I kind of love that Richard Armitage posted this on the eve of Jewish New Year


~ by Servetus on October 2, 2016.

43 Responses to “I kind of love that Richard Armitage posted this on the eve of Jewish New Year”

  1. Happy New Year, Serv. How are you celebrating?
    And, yes, RA may be a re-giver, but others are experiencing hardship, and I fully support the actions of this particular ‘family event’.


    • You have to imagine that he has always done this, and I’m glad he said it again (he said it some time ago).


  2. Happy Jewish New Year to you (if that is an appropriate thing to say). I had no idea. Also, it’s so cute he still lets him Mom help him with his thank you notes. (I wonder if his Mom gave him a panicked call recently telling him he is say behind with his thank yous). He’s so cute!


    • Thanks! Happy new Year is a great thing to say.

      I suppose he hasn’t been home since the summer and things are piling up again 🙂


  3. […] here For those not on Facebook, see here […]


  4. Happy New Year, Serv.
    (How do you celebrate?)


    • Celebrate as in – are there certain traditions you observe?


      • It depends a lot on where I am. This year I’m going to shul. Aside from repentance and return, the main mitzvot of Rosh Hashanah are fulfilled if you listen to the shofar (at services) and eat apple with honey (planning to do that tomorrow). It depends on how observant someone is, and I’m not very observant at the moment.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Very nice, and especially that he liked the practical gifts, and not overload. It being almost erev, I will refrain from anything else. Shanah Tovah


  6. it is very sweet/nice of Mr. Richard Armitage and his family to donate some of the gifts that he receives.


  7. Shanah Tovah! Wishing you many blessings for the new year.
    Thank you for sharing this, I would not have seen his message otherwise. After a difficult year during which he said many things that disappointed me, this makes up for it and I feel a renewed sense of good will toward Armitage. I feel that at the heart of it all, despite all the fame and celebrity and weird social media gaffes he has made, he is a mensch.


    • He really did this the right way (in comparison to some previous attempts), and for me, anyway, it was wonderful timing 🙂


  8. L’shanah Tovah! Happy Rosh Hashanah, Serv!


  9. happy new year from parts u你口味呢 that have random Chinese characters pop up on keyboard,就算不 🆚 dont know what i said,but looks cool,


  10. 🙂 He is sweet like apples in honey All the best in the New Year, Servetus !


  11. Die besten Wünsche für das kommende Jahr. Möge das Gute überwiegen und du dich wohlfühlen mit deinem Leben.


  12. Happy new year to you – it’s always great to have a new beginning.


    • there are actually four Jewish holidays that are designated as New Years. So there are lots of options 🙂 However, this is the main one people celebrate. New Year of Trees (Tu b’shevat) is also big in some circles.


  13. Very sweet things to think and say. He’s build up a whole mountain of brownie points in my books 🙂 And very happy new year to you!


  14. And I’m back to my fervent feelings once again. 😉

    Happy New Year to you, Serv!


  15. A beautiful and kind message. I really appreciate the fact that he treats this as a ‘family event’ and does something positive with what probably amounts to a mountain of gifts.

    And happy new year to you, Servetus!


    • It’s kind of a nice tradition since we know he’s been handling it that way for a long time. Though I wonder what his mother things when the stuff piles up. They probably store it in his old bedroom 🙂


  16. That is really sweet!
    Shana Tova, Servetus!


  17. One fan left the following comment in response to RA’s fb post:
    “How sweet. Nice to think of others who are not so fortunate.. If you’ve been doing that for a while someone got Chrome by Azzaro and a rather naughty t-shirt. You’re welcome. 😜”

    It cracked me up so I hope it makes you guys giggle too! 😝 😂


  18. Happy New Year!


  19. Happy New Year to you,Servetus!


  20. Happy New Year to you, Serv and thanks for sharing RAs cute message!


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