Suzy’s latest measure to help refugees in Germany — can she speed up the bureaucracy? #richardarmitage

CkXSYHFWsAA_iPpThis is the latest chapter from fellow Richard Armitage fan Suzy (German here; English here), who was volunteering at a refugee shelter in her home town, and then took a job in a state employment office where she works to help refugees in Germany integrate into the world of work (previous installment of this story here). She’s learned to think like a bureaucrat and is trying to figure out how to force the bureaucracy to respond to her clients in a timely way. This is a gutsy move; I admire this effort intensely; and “her” refugees are really lucky to have her. Her post should be interesting reading for everyone who’s followed Richard Armitage’s interest in helping refugees. If you would like to donate to the shelter operated by the Berliner Stadtmission, here‘s an English link. That initiative looks like it’s 94 percent funded, so no time like the present.

I wonder — for anyone who’d like to donate to Suzy’s shelter, would it be practical to set up an Amazon wishlist (or is there something that would be better?). Note that you would not get a tax deduction for this, it would just be personal assistance, and you would need to navigate the German Amazon page.

~ by Servetus on July 10, 2016.

7 Responses to “Suzy’s latest measure to help refugees in Germany — can she speed up the bureaucracy? #richardarmitage”

  1. Thanks for sharing this, Serv. I love that photo. He looks at that laughing little girl with such affection, and you know it’s real because he is not looking at the camera. It’s a nice glimpse of the “real” person.


    • yeah, it’s a nice picture (also I wonder if he was just leaning over and his back is annoying him 🙂 ) and I hope it gets people to click on the links to Suzy’s story. I was so impressed with the idea of trying to force the federal administration to locate these refugees’ records and respond. Simple but effective in a place like Germany.


  2. Just an info: the language of the German Amazon page can be set to English, which at least makes navigation easier. 🙂


  3. Thank you Serv, for the translation, the support and! the nice pic with Richard Armitage working with and for refugees!!!!
    For my refugees in the camp we need flats and furniture…….the greatest problem are the flats. Nobody wants to rent a flat to our refugees, it´s frustrating. An Amazon wishlist – great idea – can´t help 😦 just a little bit luck ❤


    • OK, keep us posted. It really sounds like you need an industrial strength internet connection and unfortunately fans aren’t going to be able to put that together ad hoc …


  4. […] last we left Suzy, she was trying to figure out how to accelerate the asylum process for her clients. Today, they got really good news about what will happen next (German here; English here). Even if […]


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