More info on the Casa Matusita

Here. And here’s the project website, apparently.

I wonder if the various parties to the Old Vic thing and this are trying to put pressure on him?

~ by Servetus on April 11, 2014.

22 Responses to “More info on the Casa Matusita”

  1. I thought I read somewhere that Richard did not want to do horror or gory films ?


    • yes, he did say that. I think on the whole, the Old Vic thing would be a better choice for him (something he always wanted — lead on the London stage). That said, being in a film with Malcolm MacDowell would be cool as well, and we don’t know what the script is like, really.

      My glee here is heavily related to the fact that the rumors we used to hear were for not very attractive things (Charlie), and this is a solid thing, something people are likely to see.


    • Is “psychological” film rather different from horror films” ? I’ve been entertained by some of those, while suspending belief for the interim. Sixth Sense, Turn of the Screw, for instance. (Vampires and other horror thingys – NOT!) If Mr. A truly wishes to return, and consolidate his credentials on the stage, he will do so. If the will is not there, he won’t. While many of us regard him as a leading man, he is also a character actor, tricky for casting, especially with all the urbane appearances lately, and dressed-up photo shoots. (G, as for your blogging, I have been deeply appreciated of your weekly Oofs a different perspective and another world, of the photographer’s viewpoint.) we will see how things develop re; roles.


      • I think there’s a difference between gore / violence horror (think “Nightmare on Elm Street”) and the sort of tension horror (think “Rebecca,” or “The Shining”). I can see not wanting to be in any of the latest gore movies and still thinking that a classic film in the genre would be attractive.


  2. Reblogged this on the armitage effect and commented:

    And there’s MORE! 😀


  3. I’d be astonished if he gave up the chance to perform at the Old Vic. It seems to me that being in The Crucible is exactly the kind of work he wants to do.
    He ought to do that.


  4. I second the above motion. Personally, fingers are crossed for the stage. He’s been gagging to go back, and it’s time to return to basics. (Even if I don’t have a hope in hell to flying out there to see him.)


    • I’m sure he knows what he’s doing 🙂 My preferences really don’t figure into it — i don’t have all the info and I’m not him 🙂


      • I have every confidence he knows what he’s doing. From what I read, one of his goals was to go back on stage.


        • Fans of medium durée have learned to take what he says about what he wants to do with a grain of salt, because he’s said basically everything, even just in the last two interview cycles. He’s said he wants to do a film with few characters and no green screen; he’s said he wants to do a really great US TV series; he’s said he wants to go on stage; he’s said he loves to do audiobooks and would like to do more; he’s said he’d love to play a classic superhero; this last week he even said he’d be willing to do a great role on Game of Thrones even though it’s a lot like Robin Hood and TH. The only thing he’s ever said consistently that he doesn’t want to do is musical theater (that’s been repeated since the summer of 2010) and in the spring of 2013 he said he is not interested in doing horror. Oh, and he frequently says that he wants to expand his portfolio and not repeat himself.


          • Yes, I am aware of what he says in interviews and how he contradicts every single one of them. He has said he wanted to go back on stage, and after years of saying it, he’s finally doing it. That’s my point.


            • Well, actually, it’s not confirmed yet. It’s a statement by a gossip columnist in a paper that is well known for trading on sensationalism — a statement that the Armitage fandom picked up out of sheer joy. Which is fine. That’s one of the things we’re here for. Then the columnist egged on the fandom by flattering various people without actually saying anything. So a lot of us are asking who fed that columnist that information, and why — was it in fact to create the reaction that it’s created to pressure him? Because we practically never hear him speaking with any exactness about specific projects in advance. IMO there are really great arguments for doing either of these projects as well as arguments that speak against both of them. Casa Matusita also fits into things that he’s said he wants to do and opens potential doors. Many many many more people will see it. It gives him another entree into the art film scene. It offers him a cameo with someone whom he repeatedly says he admires and with two other actors who are well-thought of. It gives him an entry into the very lucrative, and HUGE Latin American film market. It’s not a misstep at all; neither is it clear that doing it would be inconsistent with recent statements he’s made.


  5. Casa Matusita….its scenario seems to be such that not even Richard’s involvement could induce me to watch it. When he said he wasn’t a fan of horror, I was relieved that I wouldn’t be faced with the problem of avoiding one of his roles. 😉


    • my guess is that, if he was interested in doing it, it isn’t a conventional horror scenario. I could see him in a great psychological thriller, absolutely.


      • I agree, now that I would watch. 🙂


        • I agree with you, Mezz, and he seems to be able to work with these short shooting schedules (Only six weeks for Urban and the Shed Crew, when he is in most scenes, seems short.) He could do this at the end of the Old Vic run, and still have time to spare before the promo tour for There and Back Again.


  6. Thinking about either project makes me grin. I’m just happy that his name is being mentioned in conjunction with high-profile, prestigious projects. Spacey’s Old Vic! Malcolm McDowell/cameo by Gary Oldman! If he could do both without running himself into the ground, I’d be thrilled, but either way I’m thrilled for him 😀


  7. Did you see this article? Some more interesting tidbits e.g. Gary Oldman as Richard’s aka Mike’s doctor..,119322cd2f255410VgnVCM3000009af154d0RCRD.html


    • WOW! So it wouldn’t just be a cameo from Oldman, it would be a scene with Oldman. I can imagine that would be very hard to turn down.


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