So there was an actual meeting

I don’t think I’d read that before. I’d read Armitage saying something about a brief period of interest, if I recall correctly. Interesting.

~ by Servetus on January 31, 2016.

40 Responses to “So there was an actual meeting”

  1. I never took to Batman so I’m fine with Richard not being Batman…


    • oh, me, too. Absolutely. Particularly when you consider that within a day of Affleck being cast there were 100,000 signatures in opposition (I think I blogged about it at the time). Armitage had that with The Hobbit, why would he want it again? But it’s interesting still.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Glad he wasn’t offered the role – can’t really picture him as Batman.


  3. I would have loved RA in that role. He has everything to be a great Batman. And he would finally get international recognition with his very own (beloved by us) face. Didn’t he express some frustration that casting directors did not connect him to Thorin? And I think he said he would like to be in another blockbuster at some time. Or he wouldn’t mind. Something like that. At least we would have a chance to see it.


    • Would anyone have seen his face?

      I understand the frustration with projects that we may not see for a long time, if ever.


      • His face would have been on display as Bryce Wayne, presumably. And two of my favorite RA parts would be enhanced by the mask. His eyes and mouth would have been lovely, along with his voice. As a major nerd, I actually gave this a lot of thought at the time. 馃檪 I am starting to lean towards “if ever” on seeing some if his long-awaited projects. Very frustrating but there are things to look forward to. I should concentrate on those, but feeling like a whine is in order.


        • I just think back to “Frozen,” which he made in 2003. N&S made him notorious at the very end of 2004 — and it finally made it onto DVD in mid-2006 after showing at a few film festivals. It’s a really long game, making indie films. I’m glad if it keeps him busy and happy.

          And hey, Berlin Station is now only approximately nine months off 馃檪


          • Thanks for reminding me about the station. “Only” nine months? Seems like a long time. I will work on my patience. 馃檪


  4. Really interesting. goes to try picture RA in this role


  5. I don’t mind some of the franchises myself and i’ll willing raise my hand and admit i’ve seen the first 2 Thor movies and the X men ones (both because i liked actors who were in them) and some Captain America ones but i found some of the others utterly boring and this particular idea i always found silly. Some have interesting story lines and characters but recently there is less and less of that and more of just exploiting the existing public for the genre, bleh. As if just throwing a bunch of superheroes at it will make a good film… I can’t begin to say how glad i am he’s not in this silly thing.


    • I think it depends a lot on the film. Some of the Batman films have performances in them at are now considered classics, e.g., Heath Ledger as the Joker.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I agree, i can actually picture him playing Batman very well, he’d probably be pretty ideal… i just don’t like the premise of this one. But i generally dislike the recent trend of mixing up superheroes universes; the reason i liked some was for their distinctiveness and the specifics of the ones i did like. And Batman always had some spectacular baddies 馃檪 and i liked the darkness in it, Superman just doesn’t belong 馃檪
        This particular one aside i am wondering of late what will be next for RA….


  6. i can by the way picture him as Batman, and i’ve watched quite a few of those too, but this is not a good film idea imho.


  7. I have watched a lot of the superhero movies lately…they can be great fun. I also could see Armitage inhabiting Batman, but I keep coming back to wondering if he’s perhaps weary of all that goes along blockbuster package (so too with Bond).

    It’s also cool to note that fandom forensics at the time weren’t far from the trail 馃榾


    • Would be even more added stress. Although it could pay for a lot of artistic things he might really want to do, as well.


      • True…I suspect there are are myriad of ifs/thens that come into consideration in these things that those outside the profession wouldn’t even think of at first glance.

        I can’t say I’m terribly disappointed that this
        One didn’t pan out.


  8. Oh gosh, that was a close shave. And by that I mean I am glad he didn’t get the part. No doubt he has the bod and the prowess to do it, but IDK, is that really a part he could effectively apply his abilities? All those comic book heroes seem very pastiche to me. IMO RA acting in that would be a case of “casting pearls before swine”, so I really can’t feel sorry that he didn’t get the part.


    • I think to some extent this is how all the big names do it, now. They get a franchise that is well beneath their talents, and use that to make money to afford to do the things they’d rather do in other settings.


      • Well, ok, I suppose in that way it has its own advantages.


