All out romantic promo for Romeo & Juliet #richardarmitage


~ by Servetus on December 2, 2016.

36 Responses to “All out romantic promo for Romeo & Juliet #richardarmitage”

  1. Wow – that is spectacular. I really like that. Just goes to prove that you can create a really effective ad with very little. Well, ok, GREAT graphics, well-chosen quote, expertly narrated – and put to great effect with that abrupt ending. Audible really has it sussed. Bravo!


    • Yeah, it probably hits the target audience right in the viscera.


      • LOL – not surprisingly. That’s what good ads are about.


        • Yeah. This had kind of the opposite effect on me, though; it confirmed all the (unattractive) suspicions I have about the project. Of course most people who are going to love it will love it for all the reasons I won’t, so they probably couldn’t devise an ad that would convince me.

          Just — if you were neutral, and weren’t already committed to the most treacly possible version of the story possibly already, would this motivate you to become so?


          • No. It wouldn’t. I suppose we all come at ads with our own baggage. In this case, an ad that did not plaster Armitage’s visage over it, appealed to me, for instance. shrugs


            • I’m sure they want to expand their audience beyond the ranks of Armitage lovers.


              • Yes. But I can only speak from my own perspective, and I found the ad effective.


                • I didn’t say it was poor or ineffective. Neither did I say you were wrong or that you shouldn’t apply your experience in assessing the ad. All I said about it was that it was all out romantic (which I think is undeniable) and then that it didn’t appeal to me (which is true) and that I thought it was unlikely to appeal to someone who didn’t favor the romantic approach (conjecture).


                  • Sorry, didn’t mean my comment to come across as miffed as it sounded. And having praised the ad – thing is, that it only applies to the ad. I feel very little incentive to buy this thing myself. So maybe the ad is not as effective as I said.


                    • No, I think you’re correct about them not having Armitage’s face on it, i.e., if one is not already a fan of his and is looking for Romeo and Juliet type stories (whatever that means — classics? romantic stories? epic pieces on Renaissance Italy?), it could potentially be an effective marketing tool. I just can’t judge that. However, it struck me as another sort of appeal to the choir, just a slightly different choir. That said, if you’re not looking for a romantic story you probably aren’t buying an adaptation of R&J, so perhaps it doesn’t matter.


                    • It is very much an appeal to the choir, agreed! And I am still miffed about a comment by Audible (or their spokesperson Armbruster) that I perceived as condescending and potentially fan-shaming. They are certainly very sure of themselves as in “we’ve got those Armitage fans in the bag”. And that really really riles me and results in exactly the opposite of what was intended.


                    • oh, I missed that. Recently?


                    • Only a few days ago. I am probably oversensitive.

                      As if all the love from the #ArmitageArmy wasn't enough, @david_hewson. 😉Pre-order today, listen on 12/6:— Audible (@audible_com) November 30, 2016



                    • Thanks — I looked for it but I had to close the window. Too much DJT.

                      I don’t think it’s overtly fan shaming but I can totally see why one might have thought that.


                    • Sorry – the embed didn’t work with the staggered comments.
                      Somehow it felt to me as if fans were being made fun of. Like pawns in the big game of marketing.


                    • it’s phrased in a kind of solipsistic way. Look how much everyone loves us, starting with the fans. (Admittedly fans might be giving him a reason to see it that way.)

                      Liked by 1 person

                    • Yep. For once, I didn’t come at it with my usual “let’s give it the benefit of the doubt” stance lol


    • Reminds me somewhat of this:


  2. I just closed my eyes and imagined it was Richard who was playing the cello! 😉 Wishful thinking indeed


  3. I loved it but clearly I’m in the target group lol.


  4. “Oh God, Richard… !”
    Bin sowas von in der Zielgruppe und steh dazu 🙂


    • Not much longer now!


      • Lustig, lustig, tralalalala! Bald ist Nikolaus Abend da. “fröhlichvormichhinsing”
        Ich freue mich tatsächlich schon sehr. Zur Zeit schätze ich eine schöne Portion Romantik durchaus. Die Realität ist nicht leicht zu verkraften (Brexit, Trump, jetzt wählen mal wieder die Österreicher ihren Präsidenten und in Italien stimmen sie auch ab… ) Nenn es Weltflucht.


  5. I was seduced eight years ago so I need no ad 🙂 even very nice one.


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