Poll for Richard Armitage fans: Had Hannibal gone into a fourth season, would you watch?

~ by Servetus on August 31, 2015.

51 Responses to “Poll for Richard Armitage fans: Had Hannibal gone into a fourth season, would you watch?”

  1. Great idea for a poll. I voted “No–didn’t hate the show, but only watched for Armitage.” For me, it’s over now that Dolarhyde has met his operatic demise.


  2. I only watched it because Richard was in it. I did not watch the first two seasons but watched all of season 3. I quite frankly found the show bizarre and somewhat boring, especially the first part of the season. I really had to force myself to concentrate on watching it. On top of that, it was very difficult to hear. I had to jack up the volume 4 times what I normally have to. I definitely would not continue to watch if there was a season 4.


    • Agree with vistaborders and would only add, for me, it was difficult to see as well as hear. Everything was so dark! I too watched all of season 3 in prep for RA but found 95% of the parts that RA wasn’t in boring boring boring. I really liked Chilton though. He was creepy in a non horror way and kind of funny.


      • I think I mentioned at my own blog that one of my pet peeves with many shows/films is the murkiness of the lighting making it so difficult to actually see what is going on. And it took me watching from the beginning of this season to finally understand Mads between his accent and the general sound level. And yes, frankly I was bored and confused through most of those first six episodes. Esparza brought some real interest and depth to the Chilton character, I agree.


    • And when you do turn up the volume to hear the dialogue, when the commercials come on, you are almost blasted out of your seat. Very annoying :/


    • I had similar issue w/volume, more specifically, some pieces of it were really loud and others inaudible. Was constantly fiddling with the volume.


  3. I haven’t been able to bring myself to watch the last 2 episodes yet. I live alone in an isolated area, so not sure I’d want to …based on what I’ve read.


    • This last one wasn’t so bad, the previous one — uch. Not sure I’d watch that while completely alone myself.


      • Maybe the lighting and sound were meant to add to the artistry of it all; it just left me feeling semi-deaf, semi-blind and completely aggravated.


        • Ah, I laughed at your last comment. A knowing agreeing laugh. I feel really old (you know, half blind, half deaf, etc.; and this show made the feeling more acute!). Adding their artistry with the (too) low lighting took away some of RAs artistry. So much is in his eyes, and expressions and body language. I feel we were cheated of half his performance.


          • Sparkhouse 1, very good point. Richard is superb conveying a multitude of emotions through his command of facial expressions and body language. The merest flicker of an eye can say so much. However, if you can’t SEE those eyes, that face, that body much of the time, then yes–it’s as if we’ve been short-changed as an audience.


        • You read my mind, fedoralady. I’m only in my early forties so my hearing and sight are still good. But it was very aggravating to struggle to see and hear what was going on.


          • I’ve got more than a decade on you, Little Red, and admittedly neither my vision nor my hearing are what they used to be. However, the fact I wasn’t having anywhere near the same difficulty seeing and hearing other productions let me know in this case,  the problem *wasn’t* me. 😉


  4. You already know what my answer is lol! 😉


  5. I really like the show, but I don’t think I can count myself as a Fannibal as I don’t participate (much) in the fandom, though I do like to check the #Hannibal tag now and then on Tumblr. Kind of really happy that the “Yes” votes aren’t completely 0! ❤


    • I think this blog has always been ambivalent about the project, so I hope people have felt free to feel however they feel about it here. I’ve gone back and forth myself several times.

      I will say I’d have been more likely to have been part of the Hannibal fandom than the Ultimate Force fandom 🙂


  6. Interesting poll! And no, I probably wouldn’t because what interested me was Dolarhyde played by Armitage. I didn’t watch any previous season or even the seven episodes prior to Dolarhyde’s emergence, either. With him gone, there’d be no point in continuing to watch. I liked most of the scenes that Dolarhyde was in, even though the half-light annoyed me too, but I never warmed to any other character except possibly Will.


  7. I went with the “I became a Fannibal”. I have watched it from the beginning and was already a Fannibal. I squeeled like one of Mason Verger’s pigs when I read that Richard was joining the show. The best of both world’s.


  8. Other.

    I was curious about the show and would have had a look at it sooner or later anyway.

    When I watched the Red Dragon story arc, I found out that I didn’t like the show as such very much. Some things I like but … Some characters are getting on my nerves, the score is too loud for my taste (more irritating than increasing the suspense), too many too dimly lit scenes …

    Maybe I was more interested if I had watched from the beginning. shrugs


    • After resding your review on 3.13 I want to add that I will watch the Red Dragon story arc again and again and again and then probably a few more times. 😀

      Plus: I think the last episode was the perfect ending for the show.


      • This response mystifies me in the sense that I just don’t understand it, but I do understand that many people have had it.


  9. Other: I became a fannibal, but I don’t want a 4th season 😉
    I was in love with Bryan Fuller’s “Pushing Daisies” years ago and always wanted to give “Hannibal” a shot, but just managed to watch the first two seasons this spring. I liked the show very much and was frustrated when they announced that it was cancelled (as this also happened to Pushing Daisies after the 2nd season) but after watching the final episode of season 3 this weekend, I’m not longing for a 4th season anymore. For me they told everything I needed to know about the characters and I’m fine with this epic bond-ish (thanks to Siuoxsie’s beautiful song) finale.