        • It gets to the question of the “energy” problem, I think. The goal ends up being to be someone like Tom Cruise who does what he wants because he can afford to produce every film he’s in. But that takes so much energy. For Armitage, who seems to enjoy the ensemble experience most, I kind of wonder if that’s really where he’s going, or if he wouldn’t prefer at least some of the time not to have all of that responsibility riding on him.


  9. I’m not a big fan of the superhero franchises and I don’t care for Ben Affleck. I was reading up on him last night to figure out why I have such a strong aversion. In my travels I found this quote:

    “What makes Batman/Bruce Wayne an interesting character to depict is not the fact that he has rage, but the fact that he has such an overriding moral and ethical code in how he deals with criminals, as opposed to the more destructive competition.” And this: “if you’re going to focus on one particular emotion to portray both Batman and Bruce Wayne properly, you’d be better off focusing on his inescapable sorrow.”

    And this “the Caped Crusader hails from the planet Earth and has no super powers of his own. Instead, he defeats evil through intellect, technology, wealth, martial arts skills and pure intimidation.” “

    I do think Richard could have done justice to the role. There is more to the character than being a superhero with superpowers and I think he would have been an awesome Batman. All just speculation now 馃槈


    • I hadn’t thought about the sorrow aspect. I don’t know that much about Affleck apart from his political opinions and the tabloid stories about him.


  10. I also would have loved to have seen Mr. Armitage as Batman…Dark, brooding, sad yet brave, courageous and afraid of no one or thing..He would have mastered that role like he has mastered all the others……I would have loved to have seen it…….Perhaps one day…. 馃檪


    • I think he’s good at choosing roles, which is why I tend to be agnostic as to role choice. Whatever he does, he’ll probably be good at it. I can’t bring myself to cry tears after this one, in any case, although if I’d seen it I might have been thrilled by it.

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  11. I’m kind of glad he didn’t. I’m getting really bored with the superhero franchise movies. Unless Loki gets his own movie. That I would go see.


  12. Tout d茅pend de ce qu’il recherche comme nouveaux univers cin茅matographiques 脿 explorer. Recherche t-il des r么les o霉 il faut explorer de nouveaux univers psychologiques ou physiques, de nouveaux univers historiques, actuels ou de science fiction?
    Pour combien de temps encore, pourra t-il pr茅tendre 脿 faire parti de ce type de film “bodybuild茅s” et violents? Ce type de r么le n’admet que des acteurs, qui doivent rester jeunes et en tr猫s bonne condition physique. Il n’a pas fini de porter des halt猫res et faire des tractions! Daniel Craig lui- m锚me semble lass茅 de jouer James Bond.
    Alors pourquoi pas un dernier blockbuster, avant la retraite des 茅crans et le passage derri猫re la cam茅ra.


    • Hmm, I don’t know if the choice is that stark, really. I think he will continue to be on film even once his body is past its prime. He might find a different sort of blockbuster role (a la Patrick Stewart). It’s hard to say.


  13. I think it would be great to see Mr. Richard Armitage doing a dark version of beauty and the beast or (I just read these great books about the epic retelling of The Phantom of the Opera). it is by Paisley Swan Stewart and it is called Chanson de l’ Ange. it is a 3 book volume and Mr. Richard Armitage would be perfect as The Phantom. I also think that it would be great if Mr. Richard Armitage’s next audio book would be Chanson de l’ Ange, especially him doing the Phantom’s voice. Mr. Richard Armitage’s voice is so haunting,deep, sexy. it would be perfect for him


    • Thanks for the comment, and welcome!


      • this is about The Chimes, I agree with you about not able to play it yet in the car. I got Sylvester, ventica, the convenient marriage( sorry for spelling being wrong) but what I don’t understand is why couldn’t audible books put the rest of the books Mr. Richard Armitage read on cd. I don’t like the i-pods, tablets,etc. I I like to go for a drive and listen to Mr. Richard Armitage and when I clean my house I like to listen to him on my cd player and I can turn up the volume to hear him through the whole house, you can’t do that with a tablet. also thank you for welcoming me to your website/blog


        • It has to do with their business model — they would prefer that you not actually own media but only the right to access something. If you own the media, you don’t need to update when they change their formatting (or resell the rights for a different format). I agree, it’s really aggravating.


        • Le risque est que la possibilit茅 de lecture peut dispara卯tre d茅finitivement du jour au lendemain, par leur seule volont茅. Vous restez compl猫tement d茅pendant de leur bonne volont茅. Vous achetez un droit de lecture, sans d茅tenir quoique ce soit sur le long terme.


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