Look who came to join the gang in my office today

2012-01-01 00.00.00-51***

He’s a lot bigger and more durable than the other Thorins Oakenshield that are currently living on the desktop. And much cuddlier.

~ by Servetus on January 21, 2015.

11 Responses to “Look who came to join the gang in my office today”

  1. Great find and gift !
    I wonder wether it inspires you or entertains you , while you work?
    I shouln’t be able to concentrate , with such a sweet “green” figurine , with nice and piercing stare in front of me . Durable concerned .


  2. Thorin 1 and Thorin 2 to keep you company.


  3. this morning i found him in my letter box, 8 journey days to came to join me
    across the ocean
    someone to look at or to squeeze when needed ..as you suggest


    • I hope you gave him something to eat, lol 🙂


      • Des crêpes au sucre avec du cidre de pommes bio , sortes de grands pancakes faits maison , comme veut la coutume .
        (Il y avait un invité de marque à la table familiale. Affamés et ravis du repas ,mon mari et mes adolescents ne m’ont pas trop mise en boîte).
        Car aujourd’hui c’était la chandeleur : fête qui succède aux 40 jours après la naissance du Christ chez les catholiques , les origines en sont paiennes.

        Homemade pancakes whith sugar and organic apple cider, as usual
        because today was candlemas ( i was told Mr A likes eating that french meal) .
        My relatives were too hungry and happy to tease me .


  4. […] have Richard Armitage looking at me obliquely all day long — and scaring away the evildoers.) I have added some stuff this year, too. After I saw the trilogy in marathon right before the U.S. premiere, I placed my hang tag […]


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