  10. Can’t …it! Even with Richard’s involvement 😦


  11. I answered yes. I don’t count myself a Fannibal, and won’t be actively hoping and praying for a new season, but I’m a fan of Dancy, Mads and Gillian Anderson enough to continue if there’s ever another installment. Though, probably not if it came in book format.


    • I wonder how concrete their chances for a film really are. After six weeks of coordinated tweeting, I, like many of the Fannibals, started to wonder what it was actually in aid of.


  12. Hm, i just thought this was a very good end which would be spoiled if there was a season 4 so i can’t really find an answer to the question. If i was to go back in time and at the end of 2 ask the question about 3, the answer would be yes. I thought R’s arc in the last season is what sustained it and allowed it to have a good end as well. And the context of the show allowed him to push some boundaries in his acting that were interesting to watch. There have always been things in the show that i wish i could un-see but there were actually much less of those in s 3 than in the previous one.
    Would i go back and re-watch the whole thing knowing what i know now, yes i would.


    • Fair enough — I agree that rhetorically, it was an effective ending. However, as we know, writers are very creative and people can always come back from falls of a big cliff.

      re: less stuff you wish you could unsee — I agree. I wonder if they were actually backing off the violence because they were shooting and editing it after they announced Armitage’s casting, and because his fandom in particular was so negative about that … the de Laurentiis company seemed to pay a lot of attention to fan sentiment. It definitely made Dolarhyde a more potentially sympathetic character.

      Liked by 1 person

  13. I would enjoy another season or two. But then, I read the books & saw the movies, too, and enjoyed them all. I’m odd like that.


  14. Hi I’m back from ‘Alan Lee craziness’ lol
    I’m pretty sure I don’t want to watch more. After watching the movies, I know I will be curious about how Richard would be like as Red Dragon, but with other part of the story? One pass is enough…


  15. Well, I believe you already know my position on this one. I’m definitely easily scared.
    That said, I wouldn’t want miss out on a great performance. So, some day, some day.
    And apparently it’s got to be soon before I become even more sensory impaired 👓📢


    • on the up side, if you’re blind you don’t miss all that much of this show, seeing as how it’s apparently mostly fillmed in the dark (just kidding)


  16. I didn’t watch any episode of it, only some little bits of scenes that people posted, and slideshows/screencaps. I read the book to know the story though. Very proud of RA’s performance, for all that I’ve read on internet, even so don’t think I’ll watch the show because I dislike the genre.


  17. Interesting — 20 percent of respondents didn’t even see it. Puts a big question mark around the notion of whether an actor can carry his most rabid fans with him to a new project if something about it is really objectionable ot them, compared to 25% that enjoyed or became enthusiastic fans of the show.


  18. As you know Servetus I had a major problem with the show. On Tumblr I blocked Hannibal and all of the characters along with gore and horror. I also blocked Mads and Will but not Richard. I originally had Richard whitelisted (I would see anything that had him tagged but I had to get rid of that.) In spite of all of that horrific gifs made in onto my dash. Most of my dash was blocked. It made it unpleasant to visit Tumblr at all. I unfollowed anyone who didn’t tag their posts. I also unfollowed over 80 people on Twitter. I ran across two blogs with graphic pictures and no warning so I stopped looking at anything Hannibal related.

    I could come here because you always warned if it was something I wouldn’t want to see or read. I was about a minute away from quitting the fandom. I’m still here (not as much) but I feel it will take a long time to enjoy it the way I did before Hannibal. I realize he can act in whatever he wants but I can also watch what I want.

    I also almost choked when they were tweeting for Hannibal and the instructions said no swearing. Sorry but that made me feel crazy. Glorify cannibalism, killing, blood and gore but please don’t swear. Because that is what is offensive.

    Sorry to write so much Servetus. Apparently I had a lot to say 😉


    • ((((Tree))))). I think I probably haven’t been to tumblr in six weeks or so.

      I’m absolutely in synch with you over the moral contradiction involved in forbidding cursing about a show that glorifies violent homicide.

      I’m glad you said it. Better to say it. I think people need to be aware.


  19. That does seem cray-cray—“hey, let’s depict biting off parts of people, setting them on fire, slashing, carving up and shooting them, but keep those comments restricted to nothing worse than gosh darn and geez louise, pretty please?”
    WTF? Oops.

    That’s that the kind of contradictory attitude that drives me nuts, too.


    • I also think language control attempts on Twitter are (a) pointless and (b) tend to be counter-productive. I’m an adult, and I’ll judge what language is appropriate for any situation, thank you very much.


  20. Yep, it’s one thing if you are talking about some type of online forum or closed group FB page where you can have some ground rules if you want them–Twitter is more of a no-holds-barred atmosphere and I don’t think you can realistically expect to censor people there. Nope, don’t think so.


  21. […] but many fandom insiders acknowledge the controversiality of the role within the ranks. In a recent poll investigating the fandom’s reaction to Hannibal, 30% of devoted Armitage respondents claimed they either did not watch at all, or […]


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