Why Richard Armitage IS Francis Dolarhyde … and you should love him anyway, part 3 [guest post by @FrauVonElmDings]

[Continued from here. Same comments policy in effect.]


Part three: Why Richard Armitage IS Francis Dolarhyde

Now we’re ready to understand why Richard Armitage took on the role of Francis Dolarhyde. Though, first things first: I simply couldn’t resist photoshopping two of my dogs into hannibalistic understudies.


As Richard Armitage stated of late in an interview, “I’m not really into fairytales and happy endings. I think it’s why I die a lot on screen and only got married once.” I would like to expand on that: as I’m a natural-born dreamer (Venus square Neptune) I recognize a fellow when I see one (Mr. A shares the same aspect). It is just that he simply doesn’t believe that he is worth a happy fairytale ending (at least as of yet). His dreams, however, are big (Neptune conjunct Jupiter) — maybe too big to share them with anyone.

On entering the eighth house of his horoscope on his forty-second birthday (2013), he arrived at a period of six years in his life in which he will have to deal with themes of life and death and sex and power issues. As the cusp of this house falls into the sign of Scorpio, Armitage is likely to meet and work with a lot of scorpionic and plutonic people (as Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio). In fact, as he entered Scorpio on his journey around his horoscope-clock, roughly around his fortieth birthday (as I hypothesize) the “Scorpios” would start to come forth from that point on. The first was Peter Jackson (a Scorpio) followed by Crucible director Yael Farber, who has a “Hades-Moon” in Scorpio (if her date of birth, which I’ve found after some digging on the web, is correct), and now he’s about to work together on Hannibal with Mads Mikkelsen, the personification of the Scorpio-theme: a Scorpio with a Hades-Moon in Scorpio as well. As a side note: Jodie Foster, who played FBI agent Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs (1991), has a Hades-Moon in Virgo just like Mr. A. And just like him, she has almost always played “dark” roles. Yet as a Scorpio, Jodie Foster’s choices were still darker than his.

Back to Dolarhyde: If we read Red Dragon the events leading Dolarhyde’s evil side first to develop and then to take over his psyche are explained well enough and — of course — the ultimate core theme of the Hades-Moon can be found there (doubled through mother and grandmother in this case).

The “mother issues” of the Hades-Moon can fall on the bad side or, there can simply be an unusually and intensely strong bond between mother and child. Armitage’s mother is known to have been very supportive of his vocational aspirations from the very beginning. Almost always some kind of life-endangering encounter occurs in the early years of the individual, be it from a difficult birth, or other near-death experiences. Mr. A’s often expressed fear of water/drowning because of an early childhood accident comes to mind. In my case, almost died at the age of two, because my mother choose a bad time for my measles vaccination (which was done with live virus then) and I almost drowned at age 10 (while my gran was helplessly watching from afar) because of a sudden exhaustion / cramp while swimming in deep water. While there is absolutely no indication that Mr. A was abused as a child, a certain undertone of emotional struggle is there — everyone who has read / heard some of his interviews must have noticed comments like “of course we wouldn’t talk about such things (as a profession in the arts) at home.”

In Mr. A’s horoscope there is not only the Hades-Moon which points to mother issues, but also a Sun square Neptune (our dreams) and Sun quindecile Mars (our actions). And this is the point where the father enters the picture. The Sun represents our father’s influence on us, and these two aspects are not smooth and friendly, but challenging ones. The actions of the child may not have been approved by the father through the Mars aspect and through the Neptune aspect there might have been quite some difficulties in understanding and/or accepting the child’s dreams and “soft side.” So this arrow strikes home, I think. When asked on the press tour of Into the Storm who he’d save if he ever encountered a situation like the one in the movie, he answered without hesitation “My mum,” and added, “Or if I had a dog, I’d probably save him.” Now at this point, let us assume he’s just sure, that his dad would be perfectly capable of rescuing himself.

