had the use of a good camera (the nice dof indicates that), but nonetheless this is a perfect example of a picture that was taken and not made.

Taken and not made? Is there a difference? Yes, there is, apart from what you may perceive as the idiomatic misuse of the verb in the phrase “to make a picture”. This term is by and large replacing the previously used “to take a picture”. And the reason for that is slightly academic and harks back to critical theory (no escaping that today – I need that as an antidote to the rather visceral reaction I am experiencing to yesterday’s surfacing of the interview pics, the Hobbit DOS trailer and RA’s cutie-cute intro to the trailer). “To take a picture” basically implies the uninvolved “grabbing” of a slice of life, a mere mirroring of a real-life scene. Among photographers is widely interpreted as displaying a negative attitude towards the process of photographing, in the sense that it subconsciously associates “stealing” or “appropriating”. The phrase reflects the previously generally accepted idea that photography is documentary in nature. Despite the long established “pretensions” of photography as an art form, it was thanks to the ground-breaking theoretical writings of thinkers like Barthes, Sontag, Berger etc in the second half of the 20th century that photography was finally acknowledged to be more than just a visual recording of a given subject or object but a conscious creative process that demands more than a simple capturing of a scene. Therefore, the phrase “to make a picture” implies a deliberate decision of the image creator to photograph something. It takes into account creative choices such as size of image, framing and composing, focussing, timing and even the decision to shoot b/w or colour. It places the emphasis of the process of photographing onto the creator of the image and not on the reality she photographs, or the hardware she uses to do so. A photograph is made by the photographer, not by a camera. And the worst insult you could ever throw at a photographer is the well-meant but utterly offensive little compliment “Your photos are great. You must have a great camera!” No! *I* make great pictures; my camera merely takes them!

But despite my backhanded compliment to the photographer of this little gem, I am grateful for the peek at a tousled, tired (?) Armitage. This is Armitage in non-photo-op-form – wearing a casual shirt, allowing us an unrestricted view of his neck. We get a couple of slender digits in full frontal focus and an enticing glimpse of Armitage’s casual wardrobe. Oh, to be that little red button on that wrist… Where is the chunky watch, though? The luscious Armitage back-comb makes another appearance and is in full flow now, with some carefully placed locks obstinately sticking up. “Not quite as polished as you think”, they say, with the stubble chiming in “I am off duty, I just let it all go grow.” As for the quote – well, girls, Guylty almost had a heart attack when she saw her own coinage *nearly* written in his hand. Richard, it’s *ooof*, not “woof”!!!

But anyway, listen up, readers, this is what really happened. You heard it here, first!

Whoever said that being famous was easy? Dammit, working on the weekend was a real bummer. He had of course known that actors had bad working hours – working on stage in the evening when others went out to enjoy their free time. But that had changed when he switched into TV and film work. And if he was honest, he had really liked the regular routine of film schedules. Even if there were long hours involved, he always had the weekend off, time to recharge the batteries and switch his mind off a bit. He hadn’t reckoned with his increasing celebrity. Promo occasions were taking up an increasing amount of time of his schedule nowadays.

He yawned as he stretched a last time before getting up. He was still exhausted from the jet lag from his recent flight back from LA to good old Blighty. Press meetings on a Saturday morning, for fuck’s sake! He groaned. And he had to get from his leafy, increasingly poshified, quiet London suburb to the central London hotel where the press gang were waiting for him. At least there was going to be less traffic than on a normal work day. – Their normal work days. Not mine. He grimaced.

Damn, it was already 8.30 am. He’d have to get a move on to be there at 10 am. Shower. Shit. The jet lag had fucked up his regular shaving schedule. He felt his stubble with his hand. A bit thicker than usual. He peered at himself in the bathroom mirror. That bit of stubble above his lip was turning into a veritable handlebar moustache. Fuck it. No time. Thank God this was going to be a press meet only. No photography. No styling needed. Another quick comb through his growing hair with his hand, and he was ready. Now, for breakfast he’d have to rely on the hotel to provide some pastries and a pot of tea.

– – –

“Did you really start your acting career in a circus?” The bland colour schemes in corporate hotels really are not very conducive to staying alert. How do the suits manage to stay awake in such surroundings? He tried to stifle a yawn but knew that his chin wobbled with the effort of suppressing his body’s need for fresh air. “What characteristics do you share with Thorin?” Shit, did I just nod off? “How was working with Peter Jackson?” He had answered these questions a thousand times. “How do you rate yourself on the open-ended Richard Armitage scale of sexual hotness?” “Whot???”, he barked as his head jerked up, wide awake all of a sudden. “A question from your fans on tumblr. Are you hot or not?” He laughed. That was really one of the searing, central questions of 21st century cinematography. He eyeballed the journalist. The bloke looked rather normal, actually. Hm. He had to answer this nicely non-committally, with a bit of mystery, a bit of humour. Was what he was thinking too forward? No, they would know he was being impishly mischievous. Totally his style. “Gimme that piece of paper!”, he growled. His hands were shaking when he wrote his answer. He held up the paper and looked at the camera, trying hard to smile innocently. But a little snark escaped the corner of his mouth…

All text © Guylty at me + richard armitage, 2013. Please credit when using excerpts and links. Images and video copyrights accrue to their owners.

