Notes to self: Julia Cameron on recognizing crazymakers

People I have known.

  • break deals, destroy schedules.
  • expect special treatment.
  • discount your reality / violate your needs.
  • spend your time / money.
  • triangulate those they deal with.
  • are expert blamers. Nothing that goes wrong is their fault.
  • create dramas, but not where the dramas belong.
  • hate schedules except their own.
  • hate order; chaos serves their purpose.
  • deny that they are crazymakers.

p. 49: “As much as you are being exploited by your crazymakers, you, too, are using that person to block your creative flow.”

Also, on energy loss due to external dynamics, this.

~ by Servetus on April 23, 2015.

9 Responses to “Notes to self: Julia Cameron on recognizing crazymakers”

  1. I’ve spent far too much of my life living with crazymakers. Finally learning to stay away. Thanks for this.


  2. I eventually had to walk away from her book because a particular chapter made me so blindingly angry it completely negated any progress I’d been working toward, but the crazymakers. Yes. That chapter helped open my eyes to what I was putting up with from certain people in my life.


    • I’d been subsisting on what I learned in the very first part of the book for several years — I only read past “creative dates” this weekend.


      • I sincerely hope you are able to take more from the book than I did.


        • morning pages have been totally worth it. But I don’t feel obligated to do the book on her schedule, obviously, if I’ve been just doing the first recommnedation for four years, lol 🙂


          • Yes, absolutely. I’ve continued to love and find use in the idea of the morning pages. And, as much as I resisted the idea at first, I’ve also come around on the importance of the Artist Dates. There is good stuff in the book.


  3. Sociopaths? Not that I’m a doctor to make such diagnosis. Behind initial apparent friendliness lurks a nasty character.
    Particularly the unfounded accusation of others is something I really detest. I try to avoid such people.
    So what the book’s saying is that if you associate with a crazy maker, you’ll blame that person for your own creative inability – in essence become your own crazy maker? Very interesting, hadn’t thought of that.


    • sociopath is probably overstating it.

      I think it’s good to ask myself why I care about certain things to the extent of allowing them to occupy emotional space. If I can’t detach and it’s not that important — it’s also about me.


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