These additional Dan Forti photos of Richard Armitage

Source. I haven’t been withholding, I am just not sure how excited I am about them. Then again it’s astounding to me that we have so many photos that I have the free space not to be excited about some of them.


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~ by Servetus on July 16, 2014.

25 Responses to “These additional Dan Forti photos of Richard Armitage”

  1. Gosh that chair looks so small for him!! 😀 I actually prefer these pictures to the Italian photographer’s (can’t recall his name) photos!


    • yeah, that chair is comical.


      • Der Stuhl ist wirklich albern! Wie auf den Photos im Old Vic! Zu wenig Stuhl für zuviel Armitage 🙂 Wir wissen doch auch so, dass er eine beeindruckende Erscheinung ist. Wer besucht denn solche Trick? . Aber btw: einen RA entstellt ja fast kein Motiv! Was fünf ein Anblick m Morgen 😀


  2. Alle ziemlich gestellt, also: Pose für den Fotografen. Naja.

    Das oberste finde ich recht gut, nur zu viel Rand oben. Aber nice boots.


  3. Luv them. The chair emphasises his size tho. He must have purchased a bulk lot of those jeans/motorbike pants.


  4. It’s a look that works for him. Teuchter, you are noticing those prize thighs, aren’t you . . . naughty big sister! 😉 Listen, my actual big sister would be drooling right about now, trust me LOL

    As for buying in bulk, due to this former Super Shopper’s physical limitations, I, too, tend to buy multiples of things when I find something I like that fits well and is comfy. I have five of the same v-neck t-shirt from a local store—in different colors, of course.


    • Re the first paragraph: I’m thinking you know me too well! 😉

      As for the second, I know what you mean. I do the same. Being short and, lets face it, not as skinny as I was, if it fits and I like it I get more than one.


  5. As works of photography, not terribly impressive or interesting. However, I love the outfit, and there’s something intriguing happening in his expression.


    • I agree with everything you said, Alyssa.
      I think I definitely like the 2nd and 3rd pics, and would like the 1st pic better if he was surrounded by preschoolers, since he seems to be sitting in a “preschool” chair ….. Hey, did anyone notice the red and green marks on the floor?? And the radiator? What gives? Is an assembly starting soon? Is he channeling Gary Morris now? (I suddenly have so many questions …. 🙂


  6. I’m certainly excited about the last one. It’s been knocking about my Pinterest board for a few day and the gaze is quite breathtaking.

    As for the others- well, I’m never going to say no to a good thigh shot but he seems to me to be somewhat uncomfortable ( with both the attention and the tiny chair!) so I will have to look at them a few more times before I decide about them. 😉


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