~ by Guylty on October 2, 2013.

175 Responses to “*ooof*: Armitage in Context”

  1. Great *ooof* as usual dear Guilty! You will be proud of me if I tell you this time I noticed some of the things you pointed out, like photo composition, the cushions on the sofa and the difference between woof and meow. I’m sloooowly learning something. Thank you! If I understood well, the girl who made the interview grabbed the pics herself with her camera. A smartphone, perhaps?
    I didn’t know the quarrel about make and take a picture but it all makes sense. Indeed a photographer makes a picture and that’s why mine are horrible 😛


    • Hehe, I am slowly chipping away there, infiltrating your brain with photography knowledge, Micra. If you notice a change in your perception, that is the greatest compliment I could get. The ex-teacher in me approves 🙂
      As for the photographer – I assumed the picture was TAKEN *hehe* by the journalist from Clickonline, and I assume he is identical with the writer of the article, and therefore a man? – I don’t really think he used a smartphone, though, the image is quite nice in its depth of field, and somehow I think a cameraphone doesn’t get it so well… But what do I know :-D.


      • Why was I convinced it was a woman? o_O silly Micra has make some mess with all the lucky ladies that interviewed him 😉 Sorry.
        I should have taken for granted that press only sends women to interview Mr. Armitage 😛


  2. *snort* ! a ha ha ha ha ! Crazy girl,you are genius! Brilliant *ooof*, Guylty 😀 Thanks!


  3. He nearly killed me with this appearance. Yesterday I was a total mess. Couldn’t come up with a straight thought during the whole day and nearly blew a meeting. As a lame excuse for my strange behaviour I had to blame some kind of influenza I obviously develop (yes, sure…..). Today is slightly better – but I am still in redalertfangirlmode. Hope this will tune down soon or I will be in trouble to keep hiding my little secret of being a fangirl. When I recovered (slightly) from the view that surrounded the paper I was a bit confused by the writing itself. Is the guy a bit challenged in writing technique or did he have no place to lay the paper on while writing? A few weeks ago we were allowed to see a handwritten letter that showed a rather agreeable cursive. But maybe his mum still does his fanpost? And/or writes letters according to his instructions? He should take his mum with him evereywhere and especially to this kind of events. She would take care he looks properly before stepping in front of camera. And so she would have spared me this massive heartattack (that I still desperately try to recover from).
    PS: thanks for your advise not to praise the quality of the camera instead of the photographer. I think I made this mistake more than once….


    • I.f., I am so glad that I work from home. Days like yesterday would be extremely hard to get through if I was still working in a little cubicle in a massive office, trying to contain my fangirl screams, my cooing, and gasping… Influenza, my arse 😀
      As for the hand-writing – very shaky. In context (!) with his slightly tousled appearance and the fact that these interviews took place in the morning (I think), I had various explanations for the wobbly hand-writing. Jet-lagged tiredness? Hung-over? No proper table to write on?
      *hahaha* the thought of Mama Armitage writing the letters for RA is just too funny. AND being brought in as his private secretary to these events, too. Nah, if he did that, he’d be a bad son. I will certainly tell my rockstar-in-the-making son to go to oompah-music-hell if he should try and employ/exploit me, his biggest fan, as a cheap secretary. Not on!
      PS: Hehe, all is forgiven re. praising the camera instead of the photographer – but only if you take this on board and from now on praise the photographer’s eye instead! 😉


      • Gladly I work alone in my *massive* office. But once in a while it cannot be avoided that someone pops in to say hello or pester me with stupid questions. Very unwelcome when just moments before I had a massive fangirlattack, and catch me not working while floods of dribble sweep over my desk and down the corridor.
        I think it is *oh, so* very polite of all of us to blame his unkempt attitude to the jetlag the poor chap has to suffer on, or his hard work, not being aware of photographers that might attend, or his aversion to marketing events as such – while in truth he just has a terrible hangover from yesterdays party until the wee hours. Too much vodka and some naughty grass. Explains his troubles with the letter *w*.
        PS: you ARE gruesome to threaten your son with such traumatising punishment.


        • Hehehehe, you said it, i.f., I didn’t. I have my own theories why he turns up the way he turns up. But then again – that is all speculation. Unfortunately, the sources are silent when it comes to the state the subject is in. Probably part of the journalists’ professional honour. “What happens in a hotel room, stays in a hotel room”… ahem…
          Laughing here about the visuals you have provided regarding your situation at work. I picture a stream of drool from your mouth across the computer keyboard, onto desk, floor and out your office, and your colleagues getting all panicky and flustered…


          • Oh, they DO! I am the type of Fräulein Rottenmaier and am well known for my cool and relaxed attitude. Or at least I had been known for that before Armitagemania hit me. The longer it lasts the more difficult it is to come up with new (and not already used) explanations on my irritating behaviour. Damit!Mr.A.!!
            Would it make sense to try to bribe one of the journos for more detailed information? I would offer a 5er if someone would start to collect money. Or better: does one know the journo and is it possible to blackmail him? Would be cheaper….


