Richard Armitage Legenda 104: Stuff worth reading

[Legenda offers a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but which are linked in the sidebar. Because I always forget or just miss stuff, please add additional pieces of interest via link in the comments.]

Reminder: please leave comments, likes, kudos, etc., on the pages of items you enjoy!

One of the fun things about Armitageworld is the “progressive dinner” quality of it — I hope everyone goes lots of places to get their information, leave comments on the things that have struck particular bloggers, and generally has a good time tripping from place to place. The bloggers are so generous with their time and thoughts — it’s like a party that goes on in a lot of places depending on the time of day, and for me, it’s fun to make that party go on in a lot of places! Following the “progressive dinner” metaphor — I hope that everyone “leaves enough room” in every sense to eat and bite here and there.

I know this weekly post has a “one stop shopping” quality to it for some readers, but keeping everyone here is not its intent. Rather, I’m seeking to send readers out into the world and make their presence known, to ensure that everyone who blogs about Richard Armitage gets a little love.



Fun stuff that will be happening


Screen shot 2013-11-04 at 5.34.18 PMRichard Armitage, The Hobbit live event, Monday, November 4th, New York. My cap.


Hobbit live event and reactions

If, like me, you couldn’t go, you can read all about and form your own impressions!

If I missed yours or someone else’s, please link in the comments.


Not my fantasy, but amazing art

4920fad555fc8cde0654da71160f5db5Forwarded by a reader. If you are the owner, please let me know so I can credit you.


Richard Armitage archive


tumblr_mvnual9dK61s30px9o1_500Source: Lady-clyo


Richard Armitage-related fanfic

  • At wattpad: MorrighansMuse’s “A Willing Heart” goes to ch. 23. (Hobbit AU / Thorin + OFC / romance).
  • At DF: Obscura’s “Recovery” (Strike Back AU / John Porter + OFC / mature) goes to ch. 19 and resolves that darn cliffhanger.
  • At wattpad: Siriusly’s “Walking on the Moon” goes to ch. 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and ends with ch. 15 (Spooks – Life on Mars mashup / Lucas North AU).
  • At Something About Love (A): “Thorin’s Dream of Love” goes to ch. 11 (Hobbit AU / Thorin + OFC / romance).
  • At A03, insaneboingo’s “Bang a Gong” (RPF / Armitage + Evangeline Lilly / mature, PWP).


Armitage bloggers in NaNoWriMo

  • Check out “Every Fifth Living Thing” if you haven’t already. It’s now at ch. 4 and 5 and this is the point at which I’ve become very interested in this story. I don’t know what the competition is like, but it seems to me that if the conflict set up in ch. 4 can sustain the plot, she’s got a good chance of getting noticed.


tumblr_mvuog6Ouqq1s7defao1_400Source: RunAmok


Richard Armitage tumblr

Remember that tumblr may be NSFW or offensive to pieties.


Thorin Mini’s thoughts this week

Source: Thorin Mini

Screen shot 2013-11-07 at 6.04.01 PM Screen shot 2013-11-07 at 6.03.36 PMScreen shot 2013-11-08 at 9.15.42 PM***


OT, contexts, collateral attractions, and stuff I think about

~ by Servetus on November 9, 2013.

35 Responses to “Richard Armitage Legenda 104: Stuff worth reading”

  1. Thank you so much for all the Reblogs. I think I may need more Moderators for this Chat. It was pretty big and fast last time. Should be much fun.


    • Hope you have a great time!

      Back in the days of Armitageworld chat, I made a lot of friends.


      • Yes, same here. I met many when Liliana (worldofarmitage on Tumblr & Twitter) did hers. It was great. The last chat I did was pretty slammed. I’m a bit nervous it will be too busy to really read at a certain point. But fun will be certainly had, I’m sure. Sure hope you plan to come. 🙂


  2. Hey! Thanks for the links! Lots of event opinions. I’m still thinking about mine.


    • I get to do what historians do on this one — collect the data, come to judgment — since I wasn’t there. Not that a first person account is inherently more correct. Eyewitnesses are consistently wrong about things. But I still need to have all the eyewitness reports together in order to figure it out!


      • I am just so confused about the wide differences in perception!! One person says he was happy, one says he is shy, another says he is introverted, another says he was uncomfortable. What the heck!


        • people have really different contexts for observing him. One of them is length of time watching him (since all of these are comparative judgments — is he more comfortable, or less comfortable, than last time). Another is the mood of observer. An excited or happy observer is more likely to attribute an excited or happy mood to the subject being observed. A third is knowledge about the venue and the logistics of the exercise and awareness of how that might be affecting what one is seeing. A fourth is *what* specifically the observer observes — things like body language, tone and pitch of voice, facial expression — since it’s impossible to observe all closely at once, one must choose, and so perception depends on when these things are observed. You know the story about the blind people describing the elephant — that’s human perception for you.


  3. Thank you for mentioning “Every Fifth Living Thing”, Serv. NaNoWriMo, unfortunately has no prizes to offer, other than the satisfaction of having written or finished a 50,000 word novel – that, and raising money to promote youth literacy in classrooms and libraries in the country, as well as support students, educators & libraries around the world.

    In my case, I’m just trying to get a 12-year old novel that’s been percolating in my head off the ground and what better way than to get NaNoWriMo to get me running? But oh, the pressure in maintaining that conflict throughout, which is my Achilles heel!


  4. Thanks for the link! I wasn’t sure if Santa had tumblr, but I guess I’m covered now! 😀


  5. I love the two images!!! Thanks again for all the interesting stuff and the link to my blog :*


  6. Thanks as usual for your precious list & links. Great work! 🙂


  7. Thanks for mentioning Armitage Agonistes.


  8. As always, thank you for the link love!


  9. Lovely list of links as always. Thanks so much for putting this all together. And thanks for sharing my Thorin fic chapter link. Here also is my link about the THDofS Live Event (part 1 of 3):

    “The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug” Worldwide Fan Event November 4th, November 04, 2013 Gratiana Lovelace (Post #466)


  10. Thanks for Legenda ,Serv.
    I love “Amazing World of Fan Art ” 😀 😀


  11. Thank you for the weekly list. I just spent the past 2 hours reading blogs from Monday onwards. Some very fast, and not reading all the comments. It has been a bad week in my family. We have been to Chicago and back for Mr. 70’s uncles funereal. Thanks to everyone I was able to check out the live event last Monday, I was to busy getting my homework done as we left early Tuesday and got back late Wednesday. I yet to check out the videos, but will do so soon. Still so much on my plate yet. Maybe tomorrow we will watch TH DVD, son2 can’t wait too.


  12. As usual, thanks for linking to my blog and fanfic. Glad you like the Fav. Body Part post 😛


  13. Thanks for the link to my post about my…*sticks tongue in cheek*…illustrious heritage 😉 Much appreciated.


  14. […] a brief, non-inclusive index of stuff about Richard Armitage that I noticed and enjoyed since the last episode. It doesn’t usually include materials presented on the major fansites, which I love dearly, but […]


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