No one chooses to become an actor by accident. Roleplaying “family constellations” are a big part in today’s psychological therapy. So there may have been a deep urge to explore methods of expressing oneself and understanding psychological mechanisms in the safe environment of a stage or a film set — instead of lurking in the dark and killing people in their sleep in reality.

In playing (and dying) as Thorin and Proctor, Armitage seems to have reconnected with an emotional side he’d buried deep inside (poetically spoken: “a well of unshed tears”) – or he wouldn’t have set up a memorial for his dead character on the scene and clearly confess to lots of tears / emotional turmoil after his last take. On playing Proctor, he stated “I shed so many tears during those 12 weeks, I sometimes felt like I had nothing left.”


unnamped“Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody.” (Mark Twain)


Those with a Pluto-Moon conjunction in their horoscope can normally keep intruders out of their personal lives. They can wear Pluto’s helmet of invisibility or he’ll assist to “mask” them in another way. In a way, it’s perfect for an actor. So it’s easy to fool others with it. But at the end of the day, you’ll always have to face your naked self in the mirror.

The “lunar-food and healing” for the Hades-Moon in Virgo, according to Judy Hall’s book would be:

This Hades-Moon needs recognition and reward […] an appreciation for all that Virgo Moon so quietly performs for others is solicited, but Virgo is too modest and self-deprecating (or too falsely humble) to ask for this directly. […] Healing lies in developing the ability to accept oneself as perfect as one is now. To allow into consciousness the totality of feelings and emotions and embrace them all as acceptable and right. The Virgoan capacity for analysis may be turned inward to help in this process, but only if this is accompanied by loving acceptance, not criticism.

So for everyone out there who fears that Mr. A might lose his “light” in the process of becoming Francis Dolarhyde: to me it looks like he might be able to solve some (maybe unconscious) issues from the past with this role for himself. If he does so, he will rise like a phoenix out of it, ready for new and completely different roles as he is about to set foot in the energetic and curious sign of Sagittarius. Well, maybe there’s a real big martial arts movie already lined up.

So — if my theory is true — and if I’m really unlucky, now there’s a whole bunch of people out there, their Pluto square to my Moon and enraged because I dared to dissect a “wholly holy” topic (pun intended). Of course I am really curious to hear from anyone who checked her horoscope and might confirm my thoughts on the “moonstruck”-fandom of Mr. A.

For those ones who are about to check this on www.astro.com: his Moon (I hypothesize) is on 20° in Virgo, so if your Pluto would be between 18° – 22° degrees in Virgo, the conjunction would be felt strongest. Lesser but still recognizable in a wider orb, lets say from 14° – 26° degrees. Pluto moves back and forth a lot during this time, so you’re no automatically “nearer” if your birthdate falls right in the middle of the years mentioned! And of course, this is just one aspect in an ocean of possible other strong interaspects.

Try to be kind. If astrology is still just not your cup of tea, I hear you. But everyone has to deal with overwhelming feelings in his own way – mine always will be the light of the stars and the scalpel of the word.  So to lighten up the collective mood a bit, if necessary, I’d like to end this with the last song of the amazing movie Harold & Maude (1971):

Well, if you want to sing out, sing out
And if you want to be free, be free
‘Cause there’s a million things to be
You know that there are …

(Yusuf aka Cat Stevens)


Comments can be left here or also tweeted to @FrauvonElmDings.

~ by Servetus on February 9, 2015.

53 Responses to “Why Richard Armitage IS Francis Dolarhyde … and you should love him anyway, part 3 [guest post by @FrauVonElmDings]”

  1. […] [To Part Three.] […]


    • Hi. Very interesting…and would you believe , I was just wondering why in the world I just became fascinated by Armitage! The pluto in my chart is at 22 degrees 46 minutes Virgo. I wasn’t aware of RA’s name until I recently watched North and South, and I couldn’t believe it was the same actor who played Oakenshield in the Hobbit.
      I don’t think it’s strange that he would play the Great Red Dragon. Francis Dolarhyde is an interesting character. What is surprising to me is RA’s MI5 character has a picture of Blake’s Red Dragon hanging on his wall, in his apartment, in an episode that aired in 2008. I think it’s the same print Dolarhyde was fascinated by.