            • *LOL* Fräulein Rottenmaier *helplessly laughing*. You can’t be serious! If you are as entertaining and funny at work as you are here in the blogosphere, your colleagues must love you…
              Hehe, yes, we should totally ingratiate ourselves with the journos. Tap into their knowledge and then also brainwash them into asking the questions that we are *really* interested in. Such his stand on the cat/dog controversy. Or possibly his view on summer versus winter. Or big-bosomed girls vs. … oh, am I getting carried away here? Yeah, TMI, TMI.
              PS: Click is an Irish online magazine and therefore within my reach *ggg*. But you have to bribe *me* first before I volunteer to bribe *them* 😉


              • Huh – my colleagues normally freeze with respect before entering my office. During the years I developed perfect skills to look extremly busy and dedicated to my work – whereas in reality I browse away my time on the internet to my liking. Thank godness no one in our company really understands what I am doing. So I can easily whisk them away and tell them *I am doing very important stuff you anyhow don’t understand – so please do not bother me with your insignificant crap*. I am not too sure my colleagues love me….
                On the important stuff: I would certainly offer you my neverending gratitude and a drink around my place. But be aware: I have two cats. According to Mr. A.s answer to the question *meow/woof* I had a really long story to tell about…..*grittedteeth


                • LOL – I just hope for you that they have not copped on to your activities in Armitageland and do not read here. Please remember to delete your browser history as you go home tonight!
                  I’ll take that drink in your place next time I am in your neck of the woods (I love meeting other sistas-in-RA). And not to worry about the cats. I have two of that species myself, and I nonetheless whole-heartedly agree with Mr A. They are temperamental little divas, only interested when there is food to be gotten. Otherwise rather stand-offish. I want a dog!!!


                  • Oh yes!! *prettyplease let me know when you are around Lake Constance somewhen next time. By the way mewants to see Dublin and I am a few days off in the beginning of next year. 🙂


                    • Really? Well, let me know closer to the time. I *always* have time for a cup of tea with new friends. (You know my e-mail, don’t you?)


  4. oh, I forgot to comment your funny ficlet. I’m sure you are not far from truth… and I’m sure he can’t keep calm if the circus question will pop out again 😉 And yes, I think sometimes he boyishly laugh at himself thinking about some answers to give. in some video interviews you can see that he stops and wait for reaction with a smirk… lovely boy, Mr. Armitage…


    • Being in that position (as a celebrated star, being interviewed, being photographed, being filmed) must be really weird. To maintain sanity, any *normal* person probably has to laugh about it. And have fun with it. I actually like the idea of RA coming out with a few outrageous quips, just to see whether people cop on to him or not. But that is actually a very Irish sense of humour, not sure if he’d have that in him, polite, decent bloke that he is…


      • It’s indeed very hard to guess which kind of humor a man can have. One of the most private thing and not explainable. I suppose you are right, I don’t see RA as a sarcastic bloke, but then there is that little episode he told once, about him doing his queue to check in. That little episode revealed a new RA to me, in a fantastic positive way (at least for me and what I expect from men and human beings in general) so I don’t know. A new interrogative for RArmy: what kind of sense of humor does RA have? 😉


        • Which anecdote was that? Checking in at the airport? Vaguely rings a bell… By and large I like his sense of humour – but what is even more amusing about the appearance of the Armitage humour is actually the lack of proper response from the people it is directed at. He comes out so dead-pan, that the interviewers do not even realise that the mickey has been taken out of them. That’s exactly the sort of humour that I love… Go on, Armitage, a bit more of that!


          • Let’s see if I can tell you with my weak English.
            He was going to check in and a guy was near him. He arrived first in the line, so the guy began to snort and grumble on RA’s nape during all the waiting time to the desk. When at last it was RA’s turn, he turned himself to the guy, made a step aside and did a gesture saying “Please” letting the annoying guy go first.
            I find this a wonderful gesture of scorn masked with kindness, the one you cannot reply to and you end mortally ashamed. And full of humor too.
            Hooray for RA!


        • For you micrat: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vwz0KFDrqec


      • Yay! I love his jokes, delivered with a dead-pan face and a look to see if the interviewer gets it. I love it even more that they usually don’t! There are plenty of examples in TH interviews.


        • Absolutely right. There’s nothing sexier than a humourous man. Well, a sexy humourous man. A sexy tall dark British humourous man. Ok, funny RA.


  5. “Armitage’s casual wardrobe. Oh, to be that little red button on that wrist…”
    Prada red tag.


    • Really???? Hm. Not like. Too fancy. But well, probably comes with the job… Thanks for the explanation, movie!


