Does Richard Armitage have osteoporeosis? Drink your milk, baby!

CRAmerry pointed out that Daniel Miller is kind of short.

~ by Servetus on July 28, 2016.

31 Responses to “Does Richard Armitage have osteoporeosis? Drink your milk, baby!”

  1. Also eye color brown…?


  2. I’m sorry to say this, but it has it to do with the age? 😁


  3. Hehehe, first thing I noticed, too. Plus, I chuckled a bit at the extra information “prior to reunification”. Eh, yes – about 13 years prior. But dual citizenship “EU”? Weird, have never heard something like that…


    • Kommt dir langsam entgegen 😁 re: Augenhöhe.

      Liked by 1 person

    • OMG: Hermitage hat sich eingeschleust. Was für ein cleverer Hund…. Das erklärt dann auch die kleinen Abweichungen vom Original. Bin ich nicht investigativ?

      Liked by 1 person

    • yeah, that is weird. Can you be a citizen of the EU without being a citizen of one of its member nations?

      To be fair, the info graphics on Spooks always sucked, too. Full of errors.

      Liked by 1 person

      • nope, he would be a German citizen , i guess that is in principle possible with the US one but it’s the sort of description people wouldn’t really use. I’m sure they’ll fix these, maybe they planted stuff to see if people paid attention and actually read the info 😉


        • I guess we weren’t supposed to see this one. I just copied the tweet in this case because I didn’t feel like fishing through the site, but apparently this was found by extrapolating the URL based on those of the other characters.

          Liked by 1 person

          • yes, i did that too but didn’t feel like digging a lot 😉 Anyway i probably have a long wait before me for the series as no signs of it here in terms of PR or anything, we’ll see how much they release for international viewing…


  4. That’s too bad. Maybe, RA should borrow Tom Cruise’s lifts to make himself taller.


  5. i like that we have no objections to them making him younger though 😂


  6. if Richard needs to drink his milk then you better give Rhys Ifans double! he shrank down to 5’11.


  7. Lol – Er schrumpft 🙂 Thank you cramerry!


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