  2. What a fascinating and intense piece of writing. There’s a lot to absorb here. Thank you for sharing it with us.


  3. Thanks for sharing, I really enjoyed reading xx.


  4. Very interesting! Thank you! And now I`ll check my horoscope….


  5. First: that is one of my fav songs, so cool that you linked it! Second: this all feels a bit too much like math to me (which I’m allergic to, LOL!) but I do find your theories about fans of a certain age in relation to Mr. A interesting. being born in 1975, I don’t fall within the realm you’re focusing on though. and as far as I understand it, being born on Feb.2, I do not have a Hades-Moon, so…how does this make me different? while it’s true that his tweets don’t occupy my thoughts a whole lot, I am still quite intrigued and smitten by the man 🙂


  6. You can have my data for your analysis: 27FEB67. I fit solidly into your statistical bucket.


    • Where you born in Europe, Amerika or elsewhere? Any idea of your time of birth? Your Pluto is almost exact on 20° in Virgo (19°37′) and you may have a Hades Moon in Libra – although it is making a minor aspect (halfsextile) to your Pluto. With a halfsextile there is only little orb used about 2-3°, so if this aspect really is there, depends on the birthtime.


      • Oh, wow! I did not expect a response, I was just offering to help. But, since you asked, I was born at 8:50 a.m. in the central time zone (Chicago) in the US.

        This is interesting to me because when I took an astronomy class at University I had to research where the sun was on the day I was born. The scientific data states the sun was ‘in’ Aquarius on 27FEB67 even though I was born a week into the traditional time period for Pisces. That said, friends have commented that I’m the most un-Piscean Pisces they’ve ever known. Maybe a Hades moon contributes to that. Or I’m just odd. ;o)


        • I somehow missed your reply – sorry!
          I entered your data – your Sun is definitiv in Pisces, but your Moon is in Libra (which is an air sign, as Aquarius, so maybe that’s it) and it is a Hades-Moon. If you’re curious about the sign of your ascendant: it’s in Taurus! This is also very un-Piscean 😉 …


    • Thanks for the comment, and welcome.


  7. Wow, that was fascinating, thank you! I have a lot to process now. It feels like it is all about me, TBH – sort of relief and weird feeling at the same time. I went to check my horoscope, but not sure I got it right. I was born in 1978, June 30th. Would be interesting to know how it fits my obsession… Thank you again 🙂


    • Do you know your time of birth? Your Pluto is forming a relatively weak halfsextile to his (hypothesized) Moon position, but your Moon (that may be a Hades Moon in Taurus) may be forming a trine to his Moon. Which would be a very nice aspect to have – like two souls in harmony 🙂


      • Two souls in harmony… Well-well 🙂
        Ok, the best info I could find about my birth time is somewhere between 16:00 and 17:00 so I’d go for 16:30? I was born in St. Petersburg, Russia (then called Leningrad).
        So it is 30June1978, 16:30, Leningrad, Russia.


        • This is funny – my brother Stepan (adopted, from my dad’s 2nd marriage) was born in St. Petersburg too, he will marry this week on Valentine’s day, so there’ll be some sort of “big fat russian wedding” for me to join 😉
          Back to you: I think the attraction in your case rises not only from the already mentioned Moon-Moon-aspect (verified hereby) but you also have aspects from your Moon, Venus and Pluto to his Mars, and your ascendant is in Scorpio. 😉


          • Oh, Mazl Tov! (You see, I am Jewish, now live in Israel). But we love fat weddings too 🙂
            I didn’t understand much about new aspects my attraction may raise on (except for the fact that there are quite some…), but the idea of “two souls in harmony” warms my heart 🙂 Thank you, it was really enlightening!


    • welcome to you, too, Sonya.