      • Indeed? Not connected to that brand and not a Prada lover myself.


        • Glad to hear an Italian woman say that, Micra *ggg*


          • Ah, I have my tastes and Prada is not in my vibes at all. Too formal and rigid, if I can express myself this way. Oh, and far too much expensive in absolute terms. Not very creative clothes and dressed by very snob people that play tennis and love boats. Or would like you to think they have boats and can play tennis. Have I given you an idea?
            RA t-shirt is nice (from what we can see) a simple black/grey one. I’d like to see it better but only thing I can see is it has grey sleeves and sides. It could be nice indeed.


            • I really liked that shirt. But that was *before* I knew it was Prada… Yes, I am *that* superficial…


              • 😉 I have similar attitude towards certain things too. And yes, I’d preferred it wasn’t Prada but at least they pay taxed, while D&G didn’t. Excuse my Italian pov as taxpayer.


                • Totally valid POV. And I applaud you for that.


                  • Thanks 🙂 Most of our financial troubles originate from fiscal evasion, so you can imagine how much I love people and companies that elude their taxes. Italian fiscal situation isn’t describable to non Italian people. It would be comic if it wasn’t tragic. We are risking our primary citizens rights because of this and a political class not even worthy of this name. Sorry for the OT


    • So, I’m delurking to ask – I have not been able to figure out what he’s wearing. Above the paper looks like a tee, but the sleeves are a “typical” shirt sleeve. Those sleeves on a v-neck shirt? Inquiring minds need a focus that bypasses the face in the interest of sanity.


      • Welcome and congrats to de-lurking, Gadfly.
        I love how you put your justification for zooming in on the shirt :-D. Unfortunately I am fashion-immune and can’t help. AA to the fore!!


        • I know someone can help me! I love your *ooof*s, Guylty; my photography skills stretch to sometimes getting the object roughly in focus, but love and appreciate good visual work, so have learned a lot from your posts.


          • Glad to hear that, Gadfly – I am just spreading the love a little bit.
            Oh, and now that you are here, please continue chiming in. The more, the merrier… I hope the Army has sent some scouts out to clarify the fashion question 😉


            • Well, I have to tell this story now that I’ve “come out” – having gone down the internet fanclub
              rabbit hole many years ago about another tall handsome Brit actor, I swore I wasn’t doing that again. But last week I saw an ad with the headline “Your body deserves better than RA”. Immediate thought: “oh, no, I’d be more than content with that!” The ad was for rheumotoid arthritis medication, but t took me 10 minutes to figure that out.


            • Thanks for joining us Gadfly! There will be no going back now..

              Not that I have looked closely (cough!) but I thought it was a long sleeved t shirt , possibly with a double layer on the body ( so like a long sleeved t with a short sleeved one over). Someone is bound to identify the very item for us soon- these things never slip by unnoticed in Armitage world!


              • That’s kinda how I was reading that at first, but….I sew a lot and know fabric pretty well, and the sleeve looks like a very traditional shirt sleeve, perhaps a fine linen or heavy cotton, the black part looks like a really fine cotton, and short sleeved = total confusion. Could he please go back and pose for a half-length standing pic? If a traditional shirt, there would be a collar under the v-neck. Grrrrrr


              • Ok, after some more staring (at the sleeves, honest!), I think you must have it right, Bollyknickers. Can’t make sense of it otherwise. Do wish there were more shots. Lovin’ the new hair, although it doesn’t seem to be heading to a Poldark ponytail yet, too layered in back.


                • I can see what you mean about the cuffs but I think that might just be the angle.

                  Having said that, maybe I just *want* it to be lounge wear!


                  • Looking at those cuffs again – am I right in thinking that the grey material is only on the “back” of the sleeves, but the “front” is black? Sneaky.


              • I admit that I scoured pages and pages of Prada images on Google last night. Sure sign that I have gone mad. But no success. Maybe someone else is more knowledgable than me.


                • XD Do you think RA will lure us into becoming fashion connossieurs? Now, THAT would be an unexpected consequence of richarding!


                  • Ha! That would indeed be unexpected. Mind you, Richard has already succeeded in getting me interested in things I previously felt rather non-plussed about. That’s one of the definite plusses of Richarding, though.


      • thanks for the comment, and welcome.


  6. The first thought I had when I saw those two pictures ( OK maybe the third or fourth) was – tomorrow’s Tuesday – I know Guylty is going to be working on this. But with the trailer and all – anyway, I looked forward to this eagerly, and the ficlet, as well.Though there are other stories to tell.
    Why do you think the photographer/interviewer used flash for one and not the other – does he prefer dogs, too?


