Google “Richard Armitage” and “chest cold” and this is what you get

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I’m getting sick. I hope to be publishing something I’m writing tomorrow, but if not, you know where I am. Just me and That Soup.

~ by Servetus on April 29, 2015.

22 Responses to “Google “Richard Armitage” and “chest cold” and this is what you get”

  1. At least you have something lovely to look at? Feel better soon!! hugs


  2. Risky therapy! Take care of the fever chart (Fieberkurve?). Gute Besserung, für den Fall dass das Unvermeidliche kommt 🙂


  3. Hope you feel better soon. Perhaps looking at those hot chests will chase the chest cold away. Or at least provide a pleasant distraction from your illness. Get plenty of rest while enjoying RA’s chest.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Six RAs and one HJ 🙂
    Get well soon Serv!!!!


  5. Hope you get better soon! ❤


  6. So you may have a chest cold, but hopefully it will ‘warm up’ quickly when you ogle these hot chests.
    Rest, Serv, and get well soon.


  7. I hope you beat the sickness quickly and completely.


  8. oh no, you too? i thought at least electronically this wasn’t contagious 😉 bugger. I’ve tried Vick vaporub intensively since Saturday (smells less exciting than it sounds!) probably helped some, but i think i will indulge in a good dose of the soup 😉 Maybe that will speed up the process. I do recommend the vaporub tho if you can get it there. Feel better soon!!! x

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Aw, that does suck. Wolf Hall Marathon? I hope you get well soon. BTW the soup sounds fantastic. Our version never had the parsnips or celery root, but I can imagine that would be an improvement.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Thanks to you, we love “that soup” so much, it’s an immune boosting staple around here. Get better quickly, enjoy the down time (or chest time) with a binge watch! 😉


  11. Hope you feel better soon!! :} Mwah!


  12. Great treatment! much better than my Granma’s healing mixture milk+honey+(wait for it!) garlic! Six georgeous Richie’s chests and one impressive Hugh Jackman’s torso to maximise the effect 😉
    Just stay in can wait,Serv :*

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I never try cooking anything, (burned boiled eggs, twice) but hot tea and rum always work for at least knocking me out for some of the worst parts. Feel better soon.


  14. Sorry to hear you are under the weather! Enjoy your lovely soup and feel better soon!


  15. Get well soon, Servetus! I’m adding for you Guy pulling out his shirt (in For England ep), hope it will do the trick. 🙂


  16. En se référant aux costumes de la bataille d’Aisling de la tapisserie de Bayeux 1198 et des documents d’historiens anglais ou français , le chevalier normand Armitage devrait être un peu plus couvert :

    casque à nasal
    par dessus le bliaud , soit un haubert de mailles ( 30 000 anneaux rivés et entrecroisés ) , soit une cotte de mailles fendue devant pour monter à cheval
    bouclier en amande
    épée à une main
    bottines médiévales en cuir ( pas question de bleu électrique ) épousant le pied ou bien chaussures en peau de bête avec lanières
    en ce qui concerne les chaussettes oranges ou roses , ici ce sont des chausses , bas en laine ou drap , recouvertes par bandes molletières sortes de lanières entrecroisées , avec fixation en métal ou laçage savant .

    Pas de précision sur le cheval , mais pour la musculature requise pour être un chevalier digne de ce nom , aucune ambiguité …
    Swoon , pamoison


  17. That chest bug has been going round here since christmas. It’s very persistent so take time to get rid of it (with soup, meds, RA… whatever helps). Don’t be a hero and go to work, it’ll only make you feel worse xx


  18. Referring to the costumes of the Aisling’s battle on the famous Bayeux Tapestry 1198 and English or French historians’ documents, the Norman knight Armitage should be a little more covered:
    -nasal helmet
    -over the bliaud, a mail hauberk (30,000 riveted and intersecting rings) or a coat of split mesh front for riding
    -Shield Almond
    -one-handed sword
    -medieval leather boots (no question of electric blue) matching foot or animal skin shoes with straps
    -as regards the orange or pink socks, here they are hose, low wool or cloth covered by putties kinds of intersecting strips, with metal fitting or learned lacing.

    No details on the horse, but to the muscles required to be a knight worthy of the name, no ambiguity …
    ( sorry for my bad traduction )


  19. Oh, what a lovely sight!!!!

    Hope you feel better! (Don’t know about you, but looking at him always makes things better for me.)


  20. Thanks for all the kind comments and good wishes.


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