Richard Armitage in new promotional stills for Into the Storm

Seen at nothingbutnathankress


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~ by Servetus on June 19, 2014.

59 Responses to “Richard Armitage in new promotional stills for Into the Storm”

  1. Hmm,


  2. I’d know those thighs anywhere. 😉 Yep, American dad/teacher pants. Ya know, Serv, between playing with the new camera, playing with more edits of those intoxicating Crucible pix and now these—I don’t think I will be getting to sleep as soon as I had planned. Ah, well . . .


  3. Reblogged this on the armitage effect and commented:
    And more new promo pics–this time for Into the Storm! Lots of wet RA . . .


  4. Reminds me of scene 88 from The Hobbit. They run and run, just a little bit more wet ;-))


    • yes, and less costume on them. I actually thought that when I saw the photo of him running — bet you’re glad to be running without all of Thorin’s gear!


  5. […] […]


  6. Hmmmm. Someone fetch the poor man a towel. Wait…what am I saying?


  7. Doesn’t he appear particularly smallish in that last pic? Compared to the huge car, or he’s anyway fixed into this scene? Weird. Not all too thrilled about his side parting. Gives his profile an odd look. (Sorry for my grumbling…)


  8. Reblogged this on Armitage Agonistes and commented:
    Is there such a thing as Armitage overload? Hmmm. Probably not. Some stills from Into the Storm, just released.


  9. I like Richard in a wet shirt. 😉


  10. Not a shadow of a beard – too naked for me in his face 😉


  11. even though this film is going to scare the crap out of me, I’m looking very forward to it. he’s got that whole Clark Kent thing going on.


    • good point.


      • It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s Middle America Khaki Man. His billowing jacket and weightless look suggests he’s about to take off to rescue hapless tornado victims, heedless of his waterlogged state.


  12. Damn, if that film is set to show the course of only a few hours, then we won’t have any costume changes. That whole look is a little bit too RL for me ggg.
    OT: How many sets of that suit combo did they actually have on set? Just wondering whether the costume dept had to dry and clean and press the same suit for 28 days of filming ggg so that Gary could look respectably teacher-ish in one scene and tousled concerned dad-ish in the next…


  13. There’s no one more daddish-looking than a schoolteacher…. WB probably thought more teens and tweens would be heading for this movie b/c of Nathan and Max. I predict the trailer will tease us “moms” more by setting up Gary & Sarah’s character w/some will-they-won’t-they….. and possibly some better wet shirt shots.


  14. I like the sound of your prediction! 😉


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