    • No, that’s one of the indicators that tells me the photographer was not particularly camera-literate. I think that he had set the camera on automatic, and the flash fired on woof but not on meow. Coincidence. Or: he shot meow first, realised that the face was underexposed, and only adjusted the flash when he took woof. And he only made these two exposures – unlike a pro who would shoot the same scene at least five times each, from ten different angles 😉
      It’s quite possible that the photographer also tried to communicate his own preference of pet *ggg*
      And yeah, you bet I had to talk about this. I am still giddy about the whole woof/*ooof* coincidence.
      What other stories? Pray, do tell 😀


      • “The flash fired on woof but not on meow”, can´t help laughing. I liked the meow better than the woof, because I´m a cat-lover and there´s still one living with me, but since the woof turned into an *ooof* I rather love it.

        Very interesting *ooof* regarding the photographing aspect (as always), but your ficlets really hit me every time 🙂


        • I think the ficlets have now become a bigger draw than my photo lecture. Hm. What does that tell me??


          • It shouldn´t tell you anything. For me it´s always a good lesson cause I have so many lacks as photographer even as an amateur. So go on, please, but I don´t want to miss your ficlets, too.


  7. LOL! I really appreciate the distinction between taking and making pictures. Maybe the reason we connect with these images is that it’s pretty much the quality of photographs most of us have in our albums or in those files full of snapshots that will never get printed. I honestly could have taken that picture (but I’d make him take some clothes off, Ya know, for composition purposes…) and that’s what resonates.
    Who doesn’t have a picture where they’re a little worse for wear, in a boring hotel lobby, with the illusion that a potted plant is growing from the top of our head?


    • Well, rest assured, Agzy, that I have a good number of such duds in my personal archive of photographs as well. But still, I prefer the pictures when they are clear and focussed. I don’t care about potted plants. I want plotted pants… eh, well, I want RA visible in all his splendour, and not obscured by shadow or fuzzed-out by faulty dof. Having said that – this image was not made for magazine publication, it was made as a tumblr joke. And for that it is entirely appropriate.


      • It seems impromptu and I can only be thankful that she/he took them at all. We’re in for YEARS of looking at pictures where the text is added to those pages Richard is holding up 😉


        • Deffo impromptu. And I bet that Armitage had no idea what an avalanche of picture modification he was kicking off… I hope he sees them and laughs his head off. It should make him proud – his Army is creative, funny and observant. Yeah, we are just great, I think.


  8. Ok, I’ve mentioned it a few times, but I actually prefer the ‘dressed himself’ RA to the scrubbed up Stylist one. Mainly because then he reverts to the black, blues and leathers which suit him so much…

    I’m still liking the hair, tousled or combed, and that long-sleeved t-shirt he’s wearing reminds me of the sort of loungewear tops aimed at men to wear in bed…

    I think he’s looking tired though, but he does seem to be doing a lot of travelling back and forth across the Atlantic at the moment.

    It would be rather lovely for we Brits if he did a few things here now, so we might just remotely possibly spot him somewhere here.


  9. Good point, jh, he returns to black and blue and jeans and jumpers whenever he is allowed to choose his own clothes. I prefer that too – although that whole Prada thing really gets up my nose, I have to say. Maybe he buys expensive brands, thinking, that he’ll automatically buy fashionableness with the brand? Come on, Richard, you don’t have to be fashionable. You’d look sexy in a fecking tutu!
    And where can I sign that petition to keep RA in the British Isles for a month or two? Not only for RA-spotting purposes of the English fans, but also to give the man an opportunity to rest!!!


    • Where can I sign the petition?
      And yes, I prefer this RA to the styled one.


    • *LOL* The man can’t get anything right, can he?! *gg*

      Maybe he buys expensive brands because he doesn’t care about the brand at all?

      I prefer to think that he simply liked that shirt.

      Nowadays he can afford to buy expensive brands. He’s had times in his life when he couldn’t. Well, I hope he’s enjoying the luxury not to think twice about spending his money for something he likes.

      Thanks for ooof-ing and your funny ficlets, guy-lty. 🙂


      • Yeah, there is always criticism, isn’t there? Jacket too formal, leather jacket too informal, sweater too chunky, jeans too long, shoes good but wrong colour, nape curls cute but hair too long, long-sleeved t-shirt sexy but wrong brand. You know what that is? That is clutching at the last remains of my sanity in view of being killed by aesthetic perfection, and doing so by criticising his clothes *shelaughscrazedly*. Guilty Guylty. *sillysilly*
        And it is indeed nice to think that he can afford to buy whatever he wants to have. Maybe I am simply jealous of that? I wish I could buy what I want…
        Thanks for commenting, Hedgehogess, and your nice compliment.


        • I think a thing that I’ve noticed personally is that I don’t have any quarrel with his clothes when he’s dressing himself, he can wear whatever he likes… I have more of an issue at styled shoots or events when I scratch my head and wonder why a style professional would choose pieces that are ill fitting, or just not flattering to his frame or whatever…seems as if it is their job to show both the clothes and the man at their best.


