Allergic Armitage? or, a sympathetic screencap for all the spring sufferers

Frozenextra-02Richard Armitage in the Frozen DVD extras (filmed 2003). Cap at


Well, not really. He looks like he could be about to sneeze, but really, he’s concentrating before saying something meaningful. This is for all the people who are looking at the spring flowers and wiping their noses.

~ by Servetus on April 14, 2014.

9 Responses to “Allergic Armitage? or, a sympathetic screencap for all the spring sufferers”

  1. We went right from winter into allergy season 😦


  2. If you watch carefully, he does spend the first few episodes of Robin Hood sniffling a lot. Who knows – could be allergies.

    I’ve been on antihistamines for two months now, myself. I am so, so over the pollen…


  3. My poor daughter …she took “all the best” from her parents.


  4. In all likelihood I mentioned it on some blog(s) before that until I “encountered” RA for the first time in October 2010, I suffered from a heavy hayfever during spring for more than 30 years. (After completing my desensitisation it at least got a bit better with my severe allergic asthma.) However the last 4 springs I had no signs of any allergic reactions at all, notably not this year as we are having such a long lasting spring. The papers are full with articles about loads of people who are suffering from strong pollination.(we actually had no real winter here in South Germany alltogether. Maybe it sums up to 3 days with bits of snow from November to February!!)
    This miracle only leads to ONE conclusion: as a byeffect, falling in love with dear Richard helped me to get rid of this plague!!!! Hopefully for longer….distracting me…… whatever my hormones are doing right now….concentrating (like you say Steven does, wasn’t that his name?) …and trying to say or do something meaningful…
    BTW he really looks young in that film, doesn’t he?


  5. Thanks much! It only begins to affect me in late April, usually (grass, grass, grass…), but then again it does until October…


  6. I wonder if he’s one of those people who has a stifled, dignified sneeze or (like me) someone whose sneeze cannot be ignored — vehement, violent, but effective ?


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