Richard Armitage tells Huff Po he is tweeting to support charities and be in touch with fans


~ by Servetus on August 22, 2014.

14 Responses to “Richard Armitage tells Huff Po he is tweeting to support charities and be in touch with fans”

  1. Yes! I just high-fived myself…I knew he planned the first tweet to coincide with his birthday!


  2. I have to say I’m rather impressed by his official Twitter outing. He definitely made sure people would know it’s really him and not some imposter.


    • he has PR advisers in his follow list 🙂


      • I wonder how he’s been advised on how to behave on social media. Like don’t cross the 4th wall, and do planned Q&As if you really want to interact with fans, so it’s on your terms etc.

        Hopefully he’s heard of some of the twitter dramas some his ‘colleagues’ have caused, as to what not to do 😉


        • I noticed he’s following Amanda Abbington and I had to suppress the impulse to tweet him and say, whatever you do, do NOT follow her example. She seems to need to pick fights to get attention.

          But I wonder what constitutes crossing the 4th wall in a medium like twitter? Seems like you’ve already broken it as soon as you reply to anyone.


          • Constantly replying & reacting to is definitely breaking the 4th wall, that’s why I’d say do planned Q&As if he so desires. Just so it’s clear for everyone.

            Because once you go down that road, it’s very tough to keep up as the number of followers keep on growing. Tom Hiddleston used to interact quite a lot with his fans in his early days, but now he has over 1 million followers and some of his fans are bemoaning he doesn’t respond anymore.

            It’s a very fine line to tread on Twitter. Some are definitely better at it than others. Abbington, yeah, she’s not exactly the best example 😀


            • early days — but so far he’s the recipient of a lot of stuff he isn’t replying or reacting to. Just RTs of some answers to his questions so far.


              • Yeah, noticed it too. That is one of the few good Twitter moves you can make. You allow fans to respond, but it’s solely on your terms.


                • I’m wondering if he’ll do something the dwarves, esp McTavish and Brophy, too, namely wish happy birthday to people who ask for it. I’m hoping not … I think that would be a bad move b/c he could never possibly keep up.


  3. Yippie, it´s his birthday and he makes such a gift to his well-wishers, what a generous man.
    Thanks Servetus for finding, I`m so happy, that lits up a not so bright day 🙂


  4. Okay so he is going to have so many followers it may break the bank so to speak. He’ll be getting birthday wishes I would guess but it is still early and he is working isn’t he?


  5. Thank you for posting this! I have to admit I was doubtful after the 1st tweet that it was really him but yesterday’s tweets were fun and I’m
    convinced now. In fact he’s tweeting so well that I am also sure he hasn’t only just started doing it. He may well have been tweeting under an alias for a long time?! 😉


    • I was shocked, but not surprised. I figured with the blue check, that meant at the most that Twitter had been deceived, which would have been a really involved hoax. Also, one thing it would have demonstrated, had it been a hoax, was how much demand there was for exactly this. So it was all good in my mind.

      Frenz has always thought he was tweeting privately somewhere / how.


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