        • Great post as usual, Guylty. Don’t be too hard on him about the Prada thing. I recall he wore Prada as a spook, didn’t he? So he knows their stuff fits him. As a really tall person who could breathe down his neck without standing on her tip toes, once you find a brand that fits (long enough in the arm, etc.) you tend to stick with it for convenience sake. Those sleeves are really long. It is almost impossible to find them so long they go past your wrist. I have never shopped for Prada, I wear the finest clothes money can buy, as long as they come from Costco. But maybe I’ll go to their after Christmas sale and check them out. Or does Prada even have sales?


          • LOL. Thanks Kathy, you are right, and I will backpedal a bit. As I commented somewhere else: My criticism of designer fashion is unfair. Not only because you make a good argument about buying a brand that he knows fits his frame well, but also because a celebrity is *expected* to look good and to wear expensive clothes. It’s all good. I still think he’s a decent bloke, And a bloke, nonetheless. Thanks for setting me straight in a nice way!


            • Welcome. I am not into fashion at all, although I am a fan of Project Runway. And, like all of us, don’t care what he wears, really. Nothing is preferred but not required. Clothes don’t make the bloke, right?


      • Who says he has chosen the delicious loungwear stuff himself? Obviously it was not Mme Ilaria and most likely it was also not his mum. He himself seems not to care too much what he grabs from the floor before storming out of the house – so probably doesn’t waste too much time on shopping. But maybe his SO is very into Prada? An anorexic bergdorfblonde with big hair and eye-catching french manicure who is very experienced in botox and all kind of fruit acids with a special fondness of shopping in Old Bond Street.
        hmmm – not very likely……
        hmmm – maybe it’s not his shirt but the shirt of his SO?………………
        Hmmmm – maybe I just should shut up.


      • Thanks for the comments, hedgehogess, and welcome.


  10. How did you know that Richard’s day went that way? You just forgot the part where he kissed me goodbye before he left! 😊

    I’d like to think that Richard gets those expensive clothes through his stylist and photo shoots since in past interviews he sounds very conservative with his spending habits. And as for wearing a Prada shirt, that was the least wrinkled shirt in the piles on the floor when he was rushing out the door!


  11. I keep reading “porno events” instead of “promo events”.


    • LOL – in German we say something along the lines of “your thoughts pervert your words”. Well, we say it in a much earthier way… suffice to say, your mind must be otherwise occupied, Richardiana 😉


  12. Taking vs making…my photos make so much more sense now! (Seriously!). I’m going back to bed..the last 36 hours have taken their toll, and unlike Richard Armitage, I don’t have enough gorgeous in reserve to cover it! 😀


  13. I love the idea of Mr. A. nodding off in an interview! All those manners and can’t keep his eyes open..LOL. Love the ‘handlebar’, didn’t even notice that, don’t know what I was looking at. Fascinated by the take vs make. All around great way to start a day! Thanks Guylty!


    • Oh Carly *hugs* – a great way for me to begin my afternoon with such an overall nice comment. Hehe, isn’t it most amusing to imagine Mr Polite slipping up a little bit? Just to make him a bit more mortal…
      The handlebar moustache was a little nod to Agzy – not that she noticed *tuttuttut*. I was exaggerating a bit… but the stubble *was* particularly thick, wasn’t it?


      • I wonder if… oh, bearded RA… my fave. Light beard as in the Sydney May photo set and Popcorn Taxy Q&A.


        • Is that a request, Micra? *winks* Which one exactly? It’s got to be one that I haven’t *ooof*ed before 😉


          • oh, the one on the bench! the close up! Those eyes … oh dear, shut up Micra you just woke up and you are still dreaming 😀


          • I know there isn’t probably very much to analyze in it, but I love his face (his eyes!) so much… it’s actually the image of my laptop desktop and I can assure you my heart beats faster anytime I switch it on 😉


            • I figured from your description that that was the one. Ok, noted and will be attacked at some point soon. I have just saved it in my “to be *ooof*ed folder. 🙂 It is actually a nice photo.


              • oh thank you my dear!!! It would be fantastic to have it *ooof*ed 😀


              • I’ve scoured Sydney looking for that bench ( oh just imagine putting my bottom in the very same place he has put his bottom..) but no joy so far. One day, when I least expect it, I will spot it and woe betide anyone who is sitting on the right hand end when I do.


                • *hehehe* raw RA-obsession strikes again. The things we do… Not judging, merely applauding – I would *so* do that myself.
                  PS: I am secretly considering a trip to Brittas Bay, about 70km away from Dublin, to visit the field where they built the “Dice Café”, the watering hole of the “Durham Defenders” in George Gently. http://visitwicklow.ie/films-in-wicklow/george-gently/ Might have to disguise that trip as a mushroom picking outing *thinks*


                  • Yes, do it. When my daughter and I visited London this July we went to some of the “Spooks”-locations. I was so disappointed detecting the real Thames-House was not the one filmed in Spooks, stupid me!

                    Though it was great finding out I walked over that hill in Edinburgh that was used as location in “N&S”.


