Love, Love, Love review old-fashioned #richardarmitage

1020161113So, I guess, once upon a time — or maybe it’s only in film — after the press night performance, the cast retired to a bar to await reviews of their play. The New York papers are “put to bed” around midnight and one could get a copy of the review in the very early hours of the morning, by 2 a.m. or so. That seems to have changed as almost every review that appeared last night broke while they were still on stage. (Which probably really enhanced the mood at the party.) Or maybe it was only a thing we saw on screen, the young factotum who walks into the bar with copies of the New York papers that were still damp from the presses and the actors who rush for a copy to see what the critic has said.

1020161113aIn any case, never having lived in the city, getting the New York Times was always a different thing for me. They used to fly them around the country — they got loaded on to the first flights out of New York and then appeared in the urban centers around the country in bales and gradually trickled outward. When I was in college in Texas, when I had a subscription and there was only a paper edition, I got the combination to a locked box on campus and when I walked past, I could pick up the morning edition after 8 a.m. When I lived in Missouri, at the beginning of the Internet paper phenomenon, it was impossible to get the paper the same day — it came one or two days later — and there was only one store in town and it only got five copies. Here near my home town, you could always get it on the same day at the airport and at three or four stores in town (keeping in mind that in Wisconsin terms, I have very good access to an urban setting — very much further north or west of here they have no access to the paper edition, and probably don’t want it). This morning I had to scrounge a bit but I finally found a copy at — of all places — a Shell station.

1020161114Somehow, even though I read the paper last night online, I’ll always appreciate the experience of the paper papers. I don’t buy one very often but this seemed like the right occasion. (Now I want to crawl back into bed with it and some coffee and a croissant. Cough. I am a living breathing stereotype dinosaur.)

~ by Servetus on October 20, 2016.

7 Responses to “Love, Love, Love review old-fashioned #richardarmitage”

  1. So happy today, as if it involves me somehow. Staying up until almost 4:00 reading everything. Doing the same most nights, as late as I can. On Sunday, being so excited and nervous before real premier. Crazy.
    All the reviews were so promising, but this is what’s going to make the difference for him. He must be jumping around Audible with excitement today. So thrilled for him.
    You deserve a day in bed. You’ve been very busy.


    • well, now I am all awake, driving around to find the paper. But I admit a certain amount of fatigue stemming from last night.


  2. I read a paper now and then…great to see it in the paper….what is that about Wizard of OZ…Ha just saw that at the end. Have a great day enjoy your croissant


    • The Smithsonian is trying to raise $300,000 to preserve the original “ruby slippers” that Judy Garland wore in “The Wizard of Oz.”


  3. I had to resort to emailing everyone I know in NY and asking them to save the papers. You did a fantastic job last night and today – thanks so much.


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