Results of Richard Armitage 45th birthday commentorama

Screen shot 2016-08-23 at 5.02.42 PM

Richard Armitage, August 22, 2016. Yum.

Thanks to everyone who responded to my fifth annual challenge to leave a comment or tweet in response to my tweet in order to generation a $1 US donation to Childline in honor of the birthday boy yesterday. In the middle of the day I realized how out of practice I am responding to long comment chains — thanks for your patience. I was also reminded of how many interesting ongoing conversations have taken place here over the years. The chunk of the fandom that comes here is definitely a group of interesting, warm people and I am glad to know you all.

I went through the responses to the post and counted 70 unique participants:

59 WP commentators: Susan, Bonnie Williams, Kim McKinnon, zan, Perry, Hariclea, Fairlie, richardtreehouse, Kathy Jones, Mezz, Linda60, Vanguard, alyssabethancourt, cindy, Mel, Jan H Marquardt, Jane Steinmiller, SheRA phylly3, sparkhouse1, Rebecca, Teuchter, MaryJaneZigZig, SueBC, Julia, Eilenna, katie70, salakonn, cRAmerry, Herba, Guylty, Fruity, Lucinnia, P3872L, taurus, Joanna, Esther, Andrea Numelotte, Sheftu, Fabi Glady, Elanor, Camassia, Suse3, Ania, Mermaid, Sloan, Findirien, Yve, bloodangel, irishwitch313, Annabelle, Babette, Rosiepig, heatherparish, squirrel.0072, Little Red, judiang, snowyjo

11 Twitter commentators: @pennybaggins, @ChristineLoy1, @Ravna, @InkedGirl71, @TankHerA, @HobbitGirlNad, @MatiasFMatias, @brigarmy, @VenusOctober, @rasam1975, @KellyDuck.

Accordingly, I will be sending $70 US to Childline later this week, and I will post a proof here once I have done so.

Thanks to you all again. I hope you had a great Armitage Day 2016!



~ by Servetus on August 23, 2016.

27 Responses to “Results of Richard Armitage 45th birthday commentorama”

  1. Thank you for your generosity ! It really felt like a celebration and even with no cake on my side it was a fabulous day. The photos were better than cake and almost as good as… bacon 😂


    • LOL. I very rarely ate bacon for about 25 years and I only missed it in one particular context that was more emotional than anything else. Although I eat it now if it’s given to me, I’ve never gotten what is supposed to be so great about it.

      I really loved talking about all those MEALS.

      Liked by 1 person

      • They made me hungryyy and i will def be picking up some ideas. I nearly said something not very ladylike about the deliciousness of the bacon in those photos but then chickened out 😁
        I love bacon! But not ruined with anything sweet close to it.yuck! Sorry 😉 bacon is in my case one of the few reasons I’m not vegetarian… that Schnitzel and German sausages. But i grew up with the stuff.
        Yum. I can’t stop stareing at those photos.just when you think you know every angle of his face he goes Bam! And turns it up a notch just by getting up and going to work. #weaponofmassdestruction 😍


        • That “sweet/bacon” combo has mostly been a trendy thing in the US in just the last few years. I don’t think of it as typically American, though, so much as just being a general food fad.

          Although come to think of it, when I was a kid, my mother would wrap water chestnuts in bacon and bake them in a sort of sweet tomato sauce.


          • The first thing i got hit with on my 1 and only visit to the us was French toast next to my bacon eggs and sausage at breakfast. I was stumped 😊 was not as food experienced back then hehe. I prefer savory breakfast but am not opposed to doughnuts the odd pancake or indeed French toast. I love fried eggy bread but no sugar. I dislike even apple sauce with meat round here. Weird how our taste buds work people would say i have a sweet tooth but seems to be limited to dessert. But I’d love to try new stuff 😊


  2. Thank you, Serv. We all did the easy part, coming up with a fantasy. (And, ummm, no. No hobbit following us around on the beach. They grumble too much. 😉 )


    • I was trying to figure out how the pinot glass would refill from the beach, but then I decided it’s your fantasy and the logistics don’t matter 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Glad to see you have to cough up 😉. It was a great idea, and I hope you had fun with it, too!?
    PS: I never said what I would cook for his birthday. Currywurst und Pommes Schranke.


    • Yum. Although I agree that Currywurst is a bit of an acquired taste, I LOVE Pommes rot-weiß.

      Yeah, it was fun. It’s the thing I always do, and the things I always do tend to be things I enjoy. Unspectacular but amusing 🙂


      • hehe, as a German, I find it hard to think that Currywurst may be an acquired taste. Is it because of the unrefined look of the dish, or is it the taste of the currypowder/ketchup mixture? – I remember going through an acute Currywurst und Pommes phase when I was about 17 and had regular cravings for it, which couldn’t be fulfilled because a) my parents wouldn’t leave the house to buy Currywurst at the local “Imbiss”, and b) I could not drive yet. Now the situation is exacerbated by the fact that Currywurst is not available in Ireland. But I ate a big serving in Berlin two weeks ago. Sated.


        • yeah, it’s the curry / ketchup. I’d eaten a lot of curry before moving to Germany (well, for an American anyway), but that wasn’t what I imagined at all under “curry”.

          Liked by 1 person

  4. Thanks so much for your generosity. It’s a wonderful contribution to the birthday celebrations!


  5. You’re wonderful, thanks for letting us do the easy part!


  6. Thank you for your generosity! The food thing was also a fun idea.


  7. Thank you, Serv, for your generosity! 😉


  8. Thanks for your generosity Serv!!!


  9. Thank you for this wonderful idea and for your generosity!

    It was so much fun to look at the different meal suggestions coming from everywhere and some of them I have to bear in mind the next time when I cook in real life!


  10. Thank you Serv. You are indeed a very generous person…shh I also go by 313 lol


  11. Thank you for your generosity! It’s so wonderful you did this.


  12. Thanks for everything, you guys.


  13. It was a kind and generous gift that you gave for all of us.


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