                    • It’s utterly silly and irrational, but I can see how visiting the location gives a feeling of an intangible bond. “I’ve been where XY has been”. The whole thought becomes even more attractive when you imagine that time is not a linear process but moves in bends and turns, effectively meaning that different times can exist in the same physical spot simultaneously… Don’t laugh – some theoretical physicists believe in that…


                    • Yes, that´s true, I´ve read recently about it. As far as I remember it was Albert Einstein who believed in that theory, too.


      • Yes, delightfully so! I’ve been scarce the past couple of days, it’s just all a little much, you know? But I love reading your take on the photos and though I prefer the Meow picture (I just cant’ get over the look on his face..LMAO) I’m fascinated with everything you see in his little ‘woof’!


        • Oh, I feel with you, Carly. I also felt a bit oversaturated – which inevitably ends in extra snarkiness on my part. My current hormonal state doesn’t help, either (and I am not talking about the obliterated ovaries thanks to the whole woof scenario…)
          The meow pic didn’t hit me as much as the woof – probably because the lack of flash annoyed me. But I have to concede, the facial expression is priceless.


          • Oh…the scoundrel pick…..if it’s Australia…please do the scoundrel pic…https://meandrichard.files.wordpress.com/2013/05/mxnewspaper.jpg


            • Aw, I have already done that one, Carly. Here: https://meandrichard.wordpress.com/2013/04/30/ooof-armitage-in-sight/ I don’t think I had a “scoundrel” association with that one, but I can see where you are coming from…
              Other suggestions?


              • I KNEW if I suggested a picture you would have already done it and I would have missed it…embarrassing! No, no more suggestions for me! You should cut me off, brutally.


                • Absolutely not, Carly. There is no enforced reading list on this blog, consisting of all previous “publications”. This is fun, not obligation. And not embarrassing at all. No pressure – if you ever think of another pic, let me know. Otherwise I gather that you are a member of the RA Fandom – Beard Faction? Let’s see if we can do something about that…


                  • Well, since your week has you suffering ‘curious woman syndrome’ I do have a favorite, but it’s a candid..

                    I don’t know what you could possibly say about that, photographically…just don’t say you’ve already done it!


                    • Tricky one. But hey, I’ll take the challenge. I am sure I can find something to waffle about. However – not as a cop-out, but I’ll have to check where and how I can post that. I usually don’t do candids – because it is unfair to judge an amateur on their photography. Maybe I’ll just focus on the ficlet?


                    • You could just say…oh this and this and this….is why you can’t look away…I wouldn’t dream of you trying to make it an oof! let’s be serious. I’m just curious, why this picture, with all the professional shots available? Probably just a weird Carly thing. I’m sure you’ll find the perfect photo for next week! You always do!


                    • Aw, Carly (((x))). I’ll do my best 🙂 I love to be challenged. And I like to give back something.


                    • I meant to say, you could just say…..in a comment (not an oof)


                    • Nah, a RA photo demands space *ggg*. I have a variety of platforms to choose from – here, my own WP blog, or the lawlessness of tumblr. Watch this space.


                  • Yes, the beard..there is no defense for me. I breath a little sigh of relief when he shaves and I can move further than a foot away from my computer. Micra made me a little nervous with her speculation! Please don’t be growing it back, just a little break, just stubble the rest of fandom for awhile and let me think.


          • Ah, I see we paddle the same boat this week, if on opposite sides of the world. Yes, I like the woof but the meow I can’t stop looking at. Maybe it’s because he looks, 42, jet-lagged and like ‘seriously? a cat? you can picture me, with a cat?’ All the wrinkles and the tired eyes…it’s got to just be this week.


            • Hahaha, “seriously? a cat? you can picture me, with a cat?” Love it, Carly. I think I am gonna have to reexamine that image…
              PS: yeah, 42 year old, jet lagged jokers are quite up my street, usually…


  14. Do you think he looks 42 in this picture? One of my first ( coherent) thoughts was that he seems to look younger in candids. He’s clearly tired/ jet lagged/ hung over and most people would look 10 years older in those circumstances ( I myself am getting very picky about lighting, angles, my alcohol reading etc.. when anyone pulls out a camera) but he looks younger. To me, he looks younger than in the BAFTA tea party shots – perhaps because he feels more relaxed?

    Having said that, I think part of his appeal is that he is aging so gracefully – he’s definitely a man, not a boy, and personally I think I will still be swooning when he is 82. He seems to get better and better.

    Prada shirt- not very familiar with the brand but it looks comfortable and like the jersey is butter soft. Just right for snuggling up to and nuzzling my nose into the gap in the neck….


    • I think most people in the 38-48 range are pretty hard to judge, age-wise. I think he looks his age in the meow pic, or he looks like he FEELS his age, for once.