      • Thanks! I’m quietly present here in your blog for quite some time, TBH. I owe you a separate “thank you” for so many reasons. So, thank you! 🙂


  8. Thank you Nadja, that was really a fascinating read! At the moment my life is nothing but “wait a minute”, so “this” is just one piece complementing it – might it be good or bad, my soul-searching (or in this case my gut feeling about RA 😉 Or is it happenstance that I,m no stranger to astro.com and tearing my hair and trying to figure out any meaning or sense of my horoscope? Done this for over 10 years now and still not the slightest clue 😉 For me it looks someone said “let,s stir this planets up a little & challenge this little sag with a lot of aspects”…


  9. That was very interesting though I didn’t understand all of it. I was born January 25, 1964 at about 2:45 pm.


  10. I was born April 2, 1961, 21:03,
    157.51W ; 21.18N / 10W00, 07:03 AM UT
    Honolulu, Hawaii


    • Your birthday is the same as my sister and dad’s 🙂
      If I made no mistake you have a Scorpio Hades Moon and also Ascendant Scorpio. As your Moon is conjunct your Neptune in your 12th house in Scorpio I think you are extremely sensitive to all things plutonic/scorpionic AND you are able to deal with the intensity. My mum is a double Scorpio (Sun and Asc) – I think you would make a very good astrologer too – so go for it! It’s never too late to go for your dreams 🙂


  11. It seems to me that most people I know have problems accepting themselves as they are now — why is this a particular challenge for Armitage (or someone with his horoscope)?

    I found this interesting and I think the commentary on the possible reasons for the attraction of fans is one of the more interesting pieces — because I have always thought that on some level the way that Armitagemania develops, the behaviors (constant checking, preoccupation, need to talk to others, extensive rewatching etc.) seem normal and not pathological.


    • Hades Moon in Virgo is the ultimate perfectionist. Combined with feelings of unworthyness if you don’t always give “your best” this can result in a vicious circle. It is really hard for someone with this natal placement to see that some things simply don’t need to be what they consider as “perfect” but can be just perfect as they are now.
      The second part about “allowing into consciousness the totality of feelings and embrace them all as acceptable and right” is even more important in this case imho. Two words: Sonnet 144 … maybe it’s just Dolarhyde’s favorite, but somehow I don’t think so 😉
      I think fandom in general has developed through social media in a rather bizarre way – please try to create two pictures in your mind:
      first: a screaming fan actually fainting at a Beatles concert
      and second: a picture of a semi-naked Mr Goodlooking posted on twitter with the comment faints
      Food for thoughts.


      • my issue with all this is that as a historian I see this all in very long term perspective — so I thought, while in London this summer, a lot about women who made pilgrimages and had ecstatic experiences at their destinations …


        • I thought about going to London briefly myself. It’s just a 2 hour flight from here and they’re rather cheap, so it wouldn’t have been a big deal. But we had some problems to solve in the company and so it just didn’t happen.
          But – obsession to and fro – I am really NOT the person to get in line at a stage door. Never have. Maybe that is the problem with always seeing things through the perspective of others. Not in my dreams would I ask for an autograph or take a selfie with someone who just delivered such a performance.


          • I think a lot of people who were in that line also saw things from the perspective of others. That doesn’t differentiate participants from non-participants, IMO.


            • I didn’t wanted to imply by my comment, that one should refrain oneself from doing this. As difficult it might be, to get out after such a performance and meet with fans, it surely helps not to fall into a void of exhaustion immediately. And, as my theory goes: “the shy Moon” really needs the attention of his plutonion supporters after all. It’s just not for me.
              I heard a 10 year old song today on the radio – “Das Spiel” (the game) from German singer Annett Louisan – and had a sudden epiphany: it’s a song about a typical Moon-Pluto one night stand – she wasn’t aware how deep his feelings were until it was too late. She wants to keep it light, but he’s in head over heals. And while she really likes him and respects his feelings, being his “only one” wouldn’t fulfill her as she only feels at home “betwixt & between”.
              Just take a U-turn on the gender-side of this story and voilà …
              Anyway it’s a beautiful song and in the first comment there’s a rather good translation into English


  12. Hi @FrauVonElmDings … Your doggies are hilariously cute. Your post was a fascinating read.


  13. I know nothing about astrology, so this post was particularly fascinating and informative. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise with us. And thank you to Serv for passing it on. Both of you are superstars.


