See Richard Armitage putting on his shirt

Esquire vid. See it here.

Or here.

~ by Servetus on July 11, 2014.

45 Responses to “See Richard Armitage putting on his shirt”

  1. Swoon. Thud. Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. THAT is the sexist thing I have ever seen, hands down. smoothing back the hair and the look on his face and the eyes at the end and I think I might pass out.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sorry, were you saying something … FAINT


  4. Wow! Wow!


  5. Did you notice it’s reversed? His pock is on the opposite side …. like it matters….


  6. We are being spoilt today!

    Yum. That’s all I can say really.

    I find it hard to credit as I am normally the one bringing up the rear but I was the first person to like this on YouTube. It will be interesting to see how may likes it has by the end of the day.


    • I ripped it from tumblr from someone who’d ripped it from Esquire — so I doubt my channel’s views are representative of anything. Waiting for a bot to tell me I’ve violated copyright by putting it there …


  7. Very nicely done. See he can dress himself. LOL


    • And with great aplomb, too, Peggy! And sexiness … can’t forget that. 😉


    • I noticed we didn’t actually see him tie the tie though. If he had managed that without fumbling I think I might have expired with lust.


      • there are laws against killing people with sexy vids, I believe.


        • Maybe that’s why the shirt was more or less on before they started filming. Anything more could indeed have been “lethal”.


          • yeah, I think there a lot of edits going on here, e.g., in the shot where he buttons his shirt, he already has his cufflinks on — that’s possible, but a bit unusual given my own experience of how men put on shirts. The original video must have been longer.


      • Bollyknickers, merely reading your lines makes me fidgety….


  8. Reblogged this on Stacks and Ranges and commented:
    What the devil going on…jaw drops openNever mind.


  9. I never say THUD, but this is that moment. I can’t figure how we missed this if it was out there before the article last year …. something so Mean-ing-ful …. 🙂 sigh


    • I’m guessing it wasn’t — and that this is being placed because Armitage has been in the news lately.


  10. Oh. My. Gosh. fans self vigorously Not working – THUD!!!


  11. None of the things I’m thinking should be said in polite company.


  12. Also, there is NO WAY this man doesn’t realize how good looking he is. You can’t “work it” like that otherwise!


    • You got that right!!


    • yeah, of course he knows. But what’s he going to say in an interview when someone asks him about his sex appeal? There’s no polite answer that affirms that one knows oneself to be sexy.


  13. Thanks for this. Words fail me. It is such a treat. Is this from the tuxedo photo shoot a while back? I can’t remember what magazine it was for. Actually, after seeing this, I can’t remember much of anything.


    • I think it is. The horizontal paneling matches the walls in the photo shoot, which was for Esquire. Not that it matters.


      • Esquire UK – the magazine name is actually at the start and end of the video. Thus proof Richard Armitage has the ability to drive any other thoughts from our minds. Maybe why they did not use this as advertizing when the magazine came out to avoid lawsuits over imploding ovaries, fainting injuries and brains turning to mush. Seriously hot!


        • Thanks, sara, my thought processes are seriously compromised while under the influence of hotness. There is a lot of mush there to begin with, then with RA added: Hopeless loss of brainpower. 🙂


          • This vid was so hot that I saw it on places in social media that normally totally ignore Richard Armitage.


  14. O_O Masterpiece! 😀


  15. I needed a little RA therapy today. thank U


  16. Well, that certainly banished the post anaesthesia blues!


  17. […] I really do like this photo — and after pondering for a while why that might be, I think my reaction derives from an error. That is to say, this is not a photo that does a very good job of representing Richard Armitage as I believe him to be. Like the other photo we saw today, it’s supposed to create an effect, and this one does a better job than that one in that the effect as it appears is more immediately plausible to me, anyway. If I’m going to have Richard Armitage in men’s formalwear, for right now I’ll definitely stick with Blair Getz Mezibov, at least at this point, although that style of photo wasn’t incredibly convincing to me, either, at least at first. (I ended up liking his vid a lot, though.) […]


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