What drama school gets you, or: watch how Richard Armitage enunciates

Here’s he’s proclaiming “Iracebeth! Enough!”

“I —

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–sa– (‘ce’)

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Screen shot 2016-05-30 at 7.25.06 PM

“E —

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Screen shot 2016-05-30 at 7.29.36 PM

–gh!” (I love what his lips do with this consonant, the labiodental fricative).

Screen shot 2016-05-30 at 7.29.44 PM

~ by Servetus on May 31, 2016.

26 Responses to “What drama school gets you, or: watch how Richard Armitage enunciates”

  1. I can almost hear it.


  2. Okay! Now I really have to go see this movie. Can’t miss hearing this!


  3. He was in the movie so briefly, but both times so freaking good omg…


  4. Just thinking this might be the last chance to hear Armitage speaking British… maybe I will reconsider my resistance to the film 😉


  5. Just think when it comes out on video you can play this moment over and over.


  6. Ah thanks for analysing this frame by frame! One loud breath and I missed it


  7. I liked the film, it was much better than I expected. Lots of the roles were small so it made RA’s role more acceptable. He looked so much like John Procter.


  8. Anyone who every questions RA’s appeal should consider that all these people are going to see this movie just because of a few minutes cameo. I don’t know too many actors that have that kind of draw!


    • I think we’re a drop in the bucket, though. The film did half the business it was supposed to do this last weekend.


  9. I can hear him so clearly. It reminds me of how slowly he enunciated the words to Bilbo “I will not part with a single coin. Not one piece of it.” And the dwarves marched by armed for battle.


  10. love this and his enunciation is one of his sexiest attributes , well, to me at least, i’m addicted to listening and watching him speak 🙂


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