    • Oh my 🙂 … as I have ascendant Virgo I’m partly uncomfortable when someone calls me a superstar, while my whole intention was to help others with my work (and the nagging feeling, that I should’ve put a little bit more effort in it) … but my Aquarius-Sun really is genuinely happy about this comment 🙂


  14. I just found the best tweet of all re. “moonstruck”
    It’s from ‏@plfall on 16. Aug.2014:
    “Richard Armitage! You have me howling at the moon!”


  15. A lot of people who stood in that line were trying to give something back, i.e., they were definitely thinking of him. (ich kenn’ das Lied, CD war ein Geschenk von meinem damaligen Freund, jetzt Ex–)


  16. So, if someone figured out they have a Moon-Pluto aspect in their natal chart, I just came across a really great blog-post on the matter and I wanted to share it (minor aspects as the halfsextile or quincunx would be somewhere in between easier and challenging aspects):


    • Hi najda

      I have a doubt people say I am scarring away the way I look so serious. My dob 14.11.1975. I have a stellium in scorpio if am right sun mercury uranus ascendant north node all in scorpio. Could you pour some light on my chart and I am taking this pretty seriously when it comes to relationship and unforgiving. Now really out of an unspoken relationship from cancerian hades moon with venus in gemini. Are you a russian by the way. Sorry for my bad english.


      • Hi, sorry I just saw your post today … you were born on the same day as my mum, who is also scorpio with scorpio ascendant 😉
        “Double” scorpios are people with very intense feelings and a certain “aura” and this is intriguing but sometimes also scary for other people. When it comes to relationships, I think more interesting is your Pluto conjunct your Venus opposite your Moon on the axis 11th house to 5th house. The 5th house stands for romance, creativity, love affairs and the 11th house for friends, social groups & our hopes and wishes.
        Your Moon is in the 5th in Pisces (if you are right about your ascendant) which is a doubly romantic and creative position. But there will always be a struggle with Pluto conjunct Venus in the 11th. If this position in the 11th house is true, you may tend to want very intense relationships, even just among friends and are having a hard time to “keep things light”. Pluto likes to be in control, but to be really close with someone, you need to “let go” from time to time or it will be too much for others to bear with. To cope with this aspect may be a learning process over a long time – but awareness of it, is the first step to understanding.
        I’m German not Russian btw and so I hope you’ll understand my english and this comment is a bit helpful 😉


  17. Dear Nadja, I used some birth chart progs in internet when I enter 20.24 time his ascendant pisces is seen. not aries might be these progs have a problem. Could you mind making analysize of moonstruck- or pluto in virgo, with Mr. RA I have a scorpio ascendant, virgo NN, aries moon, Libra Sun. 26/9/69,10.30 am,Ankara,Turkey Loves


    • Your Pluto is “moonstruck” – it is rather close to his Moon. But what is even more significant: his Moon is (if I’m right about the time) almost exactly conjunct your South Node. So this connection feels incredibly warm and familiar to you – likely you were lovers in a past life. But our goal in this life, is to develop towards our North Node, so these are feelings you can enjoy, but you should try to move on eventually. This may not be easy, because your Pluto is near your South Node itself, so it is trying (with plutonic force) to hold you back in old patterns.
      There is a really good comment on Mystic-Medusa’s homepage “South-Node love interests should come with a karmic health warning” you should read about this:


  18. Thank you for these insights…I, too, felt hit like a brick when I first saw him, which made no sense to me at all. Since then I’ve started studying astrology (my mother studied when I was a child–yes, I was born in ’69)–my south node tightly conjuncts his moon, too. So not only obesive with Pluto, but possibly Karmic. I was able to unhook, but it took some time…and of course I look back every now and then. With his choice of roles, I always questioned if he was a Scorpio rising, so thanks again for your insight.


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