Collateral attractions: Stephen Hunter teases interview with Radagast (Sylvester McCoy)

Here’s the trailer for the next installment. This should be fun — McCoy was so delightful as Radagast.

~ by Servetus on November 9, 2016.

8 Responses to “Collateral attractions: Stephen Hunter teases interview with Radagast (Sylvester McCoy)”

  1. Il restera définitivement sur ma page d’ acceuil au travail. Rada est mon idole et mon double. Blessée à la main droite, je ne peux taper à l’ordi. A plus tard, sorry!


    • This should be really enjoyable. why not have it at work? 🙂


      • C’est la fabuleuse image de Radagast et sa fiole de médicaments destinés à ressusciter l’ hérisson.
        Il y a l’idée d’un intérêt pour la nature, pour les animaux, pour les soins à autrui et un look improbable.
        J’explique: je suis une pharmacienne aux cheveux poivre et sel, toujours mal coiffée, jamais maquillée, habillée de vêtements improbables: aujourd’hui c’était une veste en laine de mouton bio, fabriquée par une coopérative d’insertion en Pologne et des bottes à clous dignes de Thorin). J’adore les balades en forêt, la chasse aux champignons, le jardinage, mais je resterai indéniablement une intellectuelle, optimiste, humainement généreuse.


        • it’s an amusing picture you paint of yourself 🙂


          • But so true!
            In NY my daughter explained me that, wherever I was, whatever the streets or the underground were crowded, she was able to find me easily. But she is my opposit: a pin up.
            But, at the theater to see LLL, I was well dressed in black and with a wool pullover inspired by Gustav Klimt’s paintings: ” Hope II” or “der Kuss”) . At the first row was a woman with a crown of red flowers on the top of the head. She was an amazing fan for my son.


            • Someone has to wear red flowers to the theater … just not me 🙂


              • Hope so! You are not a fannibal, aren’t you?
                Surely, if I had, it should have been a nest with bird-babies in it.
                For you, in my spare time, I should sew a hat with original old history books, Thorin’s toy pop and at last a Trump’s voodoo doll pierced with pins….


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