Richard Armitage joins Ocean’s Eight?

Here. Filming in NYC, I guess.

~ by Servetus on January 17, 2017.

52 Responses to “Richard Armitage joins Ocean’s Eight?”

  1. I thought Deadline is a reliable source. No?


    • Yeah. From the form of the text, this looks like it was originally press release either from the studio or his agents.


      • Btw, I take this as a confirmation that RA is in Season 2 of ‘Berlin Station’: “Armitage is currently the lead in Olen Steinhauer’s Berlin Station […], which goes into its second season this year”.


  2. Reblogged this on Unkraut vergeht nicht….oder doch? and commented:

    Wow, was für eine Ankündigung!
    Ich dachte eigentlich, der Film wäre schon abgedreht und bin gerade etwas erstaunt. Entweder hat RA dazu Nachtschichten eingelegt, als er Ende letzten Jahres Theater in New York gespielt hat oder er hat seinen Doppelgänger Robert Hermitage geschickt oder es war ganz anders….
    Man darf gespannt sein!!!


  3. With all those great actresses, and James Corbin for comic relief, he will be in his element. They will fall in love with him, he will bask in it, and put his arm around every one of them. He will be smiling and joking for the duration. A (Romantic) Comedy could broaden his audience, and we know this will be distributed widely. I couldn’t be happier for him, or us.


  4. IMDB says Ocean’s Eight is in post production? Curious.


    • yeah — either he did it last fall or it is a very tiny role or both. It looks like there have been a lot of cameos announced just recently — this might be one of them.


  5. Just had a look on Wikipedia, apparently he is cameoing in the film- along with, wait for it…. Kim Kardashian and Kendall Jenner!! What?!


  6. Another cameo, how disappointing.


  7. Wow, yeah! That’s really something! Apparently they’ve been filming since the fall so I don’t expect his part to be large but still… working with the A-list here!


    • Still, it may not be so tiny. Since it’s in NYC, it could have had a lot to do with his much lower profile, lack of SDs, and missing that last talk. It would be just like him to start work on a movie while still working on a play. We know nothing of what he’s done since he flew home on the 18th, other than saying he would be doing some skiing when he was on TODAY.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. He may finally be getting to work with Cate Blanchett!


  9. Wow! Even if it’s a small cameo role, we can hope that he might reappear in a larger role if it turns into a franchise… and I’ve no doubt that we’ll get to see it! Wonder if this is why he dropped out of Miles?


  10. Prequel to Ocean’s 11 (12, 13…)? Where are Ocean’s 9+10? Okay, okay just being slightly confused, but happy for him.
    Wow, if this holds water. No wonder he’d rather do this than the other project. Look at the cast!!


  11. I do hope he has at least one scene with Cate Blanchett. 😀


  12. when i seen the title of this post/blog, i got excited because i was thinking it was going to be the one that starred George Clooney( ocean’s eleven,twelve,thirteen). because george tries his best to get everybody in his films equal face time/talk time,etc. but then i read the article and found out it was all women. don’t get me wrong, they have a great cast, but i am just disappointed that they didn’t give Mr. Richard Armitage a lead role or something than a cameo or maybe that is all Mr. Richard Armitage wanted to do was a cameo. if he did that it is such a shame, he should know and they should know that he is a great actor.


    • He’s not really in the crowd of actors who’d be included in the original franchise, I suspect. They’re a kind of modern day “rat pack” and he is not in that group.


  13. I do hope he has at least one scene with Cate Blanchett. 😀


    • Have been wondering, would just a cameo warrant a piece like this? “….joins the cast” indicates to me a role with more screen time than that. Wishful thinking probably!


      • Mmmmh…That sounds very reasonable, Mezz! His cameo in “Looking through…” was (as far as I remember) never officially announced!


      • From what I’ve seen of watching the Ocean’s films many times, “cameos” are usually very, very famous people in their fields doing a small bit calling attention to the world of money and glamour. “Cast members” tend to have at least one good scene as a character or play an integral (though sometimes quiet) role in the caper. So, I think there’s room to hope.


  14. Finally, the Australians can be in the audience! Yay!


  15. Did Mindy Kaling go see Love Love Love? I can’t remember.


  16. Good for him, although I would prefer a bigger role than this is likely to be, with his other obligations, the time it was filmed, and this cast, which suggests all-female leads… I was rather disappointed with Alice because his role was so tiny.


  17. Richard in another cameo, It is not that easy to break into the big screen and baby steps are not unheard of and with his large feet and acting talent his baby steps will be kind of of huge, plus it is a movie to get him out there, seen and one that will be gratefully released with such a cast. Looking forward to it and he proves again how many irons he can keep in the fire going at once. Our workaholic on the go.


  18. Grrr…just read that Kim and Kendall K will be making cameos. Found this pic online. Can’t tell if that is RA close to top right.


  19. Well, well! This excites me!!! I love the Ocean’s franchise…and even a spin off with the same director looks promising!!! So, I’m smiling!! Glad he gets to work with such fabulous people…not impressed by some others, but hey! He’s clearly making his own choices and loving his work!!!!


  20. He constantly surprises! That weirdness with Miles, and then this news comes out of nowhere.

    This will definitely come to Netflix, so I’ll watch it eventually!


    • I think that (unless this gets savaged somehow with a Ghostbusters-style trolling campaign) this film will be really widely seen.


  21. […] “Richard Armitage joins Ocean’s 8,” January 17, 2017. Pure news report, but the first news was exciting! […]


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