Richard Armitage extended R&J interview posted for Valentine’s Day

~ by Servetus on February 14, 2017.

14 Responses to “Richard Armitage extended R&J interview posted for Valentine’s Day”

  1. Yeah 🙂 I desperatly need words to describe him!


  2. It is unbelievable, how I have missed him talking about his work. That speaking with hands, looking for the right words in the middle of the sentence, that faraway look, and his sense of humour! Love it and love him!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Perfect gift for Valentine’s Day!


  4. Mir fehlen die Worte… 🙂
    Herzlichen Dank für dieses Kleinod! Jetzt gehe ich zu Bett und träume hoffentlich süß.


  5. Charming interview and I agree with what he says about the struggle to find the right words to articulate a feeling.
    Although it made me chuckle that the bit of this interview where he goes on to talk about terrible hangovers, fistfights, shouting matches, tears and hysterics was edited out for this Valentines Day version!! 😆


  6. I very much enjoyed the interview of Mr. Richard Armitage. He was so mesmerizing/charming. loved how he expressed his passion about this reading of Romeo and Juliet with his voice and especially his hands.


  7. Mezmerized by the hands once again.
    Thanks for posting this.


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