World market collapse: What would Richard Armitage do?

Luckily, we have some answers to this question and reasons to be optimistic. I’m thinking of Spooks 7.5, in which Lucas North & Co. save the world from a potential Highland Life bankruptcy.

So I am guessing he would:

  1. Conduct a convincing brief, preferably in a purple shirt.
Lucas North (Richard Armitage) briefs the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Meynell's financial dealings, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) briefs the Chancellor of the Exchequer on Meynell’s financial dealings, in Spooks 7.5. Source:


2. Lean in, while wrinkling his forehead for emphasis.


Lucas North (Richard Armitage) asks Gillian Calderwood to freeze Meynell’s assets, in Spooks 9.5. Source:

3. Make some phone calls.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) makes a phone call, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) makes a phone call, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

4. Change into a suit, make some more phone calls, and ask your ex-wife for help.

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) calls Elizabeta for help, in Sppoks 7.5. Source:

Lucas North (Richard Armitage) calls Elizabeta for help, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

5. Take a moment for an opportunistic kiss of Ros.

Masquerading as Pete, Lucas North (Richard Armitage) meets up with Ros to tell her she has to work harder on discovering Meynell's secrets, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

Masquerading as Pete, Lucas North (Richard Armitage) meets up with Ros to tell her she has to work harder on discovering Meynell’s secrets, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

6. Drinking some sparkling wine.


Lucas North (Richard Armitage) at Meynell’s announcement of his charity initiative, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

7. Go over to your spiffy car, and make some phone calls. In fact, just keep on making those phone calls. They do a lot.

Lucas North, I swear, spends 15 percent of this episode on the phone. Source:

Lucas North, I swear, spends 15 percent of this episode on the phone. Source:

8. Stick your nose in your coffee cup while preparing to rescue Ros.

Ben (Alex Lanipekun) and Lucas North (Richard Armitage) wait in case they need to help Ros with Meynell, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

Ben (Alex Lanipekun) and Lucas North (Richard Armitage) wait in case they need to help Ros with Meynell, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

9. And run like hell.

Ben and Lucas North run to rescue Ros, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

Ben and Lucas North run to rescue Ros, in Spooks 7.5. Source:

Richard Armitage as Lucas North — saving England in style.

~ by Servetus on June 24, 2016.

23 Responses to “World market collapse: What would Richard Armitage do?”

  1. If only Lucas North were real…


  2. He also seems to be doing a lot of drinking which I suspect a lot of Brits will be today!

    Maybe a sad selfie is coming our way.


    • I was trying to cheer myself up last night, but I didn’t imagine that things would be this bad when I woke up.


  3. Going to need Lucas at work today. Phone calls from worried Investors are going to be constant.


    • Which is totally rational. I have a friend whose salary is in pounds and I’ve been telling for weeks to put some of her savings in dollars, but she hasn’t been willing to listen. I’m not happy to have been right.


  4. Spot on, Guylty. 😰


  5. Sorry, forgot to say, great post Servetus. It’s the only think likely to cheer me up today.


  6. I’m shocked.


  7. The first hint of a smile on my lips this morning as I read this. Thank you.


  8. Thanks for a great post as always Serv. Funny but the song “Mad World” just keeps going through my mind. Can’t get it out.


  9. This post made me smile, at least for a while – and that’s priceless in this hour. I am going with my friends out for a drink later on, hope they will cheer me up from this numbness – or we will end up talking about this situation.


  10. Oh, bring Lucas back to us! ❤
    The whole world needs him just to lean in and wrinkle that beautiful forehead for emphasis 🙂 Pish posh, world markets, look North! 😉 ❤ 😀
    (Thanks for the smile!)


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