Richard Armitage Legenda 99: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]

If you liked the work of bloggers featured here, do this please — at their sites!


Note that some tumblr links are interspersed throughout the categories this week, but if I’ve put a tumblr link outside of the tumblr section, I believe that that link itself is safe for work. No guarantees if you click around the site, however.


Responses to the Desolation of Smaug trailer

Your reactions to Richard Armitage’s latest reading recommendation?

This is my candidate for best reaction to the news, although it preceded the information, so they’re totally unrelated. It’s not a reaction. Funny nonetheless.

Responses to the Richard Armitage “woof”

More beautiful hair from LA. Ah.


Richard Armitage tumblr-“woof” mashups

Selected from dozens, these are ones I was especially amused by. Add your own favorites in the comments.

Richard Hermitage tweet of the week

Screen shot 2013-10-03 at 1.30.14 PM[Instead of “Richard Armitage,” my mother says “Richard Hermitage,” like the museum. JAJAJAJAJA!


[Servetus loves this because “Armitage” is derived from the same word as “Hermitage.”]

Richard Armitage archive

Richard III news


Guy or Gisborne more visually orgasmic than Porter OR Mr. Thornton: An old poll result I never shared

Original post was here.

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Richard Armitage-related fanfic

  • Obscura reflects on the research necessary for her Porter fanfic, “Recovery.”
  • My Story Blog covets your story recommendations.
  • At Something about Love (A): “Thorin’s Dream of Love” goes to ch. 2. and ch. 3. (Tolkien AU / Romance).
  • At wattpad: The Arkenstone’s “Rubbing Me the Wrong Way,” part 3. Further humorous / flirty adventures of Thorin / Lady 0akenshield.
  • At wattpad: MorrighansMuse’s “A Willing Heart,” goes to ch. 18. (Tolkien AU / romance).
  • At A03: RAllatrix’s “Jeans.” (RPF / Armitage + OFC / mature.) A female friend with benefits thrifts Armitage button-fly jeans.
  • At A03: sentientblueberry’s “Stupid Shit.” (RPF / Armitage + reader / mature.) Armitage in bed with a fan.
  • At triple-r-porn: “Richard Fantasy #8: Thorin / Reader.” (Thorin + OFC / mature.) His unwilling fiancée catches Thorin bathing. With illustrations.
  • OT fanfic recommendation: deadonarrival and a_bit_not_good_yeah’s “Professor AU (Graduation Day Universe” stories at Sometimes I Just Think Funny Things. (RPF / slash / O’Gorman + Turner). Perfect combination of fluff, angst, and sex for the Aidean fangirl (and for me).
  • And a little more Aidean, while I’m at it: at A03, blue_butterfly’s “At the end of the rainbow.” I’m waiting for every chapter of this with anticipation. Potentially very triggering for victims of sexual harassment — DO NOT IGNORE DISCLAIMERS, THIS IS BRUTAL — but I find it cathartic to read, and so well written.

Popular search string this week, but will it last?

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The kind of thing I hope Richard Armitage knows


Richard Armitage Tumblr

Keep in mind that tumblr is variably NSFW.

OK, maybe I will post it: Hair substantiates rumors that Richard Armitage has signed to play Jesus


And then there’s this. I guess we’d call this the “church militant”. And what about Moses?


Armitageworld needs some love

I thought it was vodka

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OT, collateral attractions and things I think about

~ by Servetus on October 5, 2013.

46 Responses to “Richard Armitage Legenda 99: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Comment.
    Just kidding. I think I’ll read first. 🙂 As always, thank you for the link back!


  2. I’m exhausted just looking at this…and after climbing out of the distraction abyss those woof/meow pix dropped me into!! What a week 🙂 (Nape curl vortex, distraction abyss…what next I wonder?)

    Ἐπαινῶ for all the linkage love ❤


  3. Fabulous list of links! I’m tired just reading through them all. Ha! You have outdone yourself! Wow!

    And re the last RA image? RA in this clothing–fluffy light blue pea coat, too skinny for the pattern repeat plaid tie, and really tight in the thigh trousers–John Standring, we have missed you! Ha!

    Oh and thanks for links to my story and such! Hugs!


  4. It will take me until next legenda to finish this one! Great list!! Coveting thy neighbor’s Story Blog? Which commandment is that one? I forget. I might start breaking one of the others and start stealing some you list…


  5. I love GiztheGunslingers’s cat’s response! 🙂


  6. Like

  7. Thanks for all the links. So much to follow up on. The list seems to get longer each week. Means everyone has been busy.


  8. [edited. — Serv]


  9. Great list! This was a wonderfully intense week in RA-world. 🙂
    thanks for the links to me :*


  10. Fantastic once again, Servetus. I would miss out on so much, if it were not for your wonderful lists. Thank you for assembling and creating them !!!
    Come Saturday, I am already eagerly awaiting your list 😉


  11. Thanks for the mention in the Woof-mashups department. But, was I gone?


  12. Thank you for the link, it’s much appreciated! 🙂 I don’t know how you manage to keep up with all these loads of stuff…


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