Even Sponge Bob loves John Proctor

Check this out, it might be my favorite GIF ever.

~ by Servetus on March 22, 2015.

40 Responses to “Even Sponge Bob loves John Proctor”

  1. Mine too!!! Himmel ist das genial. Eigentlich bin ich bisher immer geflüchtet, wenn sich dieser Anarchist auf unseren Fernseher verirrt hat. Aber das jetzt: Albernheit gepaart mit absoluter Respektlosigkeit = eine wahnsinnige Mischung. Bei sowas kann ich aus dem Stand loslachen ( und das tut richtig gut!) Was für eine super Steilvorlage für einen gigantischen Aufreger! Gebt uns mehr 😀

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Very disrespectful indeed 🙂 Genialt


  3. And Sponge Bob is SO into it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I am shocked, SHOCKED!


  5. Now….. this makes me…. happy!!!!!!!!!! (can you hear it???)


  6. Proctor is smiling for an entirely different reason


  7. I have the same urge to do that which Sponge Bob has done!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Some guys have all the luck… Most hilarious gif I´ve ever seen.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Actually, that bloke doesn’t seem to be in a hurry, leisurely enjoying his task…..


  10. That’s funny, right there…I don’t care who you are! (Mater quote from Disney’s Cars)


  11. I can honestly say this is the only thing Sponge Bob has done that I like, lol.


  12. LOL! And it looks like Proctor likes it, too! giggling madly


  13. OMG, I’m envious of a cartoon character


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