    • Hm, yeah, I do think he looks his age. But that in itself is not bad – 40 is the new 30, and just judging from the number of young female fans he has garnered, his age is not an issue. Besides, as you said, he has great genes… enviably so. He does look younger than in the BAFTA shots, I agree, but I think that is really because of his clothes – the casual collarless shirt as opposed to a collared shirt and a jacket.
      RA at 82… I am trying to imagine what he will age like. Attractively, no doubt. He will doubtlessly still charm the bees of the trees as an octogenerian – and I will carry his framed autograph in my zimmer frame’s basket with me at all times, much to the chagrin of the fellow inmates in my future seniors’ residence… *haha*


  15. Interesting, all the comments really. Such a wide range of thoughts and that is what makes it all so much fun to read. Actually I didn’t think he looked younger but I will say he didn’t look older either. I thought he looked like he was wearing the sort of clothes I’d often wear when I was just sitting around on a weekend at home in the morning. I might have a undershirt on with something on top if it were chilly. If I ended up going out then I would certainly change but otherwise I’d just slouch around reading the paper or doing things about the apartment. Since I live in California I am not really going to cold for long even in winter of course so that top part would usually mean I’d be wearing shorts on the bottom but it would just be like wearing sweats really. He just seemed to want to be comfortable really because this was just an online interview thing not necessarily a full blown photo layout deal and maybe still too jet lagged to care if he wasn’t done up perfect.

    I just felt like he was kicking back a bit from all the formal stuff and I liked that a lot. I could see him sitting down with the boys and watching the game on the telly really but that is just me. I know I’d have felt rather comfortable with him maybe more so than if he were dressed up for a photo shoot in all the expensive stuff. I love him in that mind you but just see more relaxation here.

    Certainly could spend a lovely Sunday morning with him at home like this and maybe a late lunch out. Change of clothes there of course but something comfortable like his favorite jeans with black shirt and such for a walk along the Thames after lunch. Yes, that definitely feels good.

    Loved the ficlet guylty.


    • Yes, this was definitely a look that reflected the occasion in that it was not meant to be a photo-op. The casual look is always more to my liking than the formal look.
      Glad you liked my ficlet. 🙂


      • When I first saw these, I thought they might have been screen caps from a Skype session. I’ve wondered if some of these far flung interviews are by phone or Skype?


        • Don’t think they are screencaps. The shallow depth of field (focussed foreground, fuzzy background) is not possible with a mere web cam. And the journo was a guy writing for an Irish online mag. He could easily be based in London (cos that’s where it’s at, Dublin is a backwater, I am sorry to say). Or he just flew over for the occasion – only 50 € there and back. Which is nothing, really. – I would’ve imagined that this was an organised press event with more than just one journo present, so I’d guess that it wasn’t conducted remotely. But well, with modern-day technology everything is possible…


  16. What a great woof, I mean *ooof* today Guylty! I really like this picture, but then it is casual, and I like casual. Not that I don’t like formal, I do. A fast read now and will read the comments later. Another crazy day with little time to spare.


  17. Wow, lots of comments this time, Guylty. Your scenario seemed oh so believable- the psyching up to get going for an interview on a day when he’d probably much preferred to’ve stayed in bed. Well said.


    • 😀 – the getting up from bed/getting dressed scenario seems to be a recurring theme, though. I better think up some other stuff, for the future. Thanks, Katharine.


  18. Being away only for one day (public holiday! Guylty you know!!) and it seems I’m again late to the big party!! Nearly 1000 comments!! 😉 Reading them all was fun, but took a loooot of time and apparently everything has exhaustively been said. Thus what’s left to tell about this topic and this sweeping ladykiller in particular?
    Maybe, that he must have been aware that on occasions (press!!) such as this, most certainly photos would be taken. Therefore he knew (and didn’t care or did it on purpose!!) that he presented a rather more roughened version (due to various reasons) of his public persona. Aren’t that Youtube promotion-clips of DOS filmed on that very same day, and isn’t he wearing that same T-Shirt, you all were puzzling over? It looks plain black, but no RA arms and hands visibly (for appreciation) here this time!! Oh and before I forget: Brilliant job as usually, Guylty. Love your explanation of that distinction between photos taken or made! Can I proceed on the assumption that you definitely are a fan of the German word „knipsen“! Hahhhhaa…..


  19. Question is whether he chose the gym in Broadgate because it was close to a hotel he was at or close to where his flat is?


    • It is not that close to the part of London where he supposedly lived for years, before his long-term leave to NZ. As far as I know we do not know whether he still lives in that house. Maybe this particular gym offers him room for some privacy. The morning hours are probably anyway the best choice, as usually they are the least frequented ones.


      • Actually, guys, can we leave the discussion of his London abode at this? I know that I actually started this by asking Linda, but I am beginning to feel uncomfortable about discussing his residential particulars here on the blog. It’s probably because I am right now this minute working on an *ooof* in which I am touching upon paparazzi photographers *ggg*.


  20. […] where there is a rule (Guylty says “No candids”), there is an exception. This image was suggested to me by RA fan CarlyQ, who is a new commenter on my *ooof*s over on me+richard, and as a thank you […]


  21. […] that was requested by regular reader Micra/Microlina, who, under duress, eventually broke down and suggested a beardy picture for me to *ooof*. Yes, I am not a member of the Armitage Army – Beard Faction. […]


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