Wow! Ashley Judd joins Berlin Station [Richard Armitage, you can kiss her any time]

I love Ashley Judd. She’s the new chief of station. Story here.

I would not mind one bit if Richard Armitage’s character had to kiss Ashley Judd’s character.

Oh, and they’re beginning in Berlin on March 31.

~ by Servetus on March 21, 2017.

34 Responses to “Wow! Ashley Judd joins Berlin Station [Richard Armitage, you can kiss her any time]”

  1. Agreed across the board.


  2. Wonderful news!


  3. Thumbs up!


  4. Wow, the FB comments are brutal.


  5. Not just the FB, but Twitter also.


  6. Oh dear. I have no preconceived ideas about Judd – I had not heard of her and have never seen her in anything. When I just googled her, I was appalled. The majority of items that come up when you search for her name, are reports in conservative, centre-right, if not right-wing media. I didn’t even bother reading those; I doubt they will even attempt an even-handed insight into the person. I am appalled at the comments on the FB link you provided, though. And I suspect she’ll have lots to discuss with Forbes and Armitage. Social media woes with the latter, particularly…


    • I didn’t know about her political activism either, although I have seen some of her work. I quite like her. It’s too early for me to have an opinion about her views as I know too little about her convictions and about how she approaches the causes she’s passionate about.

      Liked by 1 person

    • She has been very good in anything I’ve seen her in.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I loved her in Ruby in Paradise (one of my top ten ever US films) and ST:TNG and she’s been a few other things I’ve seen. She’s written a really insightful memoir. And I admire her humanitarian work — she’s actually visited the DRC. I just saw that she got divorced; that’s really unfortunate.


    • oh, and Sisters! One of my favorite shows at the time.


  7. I wonder how long filming will take this time ’round? Four months for season 1; I doubt season 2 will take that long.


  8. She’s played a bad-ass women in a few films. I’m just wondering how she will fit in with Michelle Forbes’s character – if Forbes is even returning, because they’ve played the same type in a few films/series – though ideologically, they would be simpatico, I would think. Do we know if the Valerie character is returning? If I were casting, I wouldn’t have both of them.


  9. Yikes! Those FB comments are brutal. I admire and respect her activism and think she’s a great actress. And when casting for a show it is the latter the producers should be focusing on.


    • She benefits from having celebrity relatives, but she has genuine talent. Also: she speaks really beautifully. But I think her “connections” part of where this hostility comes from — because of her notoriety within cultural circles that tend to be more politically conservative (country music), there’s a greater rage that she doesn’t subscribe to all of that.


  10. Forbes is returning. She tweeted a welcome to Judd, as did Orser, so I am guessing we ought to see something from Armitage soon. Or a RT at least. Two strong brunettes ( at least as of now, brunettes) – should be interesting.


    • supposedly she’s the “station whisperer”? Maybe she will try to get Valerie and Bob to get along with each other 🙂


  11. Certainly good for raising the show’s visibility, and I can easily see her doing well in this particular role. Unfortunately for me, she’s always been one of those people I just can’t warm up to as an actress or person. I think her acting is good but overrated (agree she was great in Ruby in Paradise, but haven’t liked her performances in other things like De-Lovely). And as much as I agree with her politics and causes, I can’t get past the fact that I often find her to be arrogant and pretentious – the fact that she’d even consider running for the Senate only confirmed that view (you’ll forgive me if I’m down these days on political neophytes running for high office), as have accounts I’ve read over the years from behind-the-scenes types who say she’s very high-maintenance.


    • I think she’s probably a fragile flower (her own autobiography, which is really interesting to read — read it a few years ago) suggests this. And she’s definitely someone who lets her outrage take control of her.


    • I guess the show will benefit from big names. But I can’t imagine that Valerie’s and her character will get along too well. Simply too much similarity…
      Btw, I love the expression ‘political neophyte’!


  12. I really like her, and would love to see some chemistry between Richard and her as I think his thing with the German spy is probably over. Will Ashley and Michelle be buddies or have an antagonist relationship? They did a lot last season with Michelle being isolated so having another woman in a position of leadership is something they will no doubt explore in one direction or other.


    • Huh, I had the opposite impression — Esther was promoted and Daniel is still in Berlin, so they’ll still have plenty of reason to be in contact. I didn’t feel like that was resolved at all.

      I wonder if Valerie will conform more to the chain of command under new management?


      • I just think Daniel may feel even more betrayed by Esther and there will be less advantage to their relationship for either. I imagined that things would be angry between them, or at least on Daniel’s side. But maybe I’m wrong. It was by no means a healthy or normal relationship before, so the writers can certainly do whatever they want with it.

        Maybe Valerie will have more respect for the Ashley Judd character than she did the men.


    • Maybe a minority opinion but Esther and Daniel were the only thing I really liked about the show and was hoping it would continue in Season 2.
      Really liked the actress who played Esther.


      • I think Mina Tander is a good actress. I thought the relationship as scripted wasn’t all that interesting because the characters are so similar in personality.


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